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FROM THE FIELD: Solar power lights up Sudanese refugee camp

lun, 15/03/2021 - 05:05
In eastern Sudan, renewable energy is being trialled as a power source in UN-run refugee camps, where an influx of thousands of people fleeing conflict in Ethiopia is putting a strain on local resources, and host communities.

‘Guarantee due process’, says UN chief, following Bolivia opposition arrests

dim, 14/03/2021 - 17:19
UN Secretary-General António Guterres has recalled the importance of upholding due process in all legal proceedings, a day after the arrest of the former interim president of Bolivia, Jeanine Áñez, and several former ministers.

First Person: Poetry and the pain of loss and leaving; a voice from Syria

dim, 14/03/2021 - 07:20
A young Syrian woman has told the United Nations how poetry helped her to convey the emotions of all the children who have been caught up in the decade-long civil war in her country.

First Person: Women peacekeepers a ‘powerful image for girls in remote villages’

sam, 13/03/2021 - 14:00
Deputy Inspector Martina de Maria Sandoval Linares, from El Salvador always wanted to help others. Now, working as a UN Police officer, she has found her vocation, far from home in South Sudan. Ms. Linares, whose eight-year-old daughter and family are back in El Salvador, told UN News why the job is so rewarding, despite the sacrifices she makes.

Urgent funding needed for Mozambique, facing ‘triple threat’ of climate change, conflict and COVID-19

sam, 13/03/2021 - 07:25
Two years after Tropical Cyclone Idai and Cyclone Kenneth swept through Mozambique in March 2019, killing hundreds and leaving more than two million people in need of urgent humanitarian assistance, UN chief António Guterres has recalled the devastation he witnessed first-hand, in the aftermath of one of the worst weather-related disasters ever to hit the southern hemisphere.

New report details indigenous struggle for land rights

ven, 12/03/2021 - 22:35
Although the world’s indigenous peoples live in areas that contain around 80 per cent of the planet’s biodiversity, many still struggle to maintain their legal rights to lands, territories and resources, according to a new UN report published on Friday. 

UN chief calls for ‘unconditional release’ of abducted students in Nigeria

ven, 12/03/2021 - 22:30
The UN chief on Friday, has strongly condemned the latest mass kidnapping of students in Nigeria, in the country’s northwestern region. 

INTERVIEW: The women activists aiming to make history in Vanuatuan politics

mer, 03/03/2021 - 06:50
The Republic of Vanuatu is one of the few countries in the world without a single woman representative in parliament, but two determined activists are committed to ending that situation, and ensuring that women’s voices are heard by the island nation’s most senior decision-makers.

FROM THE FIELD: Taming the illegal wildlife trafficking trade

mer, 03/03/2021 - 06:20
Cargo ships have become increasingly favoured over the last year as a means for criminal organizations to transport illegal wildlife products, , after COVID-19 related restrictions disrupted other forms of transportation.

Rights experts condemn ongoing demolition of Palestinian Bedouin village

mar, 02/03/2021 - 22:56
Two independent UN human rights experts are urging Israel to halt efforts to demolish the Palestinian village of Humsa Al-Bqai'a, fearing it is part of a wider pattern of forcible removals and displacement.  

Untreated hearing loss threatens nearly 2.5 billion people worldwide – WHO 

mar, 02/03/2021 - 22:40
By 2050, around one-in-four people will be living with some degree of hearing loss, the UN health agency warned on Tuesday, in its first World Report on Hearing. 

Secretary-General urges countries to end ‘deadly addiction’ to coal

mar, 02/03/2021 - 21:35
The world still has a “fighting chance” to limit global warming by ending dependence on coal, UN Secretary-General António Guterres told representatives from governments, local authorities and the private sector, meeting online on Tuesday. 

First Person: fighting for women’s financial freedom

mar, 02/03/2021 - 19:45
Around the world, the opportunities for women to lead successful, financially secure lives are being limited by government legislation, company policies and deep-rooted misogyny. The UN is leading efforts to give women more access to digital financial tools, seen as essential to playing a full part in the global economy.

Environmental racism in Louisiana’s ‘Cancer Alley’, must end, say UN human rights experts

mar, 02/03/2021 - 19:07
The further industrialization of so-called “Cancer Alley” in the southern United States, known for its pollution-emitting chemical plants, should be halted according to a large group of independent UN human rights experts, who on Tuesday branded it a form of “environmental racism”. 

Equitable vaccine delivery plan needs more support to succeed: COVAX partners

mar, 02/03/2021 - 17:40
The equitable coronavirus vaccine delivery initiative COVAX that has delivered its first doses to West Africa and Latin America in the past few days, is a credit to international solidarity, but potential obstacles must be overcome if a fully global rollout is to be achieved, UN health agency chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Tuesday.

UN agencies appeal for $266 million to feed refugees in eastern Africa

mar, 02/03/2021 - 17:12
A funding shortfall is putting the lives of some three million refugees in eastern Africa at risk, two UN agencies warned on Tuesday. 

Reflect nature’s ‘true value’ in economic policies and decisions, UN chief urges

mar, 02/03/2021 - 15:10
Nations must start weighing up the cost of economic profit against damage to the environment if they are to have a chance at a sustainable future, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said on Tuesday. 

Abducted girls released in northwest Nigeria, as fresh attacks rock country’s northeast

mar, 02/03/2021 - 15:06
While the release of more than 200 girls abducted from their school on Friday in northwest Nigeria is a welcome development said senior UN officials there on Tuesday, civilians and aid facilities have come under attack in the country’s northeast, highlighting the plight of civilians who have suffered years of conflict and insecurity.  

‘We sink or we swim together’: 5 things you need to know about COVAX

mar, 02/03/2021 - 02:20
COVAX has been trending in stories about the COVID-19 pandemic in recent days, particularly in relation to the shipment of vaccines to Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, the first to arrive in Africa. Here’s a UN News recap of what COVAX is, and why it is so important.

UN’s nuclear watchdog agency will not be ‘bargaining chip’ in Iran nuclear deal

lun, 01/03/2021 - 23:17
The head of the UN’s nuclear watchdog agency told journalists on Monday that inspections in Iran should not be used as a “bargaining chip” to revive a troubled nuclear deal. 
