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Update: Pentagon expands Blue sUAS programme for larger aircraft, payloads

Jane's Defense News - mer, 21/04/2021 - 10:19
The Pentagon’s Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) is expanding its Blue small unmanned aerial system (sUAS) effort to include larger aircraft.
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

China close to ‘any plausible nuclear strategy', says USSTRATCOM chief

Jane's Defense News - mer, 21/04/2021 - 10:18
China is capable of executing “any plausible nuclear employment strategy” within the Indo-Pacific region and will soon be able to do so at intercontinental ranges, US...
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

US Air Force contracts Kinetica for NORAD/NORTHCOM Pathfinder data fusion effort

Jane's Defense News - mer, 21/04/2021 - 10:17
The US Air Force (USAF) has awarded Kinetica a five-year other transaction authority (OTA) contract potentially worth USD100 million to deliver a streaming data...
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Saab makes first Red Hawk delivery to Boeing

Jane's Defense News - mer, 21/04/2021 - 10:16
Saab has delivered the first T-7A Red Hawk aft assembly to Boeing, ahead of the maiden engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) flight in September.
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Taiwan still keen on acquiring JASSMs from the US

Jane's Defense News - mer, 21/04/2021 - 10:15
An official from Taiwan’s Ministry of National Defense (MND) said on 19 April that Taipei is still keen on acquiring AGM-158-series Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff...
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Navy Tests UAVs And USVs | Saudi Arabia Upgrades F-15 ESTS | Boeing Tapped For Japanese KC-46 Support

Defense Industry Daily - mer, 21/04/2021 - 06:00

The US Navy announced the start of its first manned and unmanned capabilities exercise on April 19 at Naval Base San Diego. Executed by the Navy’s 3rd Fleet, “Unmanned Battle Problem 21” will “generate warfighting advantages in integrating multi-domain manned and unmanned capabilities into the most challenging operational scenarios,” ist says in a statement. Unmanned systems, including the MQ-9 Sea Guardian and MQ-8 Fire Scout unmanned aerial vehicles, Sea Hunter and Sea Hawk unmanned surface vessels and small and medium unmanned undersea vehicles with modular payloads will be involved in exercises.

The USS Oakland, the Navy’s newest littoral combat ship, was formally commissioned in a weekend ceremony, as the first LCS ships face retirement. The Oakland, an Independence-class trimaran 418 feetlong and designed to carry a crew of 40 in shallow water and ocean-going situations, officially joined the Navy fleet in Oakland, California on April 18.

Middle East & Africa

The Advanced Electronics won a contract modification for the F-15 Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF) Electronic System Test Set (ESTS). Services acquired under this effort are to provide the RSAF with an upgraded ESTS. The RSAF currently uses an A31U18240-2 ESTS configuration, and this shall provide the scope to upgrade and install the A31U18240-3 and A31U18240-4 configuration (frequently referred to as -3 and -4, respectively), as well as familiarization training, regression testing, and travel. Work will be performed at the RSAF Central Maintenance Facilities within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; the Science and Engineering facility in Huntsville, Alabama; and Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, and is expected to be completed April 16, 2021.


The US Naval Air Traffic Management Systems Program Office completed Precision Approach and Landing System (PALS) certification on HMS Queen Elizabeth in March, completing a critical step in preparing the ship for its first operational deployment. The PALS system includes the AN/SPN-41B Instrument Carrier Landing System (ICLS), previously installed by PMA-213 as a foreign military sales (FMS) effort, and the AN/USN-3 Joint Precision and Approach Landing System (JPALS) system, installed as a US asset to support the future embarkation of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron (VMFA) 211’s F-35Bs aboard HMS Queen Elizabeth during its inaugural operational deployment.


Boeing won a $79.5 million contract modification for KC-46A long lead spares, initial spares and support equipment. This modification provides mission essential long lead spares, initial spares, and support equipment for use on the Japan KC-46 aircraft being produced under the basic contract. The US Air Force awarded Boeing $279 million for the Japan Air Self-Defense Force’s (JASDF) first KC-46A tanker in December 2017. The agreement was completed through the Foreign Military Sale process between the US government and Japan. Japan is now on contract for a total of four KC-46 tankers. Japanese partners produce 16% of the KC-46 airframe structure. Work under the contract modification will take place in Everett, Washington. Estimated completion date is June 30, 2024.

News reports from Taiwan say the Ministry of National Defense intends to submit budget request for a new early warning radar system in 2022. As per reports, the new radar is likely to be the same AN/FPS-115 PAVE PAWS that Taiwan had wanted to build in the southern part of the island. Currently, it has only one system on Leshan mountain. The site is said to be Lilongshan, north of Hengchun.

Today’s Video

Watch: F-15s Fighter Jet at Prince Sultan Air Base, Saudi Arabia

Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

High-level conference discussed impact of emerging disruptive technologies on defence

EDA News - mar, 20/04/2021 - 16:52

At a high-level online conference co-hosted today by the European Defence Agency and the Portuguese Ministry of Defence (under the auspices of the current Portuguese EU Presidency), senior representatives from Ministries of Defence, defence research centres, industry, European institutions as well as NATO discussed existing and future challenges and opportunities related to emerging disruptive technologies in defence.

Emerging disruptive technologies (EDTs) such as artificial intelligence, big data, quantum technology, robotics, autonomous systems, new advanced materials, blockchain, hypersonic weapons systems and biotechnologies applied to human enhancements - to name only them - are expected to have a disruptive impact on defence and revolutionise future military capabilities, strategy and operations. The conference provided a comprehensive overview of EDA’s role in European defence research and stressed the need for Member States and the EU to sustain and further increase investment in innovative and disruptive technologies to support state-of-the-art defence capabilities.

The event was opened by the Portuguese Minister of Defence, João Gomes Cravinho (speaking from Porto) and EDA Chief Executive Jiří Šedivý.  

In his speech, Minister Cravinho stressed the need for cooperation and synergies between civil and military actors in order to get the most out of new emerging technologies for defence. “When it comes to EDTs, we need to stimulate synergies between NATO, the European Commission and EDA, taking advantage of civil-military cooperation and the dual-use nature of technological development”, he stated.

EDA Chief Executive Šedivý said in his speech that the EU’s strategic and political defence ambitions can only be credible if they are underpinned by technology and innovation. “For the EU to be a credible security provider and a trusted partner in defence, we must focus our efforts on the development and mastering of technologies that have a serious potential to revolutionise our military capabilities, strategies and operations. Emerging Disruptive Technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, quantum technologies or hypersonic weapons and new space technologies, must be in the centre of our capability development”, he stated. 

Jiří šedivý, EDA Chief Executive Disruptive technologies for disruptive capabilities

The opening part was followed by several keynote speeches.

Focusing on the disruptive potential of technologies at the interface between security, defence and space, Stephen Quest (European Commission Director at the General Joint Research Centre) said the strategic importance of cross-fertilisation between civil-military industries was behind the Action Plan the European Commission has presented last February to enhance synergies and cross-fertilisation between civil, defence and space industries. The Action Plan covers three priorities, Mr Quest said. “First, to build new synergies among EU programmes and instruments so that disruptive technologies can find concrete uses across civil, defence and space industries. Secondly, to enable that defence and space technologies find concrete civil applications, the so-called ‘spin-offs’. And thirdly, to facilitate the use of civil research and innovations into new European defence projects, the so-called ‘spin-ins’”. The Commission will present by October a roadmap on key technologies for security and defence including options for (a) boosting research, development and innovation and (b) reducing strategic dependencies in critical technologies and value chains, he said. 

General André Lanata, NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander, said EDTs were technologies whose practical uses have the potential to fundamentally change the way military forces operate. If we are serious about seizing the opportunities of EDTs, we need to fundamentally change the way we operate and think. We need resources and above all a cultural revolution, he stated.  Innovation and EDTs offer a wide range of opportunities for fruitful boosts to EU-NATO cooperation, he added. 

Petter Bedoire (Chief Technology Officer, Saab Group) referred to the need to make sure the new technologies developed will create opportunities rather than threats. There is also the challenge of finding a balance between the possibilities enabled by disruptive technologies and the defence capabilities actually required by the Armed Forces, he said.   

Panel discussions

Throughout the day, the conference attendants witnessed three successive panel discussions: 

  • The first one on Disruptive Technologies and the Expected Impact on Defence with the following panellists: MGen Corte-Real Andrade (R&T Director, MoD Portugal), Jean-François Ripoche (EDA RTI Director), Sylvia Kainz-Huber (Head of Unit, DG DEFIS, European Commission), MGen Herminio Maio (MPCC Chief of Staff), Pablo Gonzales (Chairman of ASD DRDT Working Group and Director NATO & EU Defence Programmes, Indra).
  • The second one focused more specifically on Artificial Intelligence with an interesting exchange of views between the panellists Auke Venema (R&T Director, MoD The Netherlands), Alípio Jorge (Coordinator for the national strategy for AI, Portugal), Jonas Andrulis (CEO Aleph, Alpha GmbH), Anna-Mari Heikkila (VTT Finland) as well as Panagiotis Kikiras (EDA Head of Unit Innovative Research).
  • The third one, centred on Autonomous Systems, featured Mr Martin Jõesaar (Chief of Project Office at the Estonian Centre for Defence Investments), José Santos Victor (Director of Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica, Portugal), Joachim Schaper (Head of AI and Big Data at Porsche), Paolo Arrighi (Chief Technology Officer - Land Armaments and Systems, Leonardo), Mário Martinho (EDA CapTech Ground Systems moderator).

The conference was closed by Vasco Hilario (National Armaments Director, Portugal) and EDA RTI Director Jean-François Ripoche.

Digital exhibition

Conference participants ware also able to visit a digital exhibition of EDA research and technology activities, showcasing a number of Member States successful cooperation projects.

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Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Increasingly lethal response likely to quell Myanmar protests

Jane's Defense News - mar, 20/04/2021 - 14:54
In a statement released on 13 April, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet warned that Myanmar was moving towards a “full blown conflict”. The...
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Partnership for Peace nations join NATO for Baltic Air Policing training

Jane's Defense News - mar, 20/04/2021 - 14:53
Partnership for Peace (PfP) nations, Finland and Sweden, have joined NATO for Baltic Air Policing (BAP) training for the first time, the alliance announced on 20 April.
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Indian Navy commissions first squadron of Dhruv ALH Mk III helicopters

Jane's Defense News - mar, 20/04/2021 - 14:53
The Indian Navy (IN) commissioned its first naval air squadron equipped with the indigenously designed and built Dhruv Mk III Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH) in a...
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Singapore's A330 MRTT aerial tankers attain full operational capability

Jane's Defense News - mar, 20/04/2021 - 13:59
The Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) has declared its fleet of six Airbus A330-200 Multi-Role Tanker Transport (A330 MRTT) aircraft fully operational at a ceremony...
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Automated advantage: The defence industry and AI

Jane's Defense News - mar, 20/04/2021 - 13:27
In a 2019 White Paper titled ‘Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Defense and Aerospace Applications’, Curtiss-Wright Defense Solutions defined machine...
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

QinetiQ to expand ETPS helicopter fleet

Jane's Defense News - mar, 20/04/2021 - 13:13
QinetiQ is to expand the helicopter fleet of the UK Empire Test Pilots School (ETPS) as part of a wider three-year investment in the Ministry of Defence’s (MoD’s)...
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Latest news - Next SEDE meetings - 25 and 31 May 2021 - Subcommittee on Security and Defence

In the context of the exponential growth of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), the President of the European Parliament has announced a number of measures to contain the spread of epidemic and to safeguard Parliament's core activities.

The current precautionary measures adopted by the European Parliament to contain the spread of COVID-19 do not affect work on legislative priorities. Core activities are reduced, but maintained to ensure that the institution's legislative, budgetary, scrutiny functions are maintained.

The meetings will be with remote participation for Members (being able to view and listen to proceedings, ask for the floor and intervene in the meeting). Other participants are invited to follow the meeting through webstreaming.

Following these decisions, the next meeting of the Subcommittee on Security and Defence (SEDE) will take place on 25 and 31 May 2021 (online).
The meeting agenda and documents will be published here.

SEDE meetings' calendar 2021
EP calendar 2021
Press release: Sahel: Security situation from the African perspective - 12 April 2021
Press release: MEPs quizzed the head of the IAEA about nuclear non-proliferation - 16 March 2021
Press release: Exchange of views with the NATO Secretary General - 15 March 2021
Press release: Instability in the Central African Republic - 24 February 2021
Press release: Chair of the Security and Defence Subcommittee welcomes extension of the New START Treaty - 5 February 2021
Press release: MEPs to discuss security and defence priorities with Minister Gomes Cravinho - 28 January 2021
Source : © European Union, 2021 - EP

New survey launched to identify EU Govsatcom user needs

EDA News - lun, 19/04/2021 - 09:26

A European-wide survey aimed at identifying user needs and use cases for future EU GOVSATCOM services was launched today under the ENTRUSTED project, in which EDA participates. The survey, which runs until the end of June, is addressed to governmental and institutional users managing security-critical missions, operations and infrastructures. It will allow assessing the current and evolving needs of prospective EU GOVSATCOM users, as well as their use of existing secure SatCom capabilities.

The results and findings of the survey will be submitted to the European Commission to help it prepare a set of prioritised user requirements which will be subsequently considered in the implementing regulations for the new EU GOVSATCOM programme which, as part of the new EU Space Programme 2021-2027, aims at providing secure and reliable satellite communications for governmental users in Member States, for EU agencies and institutions. The survey will focus on users’ needs and requirements in different fields of application. In addition, it will help review secure SatCom capabilities currently in use (in terms of user technology and services), as well as future technological trends. More than 350 EU GOVSATCOM users have been identified as potential participants in the survey. The Member States’ Armed Forces will be addressed by EDA. The Agency will contribute to a consolidated reply for the EU defence users to the ENTRUSTED project.  


ENTRUSTED (‘European Networking for satellite Telecommunication Roadmap for the governmental Users requiring Secure, inTeroperable, innovativE and standardiseD services’) is a European research project, launched by the European Commission in September 2020 under the HORIZON 2020 programme. Under the leadership of the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency (GSA) and with a budget of €3 million, ENTRUSTED will identify needs and requirements of secure satellite communication end-users. The project will contribute to the formulation of assumptions and guidelines, in terms of user-oriented activities, for the future EU GOVSATCOM programme aimed at creating independent, autonomous and secure satellite communication system for EU Member States and agencies. It will run until February 2023. 

EDA is a member of the ENTRUSTED consortium where it represents its participating Member States. The Agency contributes to all work packages with a focus on user needs, requirements and use cases definition, surveying the state-of-the-art of existing secure SatCom user technologies and definition of a research and development (R&D) roadmap.

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Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Watch A Russian Navy Il-38N “Dolphin” Load A Superlarge Sea Bottom Mine For Anti-Submarine Warfare Exercise

The Aviationist Blog - ven, 16/04/2021 - 18:52

For the first time, five Russian Navy Il-38 and Il-38N aircraft have taken part together in an Anti-Submarine Warfare exercise laying sea bottom mines. Russian Navy Il-38 and Il-38N “Dolphin” (NATO reporting name “May”) Anti-Submarine [...]

The post Watch A Russian Navy Il-38N “Dolphin” Load A Superlarge Sea Bottom Mine For Anti-Submarine Warfare Exercise appeared first on The Aviationist.

Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

KDB agrees sale of Hanjin Heavy Industries

Jane's Defense News - ven, 16/04/2021 - 09:47
The Korea Development Bank (KDB) has reached a deal to sell off its controlling stake in Hanjin Heavy Industries and Construction (HHIC), one of the country’s most...
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Sikorsky S-97 Raider Demonstrated At The U.S. Army’s Redstone Arsenal

The Aviationist Blog - jeu, 15/04/2021 - 23:59

The demonstrations were meant to show the S-97 Raider’s agility and the program’s status to the U.S. Army personnel working on the Future Vertical Lift program. Sikorsky demonstrated the S-97 Raider, the company’s development aircraft [...]

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Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

US Air Force F-15C Eagle Records Longest Known Air-To-Air Missile Shot

The Aviationist Blog - mer, 14/04/2021 - 21:12

A USAF F-15C Eagle has achieved the longest known air-to-air missile shot ever. While its most advanced variant, the F-15EX (recently officially named the “Eagle II”) was being delivered to the U.S. Air Force getting [...]

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Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Poland Signs Excess Defense Article Deal Procuring Five Extra C-130Hs (Resurrected From The “Boneyard”)

The Aviationist Blog - mer, 14/04/2021 - 11:23

Poland to procure five extra C-130H Hercules aircraft which will be restored out of the “Boneyard” in the Arizona Desert. The Armament Inspectorate of the Polish Ministry of Defense published a release stating that an [...]

The post Poland Signs Excess Defense Article Deal Procuring Five Extra C-130Hs (Resurrected From The “Boneyard”) appeared first on The Aviationist.

Catégories: Defence`s Feeds
