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Defence`s Feeds

Italian F-35B Lands For The First Time On Italy’s ITS Cavour Aircraft Carrier

The Aviationist Blog - dim, 01/08/2021 - 00:14

The historic event follows the recent delivery of the third F-35B to the Italian Navy and the Ready for Operations test campaign in the USA earlier this year. An Italian F-35B Lightning II, belonging to [...]

The post Italian F-35B Lands For The First Time On Italy’s ITS Cavour Aircraft Carrier appeared first on The Aviationist.

Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

NATO Fighters Intercepted Two Rare Russian Il-22PP ‘Mute’ EW Aircraft Over The Baltics For The Very First Time

The Aviationist Blog - ven, 30/07/2021 - 16:59

The Il-22PP Special Mission Aircraft were intercepted over the Baltic Sea for the very first time. Some pretty interesting close encounters between NATO fighters supporting BAP (Baltic Air Policing) mission and Russian aircraft flying in [...]

The post NATO Fighters Intercepted Two Rare Russian Il-22PP ‘Mute’ EW Aircraft Over The Baltics For The Very First Time appeared first on The Aviationist.

Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

First UH-60V Black Hawk Helicopters Delivered To The U.S. National Guard

The Aviationist Blog - ven, 30/07/2021 - 15:57

The new UH-60V helicopters are the result of an upgrade program for the UH-60A/L, aimed to increase commonality and interoperability with the newer UH-60M. The Pennsylvania National Guard’s Eastern Army National Guard Aviation Training Site [...]

The post First UH-60V Black Hawk Helicopters Delivered To The U.S. National Guard appeared first on The Aviationist.

Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

UKRAINE : Abu Dhabi, Tel Aviv interested in Ukraine's plans to use nuclear facilities to mine Bitcoin

Intelligence Online - ven, 30/07/2021 - 08:00
The United Arab Emirates' Group 42 has expressed interest in Kiev's plans to build sovereign big data centres, according to our sources. The facilities would be used to store sovereign files as well as provide the computing power to mine
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

ARMENIA/RUSSIA/CENTRAL ASIA/BELARUS : CIS launches financial intelligence operation 'Orion'

Intelligence Online - ven, 30/07/2021 - 08:00
The Council of Heads of Financial Intelligence Units of the Member States (SRPFR) of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

AFGHANISTAN/IRAN : Tehran opts for pragmatic alliance between Taliban and Hazara

Intelligence Online - ven, 30/07/2021 - 08:00
After much debate, the Iranian government has decided to maintain its passivity in the face of the Taliban's territorial gains
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED KINGDOM : Inter-Con snatches UK embassy in Mexico security contract from G4S

Intelligence Online - ven, 30/07/2021 - 08:00
British authorities announced on 16 July that they had awarded a £690,000 contract to Inter-Con Security Systems to provide security
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED KINGDOM/UNITED STATES : Veracity to boost London operations with Tamara Makarenko

Intelligence Online - ven, 30/07/2021 - 08:00
New York-based business intelligence group Veracity has hired Tamara Makarenko, a leading figure in the British business intelligence sector. For
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

UKRAINE : Abu Dhabi, Tel Aviv interested in Ukraine's plans to use nuclear facilities to mine Bitcoin

Intelligence Online - ven, 30/07/2021 - 08:00
The United Arab Emirates' Group 42 has expressed interest in Kiev's plans to build sovereign big data centres, according to our sources. The facilities would be used to store sovereign files as well as provide the computing power to mine
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

ARMENIA/RUSSIA/CENTRAL ASIA/BELARUS : CIS launches financial intelligence operation 'Orion'

Intelligence Online - ven, 30/07/2021 - 08:00
The Council of Heads of Financial Intelligence Units of the Member States (SRPFR) of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS)
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

AFGHANISTAN/IRAN : Tehran opts for pragmatic alliance between Taliban and Hazara

Intelligence Online - ven, 30/07/2021 - 08:00
After much debate, the Iranian government has decided to maintain its passivity in the face of the Taliban's territorial gains
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED KINGDOM : Inter-Con snatches UK embassy in Mexico security contract from G4S

Intelligence Online - ven, 30/07/2021 - 08:00
British authorities announced on 16 July that they had awarded a £690,000 contract to Inter-Con Security Systems to provide security
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED KINGDOM/UNITED STATES : Veracity to boost London operations with Tamara Makarenko

Intelligence Online - ven, 30/07/2021 - 08:00
New York-based business intelligence group Veracity has hired Tamara Makarenko, a leading figure in the British business intelligence sector. For
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

US Army Buys New Black Hawk | Turkey Exports Minesweepers To Burkina Faso | IAF Inducted 2nd Rafale Unit

Defense Industry Daily - ven, 30/07/2021 - 06:00

Raytheon won a $482.8 million contract modification, which provides for the exercise of the pre-priced options for Lot 35 production of AMRAAM missiles, AMRAAM Telemetry System, initial and field spares, and other production engineering support hardware and activities. The AIM-120 advanced medium-range air-to-air missile (AMRAAM) is a new generation all-weather, missile. Work will take place in Arizona. Estimated completion date is May 31, 2024.

Sikorsky won a $26.9 million contract modification for UH-60M green aircraft. The UH-60 Black Hawk has been operational in the US Army since 1978. More than 2,000 aircraft of different variants are in service with the U.S., and more than 600 have been exported. The primary mission of the Black Hawk helicopter is as a troop carrier and logistical support aircraft, but the helicopter can also be configured to carry out medical evacuation, command-and-control, search-and-rescue, armed escort, electronic warfare and executive transport missions. Work will take place in Connecticut. Estimated completion date is June 30, 2022.

Middle East & Africa

Turkish state-owned defense firm ASFAT has received an order for four unmanned minesweeping equipment to Burkina Faso. “We made our first defense industry export to the region with the sale of 4 Mechanical Mine Clearing Vehicle,” the company announced in a Tweet. Earlier, ASFAT exported the vehicles’ sale to Azerbaijan where it is being used to clean its lands of mines.


The UK Ministry of Defense awarded BAE Systems approximately $348.77million to progress the design and development of Tempest, the UK’s Future Combat Air System (FCAS). The British Future Combat Air Programme, Tempest, is expected to create 20,000 jobs every year from 2026 to 2050, and contribute £25 billion to the UK economy.


Taiwan has concluded the signing of the contract to buy the MS-110 reconnaissance pod, the Ministry of National Defense (MND) said on July 28. A total of six pods will be procured for the island’s F-16 fleet.

The Indian Air Force has inducted its second Rafale unit – 101 Squadron – at Hasimara Air Base on July 28. The second squadron is being raised at Hasimara Air Force Station in West Bengal. The first squadron—17 Golden Arrows—was raised in Ambala, Punjab in September last year.

Today’s Video

Watch: The AMRAAM®-ER missile takes to the sky

Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Project Checkmate

Military-Today.com - ven, 30/07/2021 - 05:00

Russian Project Checkmate Stealthy Multi-Role Fighter
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Are Canadian Soldiers Allowed to Play Casino Games?

Military-Today.com - jeu, 29/07/2021 - 19:35

Are Canadian Soldiers Allowed to Play Casino Games?
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

9 Unique and Challenging Military Podcasts

Military-Today.com - jeu, 29/07/2021 - 16:35

9 Unique and Challenging Military Podcasts
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

The RAAF Redefines The Role Of The C-27J Spartan For Humanitarian Disaster Relief

The Aviationist Blog - jeu, 29/07/2021 - 15:41

The RAAF C-27J Spartan will enhance the role of the Defence helicopters thanks to its higher range and flexibility. The Australian Department of Defence announced that the role of the RAAF (Royal Australian Air Force) [...]

The post The RAAF Redefines The Role Of The C-27J Spartan For Humanitarian Disaster Relief appeared first on The Aviationist.

Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED STATES : Congress looks to streamline intelligence agencies' satellite imagery procurements

Intelligence Online - jeu, 29/07/2021 - 08:00
The House Committee on Appropriations expressed concern about potential overlap in satellite imagery procurements in its report, published 15 July, on the Department of Defense Appropriations Act for 2022. Commercially-available data is increasingly important to the US' geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) operations,
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

SOUTH AMERICA/ISRAEL : Defentek wants to fly solo in South America

Intelligence Online - jeu, 29/07/2021 - 08:00
Panama-based cyber intelligence company Defentek wants to operate on its own in Latin America, according to our sources. The firm,
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds
