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BBC News - Africa
Mis à jour : il y a 1 mois 2 jours

Selfies in silk

mer, 05/04/2017 - 14:40
Billie Zangewa was among almost 100 African artists whose work was displayed at the Paris Art Fair.
Catégories: Africa

Hugo Broos 'does not want to leave Cameroon'

mer, 05/04/2017 - 13:42
Cameroon coach Hugo Broos insists he wants to stay in the job, just a week after saying he was seriously considering his future.
Catégories: Africa

Ghetto city

mer, 05/04/2017 - 01:16
How slums are offering low-tech smart solutions to common city problems.
Catégories: Africa

What is a credit rating and why does it matter?

mar, 04/04/2017 - 17:12
South Africa has just had his credit rating downgraded to junk status. What is a credit rating and why does the downgrading matter?
Catégories: Africa

Costly junk

mar, 04/04/2017 - 14:52
The downgrading of South Africa's credit rating could have profound effects on the country's economy.
Catégories: Africa

Lamine Konkobo: Africa's new militant frontier

mar, 04/04/2017 - 01:05
Expanding their reach, jihadists are turning northern Burkina Faso into their latest stronghold.
Catégories: Africa

'I face prejudice'

lun, 03/04/2017 - 18:59
Isabel dos Santos, the eldest daughter of Angola's president and one of the richest women in Africa, says that people are prejudiced against her because of her background.
Catégories: Africa

Milton Nkosi: Knives out for President Zuma

lun, 03/04/2017 - 17:41
Can President Jacob Zuma survive the latest challenge in his political career, asks the BBC's Milton Nkosi.
Catégories: Africa

Dancing in Kenya's slums

lun, 03/04/2017 - 02:54
Joel Kioko has gone from growing up in a slum in Kenya's capital to being trained in a US ballet school.
Catégories: Africa

River of life

lun, 03/04/2017 - 02:11
Solving the water crisis for South Sudanese refugees.
Catégories: Africa

South Africa's leadership split

ven, 31/03/2017 - 14:09
President Zuma's midnight sacking of his finance minister will have long repercussions, writes the BBC's Milton Nkosi.
Catégories: Africa

Africa's top shots: 24-30 March 2017

ven, 31/03/2017 - 01:46
A selection of the best photos from across Africa this week.
Catégories: Africa

China's ivory trade ban

ven, 31/03/2017 - 01:27
China begins closing down its legal ivory trade, but will consumer attitudes to prized artwork change?
Catégories: Africa

Racing towards history

mer, 29/03/2017 - 21:52
The first bobsleigh team from Africa are on the verge of qualifying for the 2018 Olympics.
Catégories: Africa

UK protest over Nigeria, Ghana deportations

mer, 29/03/2017 - 06:53
Flights were temporarily halted on Tuesday evening after protestors locked themselves in an aircraft.
Catégories: Africa

Kasai unrest: UN experts found dead in DR Congo

mer, 29/03/2017 - 02:21
The bodies of a US man and a Swedish woman are found two weeks after they were abducted.
Catégories: Africa

Was Delhi attack racially motivated?

mer, 29/03/2017 - 01:44
Video footage shows Endurance Amalawa being attacked by a mob in India.
Catégories: Africa

Ivory Coast's former first lady Simone Gbagbo acquitted

mar, 28/03/2017 - 23:09
Crimes against humanity charges relate to the deadly violence after the 2010 presidential elections.
Catégories: Africa

DR Congo protests turn violent after power-sharing talks collapse

mar, 28/03/2017 - 20:23
Violence erupts after negotiations aimed at ending President Kabila's 17 years in power break down.
Catégories: Africa

Ahmed Kathrada: South Africa's anti-apartheid veteran dies

mar, 28/03/2017 - 18:27
Ahmed Kathrada, who spent 26 years in prison for his activism, was a close associate of Nelson Mandela.
Catégories: Africa
