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UN envoy condemns latest Israeli settlement expansion plan

UN News Centre - jeu, 12/05/2022 - 22:18
The top UN official in the Middle East has urged Israel to halt all settlement activity following the latest approval given to new construction in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, announced on Thursday. 

Mariupol evacuations ‘a glimmer of hope’ in Ukraine war

UN News Centre - jeu, 12/05/2022 - 20:45
The United Nations continues to explore all options to reach civilians affected by Russia’s brutal assault on Ukraine, deputy humanitarian affairs chief Joyce Msuya said in an update to the Security Council on Thursday.

Le marché du blé pourra-t-il être codifié par un nouvel accord international ?

Le Monde Diplomatique - jeu, 12/05/2022 - 19:23
Réunie sous l'égide des Nations unies, une Conférence internationale du blé se déroule en deux phases à Genève. Une première session a tenu ses assises du 26 octobre au 16 novembre, et une seconde session est prévue dans le courant du premier trimestre de 1956. Eclipsée par l'importance de la Conférence (...) / , , , - 1956/01

UN focus on plant health, crucial for boosting food security worldwide

UN News Centre - jeu, 12/05/2022 - 19:06
On the very first International Day of Plant Health, marked on Thursday, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has called for more investment in innovation to boost food security, especially for the billions worldwide living close to the bread line.

WHO ready to support DPR Korea battle COVID-19 infections

UN News Centre - jeu, 12/05/2022 - 17:51
The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday that it is committed to helping the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), respond to COVID-19, after its first declared infection was reported in the media there.

Russia in spotlight over Ukraine atrocities as Human Rights Council meets

UN News Centre - jeu, 12/05/2022 - 17:33
The UN Human Rights Council met in special session on Thursday in Geneva, prompted by increasing concern over atrocities committed against civilians, linked to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24 February.

Présence des poètes

Le Monde Diplomatique - jeu, 12/05/2022 - 17:23
« Le rêve est une seconde vie. Je n'ai pu percer sans frémir ces portes d'ivoire ou de corne qui nous séparent du monde invisible. » Cet extrait d'Aurélia fait face à un magnifique portrait de Gérard de Nerval — un poète qui a décidé « de ne pas baisser la garde, de ne pas être indigne / de ses désirs, de (...) / , , , , , - 2017/05

Le président Marcos allié gênant et retors des États-Unis

Le Monde Diplomatique - jeu, 12/05/2022 - 15:17
« Le monde ne peut qu'avoir confiance dans les Etats-Unis. Comme nous, fidèles à ce pays qui a été pendant quarante-huit ans notre ami et protecteur. Agir autrement signifierait perdre la foi dans la démocratie, en notre avenir et en nous-mêmes... Pour nous, la voie la plus sûre — et je crois (...) / , , , - 1985/12

Another European war ‘not an impossibility’; unity crucial in Bosnia and Herzegovina

UN News Centre - mer, 11/05/2022 - 23:17
Amidst rising tensions, a months-long political stalemate and increasing speculation about yet another conflict in Europe, the international community must stand firm behind a peaceful, unified Bosnia and Herzegovina, the country’s UN envoy told the Security Council on Wednesday.

Yemen: $33 million pledged to address decaying oil tanker threat

UN News Centre - mer, 11/05/2022 - 22:45
Donors on Wednesday pledged $33 million towards a UN-coordinated plan to prevent an ageing oil tanker moored off the west Coast of Yemen from sparking a potential ecological and humanitarian disaster. 

Dialogue and cooperation needed over ‘interlinked global crises’ UN chief says in Austria

UN News Centre - mer, 11/05/2022 - 21:41
The world is facing “multiple and interlinked global crises,” the UN chief told journalists in Austria on Wednesday during a joint press conference with Chancellor Karl Nehammer and Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg.

UN officials call for probe into killing of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh

UN News Centre - mer, 11/05/2022 - 20:58
Senior officials from across the United Nations are calling for an investigation into the killing on Wednesday of well-known Al Jazeera correspondent Shireen Abu Akleh. 

Front de gauche, ou la fin d'une malédiction

Le Monde Diplomatique - mer, 11/05/2022 - 18:40
Avec un score de 11,1% pour son candidat, un résultat un peu décevant mais loin d'être mauvais pour le baptême du feu présidentiel d'une galaxie de gauche longtemps éparpillée, le Front de gauche espère influer sur les décisions financières du prochain gouvernement. / France, Communisme, Élections, Parti (...) / , , , , , - 2012/05

Putin’s Perilous Imperial Dream

Foreign Affairs - mar, 10/05/2022 - 03:27
Why empires and nativism don’t mix

How Azerbaijan assisted Turkish-Israeli reconciliation

Foreign Policy Blogs - lun, 09/05/2022 - 18:43

In recent days, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sent a congratulatory letter to Israel’s President Isaac Herzog ahead of Israeli Independence Day.  In the letter, he said: “On the occasion of the National Day of the State of Israel, I extend congratulations to Your Excellency and the people of Israel on behalf of my nation and myself.”

“In the new period in our relations, heralded by Your Excellency’s visit to our country in March, I sincerely believe that the cooperation between our countries will develop in a way that serves our mutual national interests, as well as regional peace and stability,” he added.  Erdogan also extended his wishes “for the health and happiness of Your Excellency, and for the well-being and prosperity of the people of Israel.”  This was the third time in recent weeks that Herzog and Erdogan spoke over the phone.  The question remains, what role did Azerbaijan play in improving Turkish-Israeli relations?  

Lev Spivak, head of the Aziz organization, believes that Azerbaijan played a major role in this: “If you pay attention, when Herzog was in Turkey and spoke with Erdogan, Aliyev was also there.  They also wrote in the media that he was there, but did not say anything.  I think that Azerbaijan does everything to improve the relationship between Israel and Turkey because it is also good for Azerbaijan.”

According to him, “I believe that the gas between Israel and Europe should also include Turkey and Azerbaijan.  That is the basis of the reconciliation.   I think that Israel and Turkey can return to having good relations.  It will take some time.  But the mess between the two is only political.  The economic and trade relations are good.   Everything is fine except in the political arena.  Thus, it will be very easy for things to return to being good.”

Rabbi Shmuel Simantov concurred: “First of all, the president of Azerbaijan and the president of Turkey are close friends, like brothers.  Thus, Azerbaijan can help a lot.   Aside from that, there are many other things that can be utilized to improve the relationship.   The Turks and Azeris view the Jews to be loyal people.   Anti-Semitism is not a part of the culture.   That is why it is easy for Israel to make peace with Turkey.   The Diaspora of Turks and the Azerbaijan Diaspora influence each other all over the world.”

Turkish journalist Rafael Sadi added: “Good relations are a positive thing and there must be good relations with everybody.   Now, it sounds like a dream but if we do not dream, we will never progress.   Also Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream.   For this to be realized, first Israel and Turkey must normalize the relationship and exchange ambassadors.  Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu is expected to visit on the 24th of this month in Israel.  From there, we will see if the relationship is moving in the right direction.”

Zali De Toledo, who served as Israel’s Cultural Attaché in Turkey and used to chair the Association of Turkish Jews in Israel, emphasized: “Azerbaijan is a sister country of Turkey because of the language and religion.   There is a 20,000 strong Jewish community in Azerbaijan living in peace.   We also have a good relationship with Azerbaijan.  Azerbaijan can improve the relationship between Turkey and Israel.  Improved relations are long overdue.”  Nevertheless, she noted that Turkey will have elections in 2023 and this could influence Turkish-Israeli reconciliation: “We don’t know what will happen in the 2023 elections.”       

Can Ukraine’s Military Keep Winning?

Foreign Affairs - dim, 08/05/2022 - 19:31
As the Kremlin’s strategy shifts, so must Kyiv’s.

The Polish Rekonstuckcja

Foreign Policy Blogs - jeu, 05/05/2022 - 21:46

From the end of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth to their status during the Napoleonic Wars and Interwar period, Poland has always tried to achieve their own true independence. The post Soviet era gave rebirth to Poland as an independently governed nation state, separate from the direct influence of empires of the past like the Austro-Hungarians and Soviets, and persistent powers like Germany and Russia.

While freedom did come with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the position of Poland between two European powers meant that it had to always survive strategically, knowing that its borders will be challenged perpetually. This focus on tactical survival also gave rise to creative solutions in challenging great power struggles, with some notable successes that have influenced the rest of Europe and the world.

No one would doubt the great humanitarian relief effort Poland has engaged in helping their neighbours in Ukraine. Polish sympathies lay in the knowledge of their own history and risks to their nation. Ukraine has been affected recently by Putin’s Russia as Poland had been in the past, by both German and Russian invasions alike. Poland knows that much of the catalyst for this current conflict comes from their position in Europe and the world as well as a history of Realpolitik that has targeted Poland, and now Ukraine.

A struggle can be won in the long term through soft power, as much as it can be with tanks and artillery. Pope John Paul II was respected and loved by Catholics and non-Catholics alike through his peace initiatives in the 1980s and support for Polish freedom and a life outside of Communism. His movement encouraging his native Poland and Eastern Europeans to push away from communist values helped greatly in the peaceful protest against Soviet control in the region.

The Solidarnosc Movement in the early 80s helped tremendously in the defeat of Communist in Poland and Europe, but was the culmination of years of grass roots activism. The gradual gaining of support of workers unions due to higher living costs and food prices established the Solidarity Movement, one of the largest political challenges to Moscow in the last years of the Soviet Union. This workers movement against Communism lead to the leader of the movement, Lech Walesa, and the Solidarity Party to lead Poland out of the Soviet era and helped put Poland in line for EU membership.

Poland knows what can come from threats to their borders and that their borders have not always been where they now stand. Much of the humanitarian relief at the Polish border is connected to cities like Lviv that used to itself be a part of Poland before it was annexed by the Soviets. Along with humanitarian aid that has stressed the capabilities for assistance for Poland and its people, military aid from Poland’s older Soviet era military stocks have been dedicated to Ukraine’s War effort. Despite some hiccups in the past in rearming its defense capabilities, Poland is now due to receive US made M1 Abrams tanks to displace its T-72 types donated to Ukraine, along with the more modern anti-missile versions of the Patriot PAC-3 missile systems. Poland will most likely have its military rearmed and upgraded while giving its current inventory to Ukraine. This will result in one of the most powerful and modern militaries in Europe.

Turning Poland into a defensive fortress and protected humanitarian settlement while supporting Ukrainian fighters shows that Poland likely understand more than any other nation the suffering at the hands of a foreign power in Europe. This achievement may look short term, but it is the result of generations of Polish leaders and citizens working to keep Poland free from influence and enshrine its place in Europe and the world.

The Philippines’ Strongman Problem

Foreign Affairs - mer, 04/05/2022 - 23:26
Why political dynasties are dominating the presidential election.

The New Cold War Could Soon Heat Up

Foreign Affairs - mer, 04/05/2022 - 23:05
Why Russia and the West might escalate the fight over Ukraine.

The Coup in the Kremlin

Foreign Affairs - mar, 03/05/2022 - 21:48
Putin and the security services have captured the Russian state.
