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Russian MoD received 2,700 weapon systems in 2020

Jane's Defense News - mer, 06/01/2021 - 14:26
The Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) received some 2,700 major weapon systems and 52,500 support systems in 2020, Deputy Defence Minister Alexey Krivoruchko told the...
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Hyundai Rotem aims to roll out unmanned K1 MBT testbed by 2024

Jane's Defense News - mer, 06/01/2021 - 14:25
South Korea’s Hyundai Rotem has been selected as prime contractor to develop technologies that would enable the Republic of Korea Army (RoKA) to convert its existing...
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Upgraded Northern Fleet Akula moves out of repair hall

Jane's Defense News - mer, 06/01/2021 - 13:17
A long-delayed project to upgrade Russian Northern Fleet Akula-class nuclear-powered attack submarines (SSNs) appears to be building momentum after a second boat was...
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

India's technology policy calls for greater R&D collaboration

Jane's Defense News - mer, 06/01/2021 - 13:15
India’s newly published Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy (STIP) has called for closer collaboration between state agencies and the private sector in...
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Turkey leads NATO VJTF in 2021

Jane's Defense News - mer, 06/01/2021 - 13:14
The Turkish Army is leading the NATO Response Force (NRF) Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF) in 2021, NATO announced on its website on 30 December. The VJTF...
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Japan looks to enhance F-X industrial efficiencies through incentives

Jane's Defense News - mer, 06/01/2021 - 10:52
The Japanese Ministry of Defense (MoD) aims to implement its new “incentivised” contracting system in the country’s F-X programme to develop a next-generation fighter...
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Italy, United Kingdom And Sweden Sign Tempest FCAS Cooperation Memorandum Of Understanding

The Aviationist Blog - mar, 05/01/2021 - 14:04

The three countries agreed to an equal cooperation for research, development and joint concepting of the Tempest FCAS ahead of the Project Arrangement and Full Development phase from 2025. The Italian Minister of Defense Lorenzo [...]

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Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

US Army receives second Iron Dome battery

Jane's Defense News - mar, 05/01/2021 - 10:08
Israel has delivered the second of two Iron Dome batteries to the US Army in preparation for the service to train soldiers on how to use the weapon before potentially...
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

That Time B-2A Spirit AV-3 Made An Emergency Landing On Rogers Dry Lake And Firetrucks Couldn’t Find It

The Aviationist Blog - lun, 04/01/2021 - 21:47

This is the story of the B-2A Spirit AV-3 (Air Vehicle 3) and its emergency landing during a test flight. Today, we have become quite used to the shape of the B-2A Spirit, but more [...]

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Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

EDA to support ‘European Patrol Corvette’ PESCO project

EDA News - lun, 04/01/2021 - 12:33

EDA’s Steering Board recently approved the launch of a specific EDA ad hoc project which will contribute to the implementation of a Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) project aimed at developing a European Patrol Corvette. Italy, which leads a group of four PESCO participating countries involved in EPC (together with France, Spain and Greece), had requested the Agency’s support for moving this ambitious project forward. 

Part of the third batch of PESCO projects approved in November 2019, the project aims at designing and developing a new class of military ship, named “European Patrol Corvette” (EPC), which will   host several systems and payloads able to accomplish a large number of tasks and missions in a modular and flexible way. The EPC will provide valuable capabilities in the areas of maritime situational awareness, surface superiority and power projection. The participating Member States aim to produce their first corvette prototype in 2026-2027. 

The EPC is envisaged as a common platform, a shared baseline, which can be customised as needed by participating Member States according to their national needs and specifications. The overall displacement is expected to be no more than 3,000 tonnes, which will allow the ship to operate from minor harbours (draft less than 5.5 meters). The length of the ship, to be equipped with diesel and/or electrical engines, should not exceed 110 meters.  

The ship will be based on an open plug-and-play architecture which will facilitate the versatility of response in the framework of EU CSDP operations and will provide a quick reaction capability, applicable to a broad range of scenarios. 

EDA tasks 

The Agency’s new project will support the EPC PESCO project implementation through the development and adoption of Common Staff Target (CST), Common Staff Requirements (CSR) and a Business Case (BC). The objective of these documents, which are an indispensable step for a follow-on phase of the EPC PESCO project, is to shape the common core part and identify specifications and requirements that would be compatible with the modularity concept of the military ship. 

The Agency will also support the governance body of the EPC project. With its expertise in project management and harmonisation of capability requirements, EDA will be able to provide valuable assistance in these domains. Industry is not participating directly in this EDA project, but may be consulted, if deemed necessary by the contributing Member States.  

EDA’s Chief Executive Jiří Šedivý said: “EDA is delighted to support this ambitious and innovative PESCO project. As the European hub for collaborative capability development, the Agency has the expertise to help Member States in the implementation of their PESCO projects. The European Patrol Corvette project responds directly to an existing gap in Europe’s capability landscape acknowledged by Member States during the revision of the Capability Development Plan (CDP) in 2018, namely that of naval manoeuvrability and the need for improved maritime situational awareness, surface superiority and power projection. The future EPC will provide participating Member States with those missing capabilities, thereby further strengthening the Europe of Defence”.  

Italy’s Capability Director, Gen. Giovanni Iannucci said: “The project of the European Patrol Corvette is aimed at developing a new Class of military ships in order to accomplish, with a flexible approach, a large number of tasks and missions aimed to Homeland Security and protection of European waters. More in details, the EPC will carry out Maritime Security Operations and Police of the High Seas functions, playing a key role in preserving Freedom of Navigation (FoN) and fighting against terrorism and illegal trafficking at sea. The EPC will be characterized by a multi-purpose and modular approach by design that will also allow to perform dual-use missions, such as anti-pollution activities, humanitarian assistance operations and interventions in support of populations in case of natural disasters. Italy is very proud of the coordinating role and will continue to conduct all necessary activities for the EPC’s success. Furthermore I believe that this project constitutes an excellent opportunity for the whole European Defence and in particular the military shipyards sector to work together in order to foster industrial synergies, operational interoperability and maintain a technological advantage.” 

Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Up Close And Personal With The Mi-24D “Hind” Gunship Helicopter Used As Threat Simulation Aircraft For U.S. Forces

The Aviationist Blog - dim, 03/01/2021 - 16:40

Enjoy an unprecedented walkaround and cockpit tour of the Russian-built Mi-24D “Hind” gunship helicopter used in threat simulation by the U.S. Air Force. The Mi-24D is a variant of the Mi-24 “Hind”, a pretty famous [...]

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Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Memorial for Qassem Soleimani Erected in Lebanon Depicts The Moment His SUV Was Hit By A Drone Missile

The Aviationist Blog - sam, 02/01/2021 - 23:51

One year ago, Iranian General Qasem Soleimani was killed in Baghdad. A somewhat weird memorial erected in Lebanon shows the moment a missile hit the SUV carrying the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s Quds [...]

The post Memorial for Qassem Soleimani Erected in Lebanon Depicts The Moment His SUV Was Hit By A Drone Missile appeared first on The Aviationist.

Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Swiss Air Force F/A-18s Finally Started Providing Round-the-Clock Swiss Airspace Protection Last Week

The Aviationist Blog - sam, 02/01/2021 - 21:52

Until Dec. 31, 2020, the Swiss Air Force F/A-18s were available for Quick Reaction Alert only on business hours. About 7 years ago, an embarrassing incident highlighted the need for a round-the-clock service. Beginning on [...]

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Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Check Out This Photo Of A U.S. AC-130J Ghostrider Gunship Refueling At Night In The Persian Gulf Area

The Aviationist Blog - ven, 01/01/2021 - 19:14

The U.S. Air Force AC-130J Ghostrider gunships are a constant presence in the CENTCOM AOR (Area Of Responsibility). The picture in this post shows an AC-130J Ghostrider being refueled at night by a U.S. Air [...]

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Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

First AW169 In New Advanced Light Utility Helicopter Configuration Begins Flight Testing

The Aviationist Blog - jeu, 31/12/2020 - 14:53

The AW169 LUH helicopter, based on the AW169M light intermediate twin-engine helicopter, features a new skid landing gear which replaces the standard retractable gear. The first Leonardo AW169 LUH (Light Utility Helicopter) was recently photographed [...]

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Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Boeing Tapped For Stingray Ground Control | DoS Approves 2 Kuwait FMS Worth $4.2B | NG Wins Japan Global Hawk Deal

Defense Industry Daily - jeu, 31/12/2020 - 05:00

Boeing won a $198 million contract modification, which provides for the integration of a ground control station that provides command and control capability in support of the MQ-25 air vehicle for the Navy. The Boeing MQ-25 Stingray is an aerial refueling drone. In early December Boeing has flown its MQ-25A test asset (T1) with an aerial refuelling store under its wing for the first time. Earlier this year the US Navy exercised an option to acquire three additional MQ-25 air vehicles, bringing the total aircraft Boeing is initially producing to seven. The Navy intends to procure more than 70 aircraft, which will assume the tanking role currently performed by F/A-18s, allowing for better use of the combat strike fighters. Work will take place in Missouri and various locations within the continental US. Expected completion will be in August 2024.

The 53rd Wing of the Air Force has combined its series of large-scale tests at Nevada’s Nellis Air Force Base into a new event called Black Flag. Gen. Mark D. Kelly inked COMACC Plan 21 on December 15, formalizing the creation of Black Flag as a training event “solely focused on test and tactics development in a realistic, massed force, fully integrated, high threat density environment.” Black Flag was established as the testing counterpart to Red Flag, the Air Force’s training event.

Middle East & Africa

The US State Department approved two possible arms sales to Kuwait totaling $4.2 billion on December 29. Per the larger of the two deals, for $4 billion, Kuwait’s government has asked to buy 24 AH-64E Apache helicopters, eight new and 16 remanufactured along with related equipment. The deal, if approved, would also include 22 T700-GE 701D engines, 36 remanufactured T700-GE 701D engines as well as support equipment, tools and test equipment, technical data and publications. The second FMS is for $200 million. The United States would sell spare parts to upgrade Kuwait’s Patriot missile systems. The principal contractor for this deal would be Raytheon.

The US State Department also cleared two potential Foreign Military Sales to Egypt. The first is a potential sale of 20 Lockheed Martin AN/AAQ-33 Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods for $65.6 million. The FMS case does not state the type of aircraft on which the pods will be deployed, but Cirium fleets data indicates that Egypt has 218 in-service F-16s, including 33 F-16A/Bs and 185 F-16C/Ds. The second is for the provision of the Northrop Grumman Large Aircraft Infrared Countermeasures (LAIRCM) suite aboard an Airbus A340-200 that is used to transport the country’s head of state. The value of the LAIRCM deal is $104 million.


The Swiss Air Force will start having fighters on standby 24 hours a day starting from December 31. Currently, the F/A-18s are on standby during office hours. “From now on, the air police service will be on call 24 hours a day to guarantee the security and the sovereignty over Swiss airspace,” a statement said. The plan to increase Swiss airspace surveillance was proposed to parliament in 2009, but it was boosted by an embarrassing incident five years later that cast a spotlight on the lack of round-the-clock protection. In February 2014, an Ethiopian Airlines co-pilot hijacked his own plane, carrying 202 passengers and crew from Addis Ababa to Rome, and forced it to land in Geneva. Although the co-pilot-turned-hijacker announced he wanted to land the plane in Switzerland, where he later said he aimed to seek asylum, Switzerland’s fleet of F-18s and F-5 Tigers remained on the ground. The Swiss Air Force explained at the time that this was because its planes were only available during office hours.


Northrop Grumman won a $37.7 million deal for the Japan Global Hawk Program. The deal provides for the procurement of initial spare parts to include modifications to the system engineering and program management tasks required to execute, manage, control, and report on all program activities. The Northrop Grumman RQ-4 Global Hawk is an unmanned high-altitude long-endurance surveillance aircraft that first flew in February 1998 and has been in active service with the US military since 2001.

Today’s Video

Watch: Boeing MQ-25 Continues Flight Tests

Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

First Serial Production Su-57 Felon Delivered To The Russian Aerospace Forces

The Aviationist Blog - mer, 30/12/2020 - 19:07

The aircraft, which is the second Su-57 serially built, was delivered a year after the first built crashed during pre-delivery testing. The Russian Aerospace Forces received on Dec. 25, 2020, their first serially built Su-57 [...]

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Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Leonardo: Deep Dive Into The Main Programs Of One Of The Largest Defense Contractors In The World

The Aviationist Blog - mer, 30/12/2020 - 14:04

Leonardo is one of the world’s top ten players in Aerospace, Defense and Security. Let’s have a look at the status of its most important projects in the Aeronautics, Helicopters, Space and Electronics businesses. Named [...]

The post Leonardo: Deep Dive Into The Main Programs Of One Of The Largest Defense Contractors In The World appeared first on The Aviationist.

Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Tyndall AFB Conducts Weapon System Evaluation Program | Lockheed To Expand UK F-35 Fight Services | BAE And UAVTEK To Develop Drone

Defense Industry Daily - mer, 30/12/2020 - 09:00



Mnemonics Inc. won a $10 million contract to procure as-needed engineering support services in support of the Radio Frequency Blanking Unit (RFBU) and Electronic Attack Unit (EAU) components of the Advanced Electronic Attack (AEA) system of the EA-18G Growler aircraft. The services under this contract are engineering support services, logistics management information and fleet support team efforts for the RFBU and EAU variants and derivative systems. Technical instructions will be issued in accordance with the statement of work for this contract to support the Naval Surface Warfare Center Crane EA-18G EAU Organic Depot. Mnemonics, Inc. supplies electronic products and services. The Company offers electronics systems solutions such as hardware, software, and systems designs, as well as developing and testing of art weapons and communications systems. Mnemonics operates in the United States. Work will take place in Florida. Estimated completion will be by September 2025.

An 11-day Weapons System Evaluation Program event ended successfully at Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, the Air Force announced. The WSEP, conducted regularly, evaluates air-to-ground and air-to-air weapons systems, with an emphasis on missile firing and combat skills, according to Air Force officials. Tyndall’s 43rd Fighter Squadron, and the US Navy’s Strike Fighter Squadrons 11, 34, 81, and 211 of Carrier Air Wing One, based at Naval Air Station Oceana, Va., participated in the evaluation. “Pre-deployment joint training is crucial to success for the future,” Lt. Cmdr. Thomas Kellner, 83rd Fighter Squadron FA-18 program manager said in a press release.

Middle East & Africa

The US Navy said on Monday that the Nimitz Strike Group is positioned off the Africa coast as US troops relocate from Somalia to other East African areas. The strike group consists of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz and its air wing of 60 aircraft, two guided-missile cruisers and a guided-missile destroyer. According to a statement, the strike group arrived near the Somalia coast last week to provide “operational and close air support to Joint Task Force-Quartz and Operation Octave Quartz.” The missions are involved in combating Somalian al-Shabab extremists and the plan to move U.S. troops from Somalia to other encampments in East Africa.


Lockheed Martin won a $101.5 million contract modification, which adds scope to provide sustainment services and outcomes for the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense, supporting daily flight operations with the national specific capabilities required at various F-35 operating sites in support of the F-35 Lightning II UK Lightning Air-system National Capability Enterprise. Work will take place the UK, Texas and Florida. Estimated completion is in December 2022.

British company BAE Systems, in collaboration with UAVTEK, has developed a nano “Bug” drone, and delivered the first 30 units to the British Army, which has put it through its paces as part of a trial. The Bug is a nano-Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) weighing 196g – similar to the weight of a smartphone – with 40 minute battery life and a 2km range. It boasts a stealthy low visual profile and the ability to fly even in strong winds of more than 50mph. According to BAE, it was the only nano-UAV able to cope with the uncompromising weather during a recent Army Warfighting Experiment (AWE) event hosted by the Ministry of Defense’s Future Capability Group.


Defense Minister Prabowo reignited an old debate in June when he sent a letter to his Austrian counterpart Klaudia Tanner on the possibilities of buying 15 Eurofighter Typhoon heavy jet fighters from the central European country to modernize the Indonesian Air Force. Operation Modern was a seldom reported deal between Indonesia and United States for the exchange of four MiG-21F-13 fighters for 19 T-33 trainers. A total of 13 MiG-21s went to America in exchange for the T-33, UH-34D, and later, F-5 and OV-10 aircraft.

Today’s Video

Watch: The Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star subsonic jet trainer – America’s first jet trainer.

Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Louisiana Guard responded at home, abroad in 2020

Globalsecurity.org - mer, 30/12/2020 - 07:39
The year 2020 has been an unprecedented year for the Louisiana National Guard. Between COVID response efforts, the busiest hurricane season since 2005 and a series of deployments, the LANG supported the longest emergency response effort in the state's history.
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds
