News & EU policy from Europe, for Europe
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mer, 04/12/2019 - 08:33
Europe faces environmental challenges “of unprecedented scale and urgency,” according to a comprehensive overview of air, land and water ecosystems published on Wednesday (4 December) by the European Environment Agency.
mer, 04/12/2019 - 08:28
The verdict of the EEA’s “State of the Environment Report 2020” is scathing. But if we get it right, the European Green Deal can provide us with a unique opportunity to turn the tide, writes Ester Asin.
mer, 04/12/2019 - 08:23
EU ministers gather Wednesday (4 December) in a bid to chart progress on the Eurozone reform ahead of the EU Council summit next week. However, recent political developments in Rome and Berlin may hinder talks on the matter.
mer, 04/12/2019 - 08:20
Campaigning for the decisive UK election on December 12 is going full tilt. As polarisation over Brexit overshadows Britain’s notoriously hard-to-call ballot, Jess Smee explains the impact of the media and, in particular, of digital channels.
mer, 04/12/2019 - 08:16
The European Commission has determined that the Czech Republic must return hundreds of millions of crowns in EU subsidies as Prime Minister Andrej Babiš did not sufficiently separate himself from holdings that received the funds, Czech news websites reported.
mer, 04/12/2019 - 08:15
Finland's presidency proposed an EU’s seven-year budget that leaves allocations for direct payments and market measures as they were set up in Common Agricultural Policy's Commission proposal, adding €10 billion of fresh money in the rural development funds.
mer, 04/12/2019 - 08:15
As NATO leaders gather for what is set to be an ill-tempered working session on Wednesday (4 December), asked EU and NATO stakeholders to assess challenges ahead and the future of the Alliance.
mer, 04/12/2019 - 07:00
We all want the best for Europe: for our citizens, for our industries, for our consumers, for the future.
mar, 03/12/2019 - 16:45
If journalists are silenced, there is no democracy. Killing journalists is nothing but a mafia show of force.