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What Will It Take for Syrian Refugees to Return Home?

lun, 28/05/2018 - 06:00
International forums have taken for granted that refugees will return to Syria once a political settlement is in place, but it might not be that simple.

Korea Summitry

ven, 25/05/2018 - 06:00
With the June 12 Singapore summit off for now, the Trump administration needs to rethink its desire for a quick, sweeping deal that solves the problem posed by North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs.

Italy's Revolt Against the EU

jeu, 24/05/2018 - 06:00
Italy's new government is going to push back against any attempt by outside actors to force it to rein in its ambitions.

The Reinvention of Iraq's Muqtada al-Sadr

jeu, 24/05/2018 - 06:00
The win of Muqtada al-Sadr and his political alliance in the recent parliamentary election signaled that at least in this vote, sectarianism had supplanted populism as the dominant force in Iraqi politics.

How Africa Is Bucking the Isolationist Trend

mer, 23/05/2018 - 06:00
The world is turning isolationist. Africa is a striking exception.

Will Colombia Make Peace With Its Peace Deal?

mer, 23/05/2018 - 06:00
Over the year and a half since its signing, the peace deal continues to face mounting challenges in turning its terms into a reality.

Beijing’s Building Boom

lun, 21/05/2018 - 06:00
The West long ago ceded leadership in overseas infrastructure building to China. Now U.S. and European-sponsored projects are less viable than their Chinese counterparts.

The End of the Iran Deal Could Destabilize Iraq

ven, 18/05/2018 - 06:00
The real question now facing Iraq is how Iran will choose to respond to Trump’s withdrawal from the JCPOA.

Deciphering Kim Jong Un's Motives

mer, 16/05/2018 - 06:00
Trump should think strategically about the motivations of all the summit’s key players: North Korea, China, South Korea, Japan, and Russia. What is it that they really want?

Why Trump Can Safely Ignore Europe

mar, 15/05/2018 - 06:00
The real question is not whether Europeans are pissed off but whether they will do anything in response to Trump’s actions. The answer is most likely no.

The Never-Ending War on Terror

ven, 11/05/2018 - 06:00
The United States is failing to win its war on terrorism because al Qaeda and the Islamic State represent only a fraction of the real enemy: a global movement, unified by an ideology—Salafi jihadism—that exists outside of al Qaeda or the Islamic State.

Is Washington Too Focused on Iran's Nuclear Program?

mer, 09/05/2018 - 06:00
For nearly a decade, the nuclear question has crowded out serious deliberations over a broader policy toward Iran.

Trump's Trade Rhetoric Is Already Hurting America

lun, 07/05/2018 - 06:00
Trump is raising uncertainty and degrading America's international authority on economic policy.

The Pentagon's Transparency Problem

mer, 02/05/2018 - 06:00

With the war in Afghanistan now in its 17th year, the U.S. military is engaged in the longest stretch of armed conflict in its history. And yet its leaders are keeping the American public in the dark about its operations around the world, while seeking to obscure what little information is available.

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May/June 2018

mar, 17/04/2018 - 06:00

The End of the Democratic Century

lun, 16/04/2018 - 06:00

At the height of World War II, Henry Luce, the founder of Time magazine, argued that the United States had amassed such wealth and power that the twentieth century would come to be known simply as “the American Century.” His prediction proved prescient: despite being challenged for supremacy by Nazi Germany and, later, the Soviet Union, the United States prevailed against its adversaries. By the turn of the millennium, its position as the most powerful and influential state in the world appeared unimpeachable. As a result, the twentieth century was marked by the dominance not just of a particular country but also of the political system it helped spread: liberal democracy. 

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Why Liberalism Failed

lun, 16/04/2018 - 06:00
Western democracies are in trouble, grappling with rising inequality, lost confidence in government, fraying social fabrics, and intense political divides.

Perception and Misperception on the Korean Peninsula

jeu, 05/04/2018 - 06:00
To have any chance of success, U.S. strategy toward North Korea must be guided by an accurate sense of how Kim’s regime thinks and what it knows about Washington. Failure to do so could lead the United States to stumble into the worst conflict since World War II.

Was Letting China Into the WTO a Mistake?

lun, 02/04/2018 - 03:44
In 2001, the reality was that there was really no better alternative than to let China join the WTO.

Has a New Cold War Really Begun?

mar, 27/03/2018 - 06:00

For about four years now, since Russia’s occupation of Crimea and China’s launch of the Belt and Road Initiative, there has been much speculation about whether another Cold War between East and West is coming. In the last month alone, headlines have proclaimed that “The New Cold War Is Here,” heralded “Putin’s New Cold War,” and warned that “Trump Is Preparing for a New Cold War.” But are we really returning to the past? Contemporary politics is full of false analogies, and the return of the Cold War seems to be one of them.

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