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EUCAP Sahel Niger: new head of mission appointed

European Council - Tue, 26/07/2016 - 12:11

On 26 July 2016, Ms Kirsi Henriksson, a senior diplomat from Finland, was appointed Head of the European Union mission in Niger, EUCAP Sahel Niger. She will take up her duties on 1 September 2016. She will replace Mr Filip de Ceuninck who had been in the position since 2013.

EUCAP Sahel Niger was launched in 2012 to support capacity building of the Nigerien security actors. The mission provides advice and training to support the Nigerien authorities in strengthening their security capabilities.  It contributes to the development of an integrated, coherent, sustainable, and human rights-based approach among the various Nigerien security agencies in the fight against terrorism and organised crime. On 18 July 2016 its mandate was amended to also assist the Nigerien central and local authorities as well as the security forces in developing policies, techniques and procedures to better control and combat irregular migration

Since 2014, Ms Henriksson has been the Deputy Head of Mission for EUCAP Sahel Mali. She has a background both from civilian CSDP, Crisis Management Centre Finland, Ministry of Interior and from academia. She has previously held positions such as: Acting Chief of Staff EUBAM Libya (May-Aug 2014); Head of Planning and Evaluation, EUBAM Libya (2014); Planning and Evaluation Officer, EUBAM Libya (2013-2014); Rule of Law expert, Evaluation and Best Practice Officer, EUJUST LEX Iraq (2010-2011); Head of Development, Crisis Management Center Finland (CMC Finland), Ministry of the Interior (MoI); Researcher, CMC Finland, MoI (2007); Researcher and lecturer at the Department of History and Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, University of Tampere, Finland (1996-2006). She speaks Finnish, English, French, Swedish, German, and has a basic knowledge of Arabic.

The decision was taken by the Political and Security Committee.

Categories: European Union

Good morning, world!

The European Political Newspaper - Tue, 26/07/2016 - 12:11
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Thomas Friedman defends that we need a Multi World in a time of crescendous competition in the Global Economy, He proposes new collaborative platforms between the different actors, with the strategic challenge of reinforcing the central competences of society and qualifying them as the unique ways of creation of value and modernity. The Multi World is facing also a unique opportunity. There is more and more a sense that the World is not flat and we effectively need new answers to the complex problems we face.

The challenge of a Multi World demands an effective Partnership Contract between all the actors (States, Universities, Companies, Civil Society), in order to build a real Strategy of Confidence in the implementation of the different policies. The focus on Innovation and Knowledge as the drivers of creating added value with international dissemination is a unique challenge that may be the answer to a new way of interaction between those who have the responsibility of thinking and those that have the responsibility of producing goods and services.

The Multi World demands for an active entrepreneurial culture and attitude – “social active classes” in the World have most of the times  an effective negative attitude towards the financial risk, the focus on innovation and the share of a culture of positive dynamic. We need  World  to have a new challenge. Europe must be able to be the real Platform of a more Entrepreneurial Society, centered in new areas of knowledge and new sectors of value. In a World  3.0 Society, the key word is Co-creation. To promote a dynamic and active creation process involving each citizen is the big challenge for the next years in Europe. 

In a complex time of uncertainty,  the Multi World must be the most complete example of positive attitude towards the future. The Talents must be the new competitive advantage of this new Distinct World pushed by the “enablers” of  Modernity, Added Value and Excellence. A very clear idea that suits the big challenge that our society really faces and that requires new answers for different questions. The act of global  participation in such a demanding society is an exercise of commitment between the individual creativity and the collective cooperation. This is the key for the right future for Europe.

It´ s time to believe in a new cycle for our World. These are in fact the “drivers of change” for the World and civil society must be able to understand this new challenge and address effective answers to the different stakeholders of the system. The challenge of the Multi World  is in a large sense giving a new opportunity  to a new ambition. The Reinvention of World is the reinvention of its people and institutions. It ´s the conviction that in fact we have a future as individuals and society.

The post Good morning, world! appeared first on New Europe.

Categories: European Union

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Categories: European Union
