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Diplomacy & Crisis News

Les paumés du petit matin

Le Monde Diplomatique - ven, 03/06/2016 - 15:31
Au matin, quand il se réveille dans une chambre inconnue auprès de sa meilleure amie couverte de sang, le narrateur sait qu'il est « dans une situation problématique ». C'est exact. D'ailleurs, tout dans sa vie est problématique. Il a une bonne trentaine, une épouse, il vit toujours chez ses parents — (...) / , , , , , , - 2016/06

Nepal's Divisive New Constitution: An Existential Crisis

Crisisgroup - ven, 03/06/2016 - 11:48
This panel discussion in cooperation with the India China Institute looks at Nepal’s urgent political, legal, and human rights challenges and presents the findings of our report Nepal's Divisive New Constitution: An Existential Crisis

Top relief official says UN and partners doing ‘everything they can’ for people in Fallujah

UN News Centre - jeu, 02/06/2016 - 23:51
Expressing his deep concern at the plight of civilians trapped in the besieged Iraqi city of Fallujah in Iraq, the most senior United Nations relief official today underlined that the Organization and its partners are doing everything they can to scale up humanitarian assistance.

Security Council condemns Al-Shabaab attack on hotel in Mogadishu

UN News Centre - jeu, 02/06/2016 - 23:08
The United Nations Security Council today strongly condemned the deadly attack on 1 June 2016 perpetrated by Al-Shabaab militants on the Ambassador Hotel, Mogadishu.

Iraq: despite hundreds killed in May, UN says will of civilians ‘remains unshaken’

UN News Centre - jeu, 02/06/2016 - 22:43
A total of 867 Iraqis were killed and another 1,459 were injured in acts of terrorism, violence and armed conflict in Iraq in May 2016, according to casualty figures recorded by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI).

Joseph Roth, le saint buveur

Le Monde Diplomatique - jeu, 02/06/2016 - 16:18
C'est à Paris, dans un hôtel de la rue de Tournon, que le romancier autrichien Joseph Roth (1894-1939) termina sa vie, en s'adonnant jusqu'au bout à ses deux vices favoris : l'alcool et l'écriture. Le refuge de la rue de Tournon n'était à vrai dire qu'une des nombreuses stations de cet écrivain sans (...) / , , , , , - 2016/06

Pays du Golfe, États à risque

Le Monde Diplomatique - jeu, 02/06/2016 - 16:18
S'il est une région du monde qui concentre à la fois les attentions, les convoitises et les inquiétudes, c'est bien le golfe Arabo-Persique. / Arabie saoudite, Golfe, Iran, Géopolitique, Guérilla, Islam, Bahreïn, Yémen, A propos du « Diplo », Diplomatie - (...) / , , , , , , , , , - 2016/06

Una política de refugiados más humana

Crisisgroup - jeu, 02/06/2016 - 14:47
Los países europeos están aceptando migrantes e integrándolos en sus sociedades. Por lo que mi pregunta es: ¿por qué no más sirios? E, incluso, ¿por qué no mas iraquíes, afganos o somalíes? ¿Es una cuestión de racismo? ¿Es porque son sospechosos de crear riesgo de terrorismo? ¿Es porque no les consideran adecuadamente preparados o capacitados? Hay preguntas que los líderes de la Unión Europea necesitan comenzar a responder para superar la crisis de los refugiados.

Libya Isn’t Hillary’s Fault, Says Libyan

Foreign Policy - jeu, 02/06/2016 - 01:06
Republicans say Hillary Clinton botched the Libyan intervention, but Libya's ambassador says his country only has its own incompetent governments to blame.

Ballots and Bullets in the Heat of Mexico’s Drug War

Foreign Policy - mer, 01/06/2016 - 23:27
In the northeastern state of Tamaulipas, a culture of crime, cartels, and corruption is turning an upcoming vote into chaos.

U.S., Russia Slammed For Not Dropping Relief Aid in Syria

Foreign Policy - mer, 01/06/2016 - 23:24
A promise to deliver food from the sky runs into logistical and political snags.

Pakistan’s Quiet Revolution Against Polio

Foreign Policy - mer, 01/06/2016 - 23:08
While the country's path to eradication hasn’t been easy, there is now reason for optimism.

Trump, Who Promises To Win At Everything, Just Lost a Golf Tournament to Mexico

Foreign Policy - mer, 01/06/2016 - 22:27
The PGA is moving a marquee event from a Trump course in Florida to Mexico.

Students Who Cheat on Indian State Exams Should Not Agree to Be Quizzed on TV

Foreign Policy - mer, 01/06/2016 - 22:27
Two students who scored at the top of their class were unable to answer basic questions about the material in a TV interview.

China’s New Silk Road Into Europe Is About More Than Money

Foreign Policy - mer, 01/06/2016 - 22:18
Beijing is spending billions on new ports and rail lines, but its ambitions for Europe are as much about geopolitics as commerce.

Australian Lawmaker: I Shot and Ate an Elephant — and I Liked It

Foreign Policy - mer, 01/06/2016 - 21:26
Australian lawmakers sparred over elephant meat, and one of them said he liked eating it.

Guess Who Fortune 500 CEOs Want As the Next President? Hint: It’s Not Trump.

Foreign Policy - mer, 01/06/2016 - 21:06
There's broad support for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump among the leaders of the world's largest firms.

CrisisWatch | Tracking Conflict Worldwide

Crisisgroup - mer, 01/06/2016 - 19:32
The month saw Venezuela’s political, economic and humanitarian crisis worsen amid heightened tensions between the government and opposition, a situation which could lead to state collapse and regional destabilisation. Another major setback in electing a new president in Haiti prompted fears of further civil unrest. In West Africa, deadly violence in central Mali and south-east Nigeria spiked, while a power struggle in Guinea-Bissau led to a dangerous standoff. In Libya, factions for and against the fledgling Government of National Accord (GNA) advanced on Sirte to expel the Islamic State (IS), risking clashes over oil facilities, while Turkey saw heightened political polarisation and an increase in violence in Kurdish areas. Ongoing peace talks, despite slow progress and ongoing violence, remain the best chance to end major combat in Yemen.

CrisisWatch | Tracking Conflict Worldwide

Crisisgroup - mer, 01/06/2016 - 19:32
The month saw Venezuela’s political, economic and humanitarian crisis worsen amid heightened tensions between the government and opposition, a situation which could lead to state collapse and regional destabilisation. Another major setback in electing a new president in Haiti prompted fears of further civil unrest. In West Africa, deadly violence in central Mali and south-east Nigeria spiked, while a power struggle in Guinea-Bissau led to a dangerous standoff. In Libya, factions for and against the fledgling Government of National Accord (GNA) advanced on Sirte to expel the Islamic State (IS), risking clashes over oil facilities, while Turkey saw heightened political polarisation and an increase in violence in Kurdish areas. Ongoing peace talks, despite slow progress and ongoing violence, remain the best chance to end major combat in Yemen.

Coffee Is for Closers In Trump University Sales Playbook

Foreign Policy - mer, 01/06/2016 - 18:57
The Republican front-runner encouraged salespeople to use aggressive and underhanded tactics to sell Trump U.
