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Military-Today.com - mar, 01/02/2022 - 14:30

American AIM-9X Short-Range Air-to-Air Missile
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EDA study calls for stronger focus on AI-supported detection & recognition of targets

EDA News - mar, 01/02/2022 - 12:11

EDA has accomplished a two-years study (2020-2021), called ARTINDET, into how Artificial intelligence (AI) applications can be used to improve the automatic detection, recognition, identification and tracking of small, fast-moving targets in a complex battlefield environment. In such a hostile and difficult context, high-performance electro-optical (EO) imaging systems together with high spatial resolution radars seem to be best solution to efficiently detect and mitigate these new threats. One of the main conclusions of the study, is that AI significantly enhances the performance of those two technologies related to image pre-processing, fusion and inference. Another finding of the study points to the future: additional research efforts should be put into these promising technologies which can make a difference for defence capabilities. Hence EDA’s proposal to launch a dedicated project in 2022.  

The study developed and analysed new image processing techniques of imaging systems relying on AI based on deep learning paradigm. For that purpose, images captured by high-resolution cameras and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) operating with Wide Field of View (WFOV) fed the different algorithms tested. The different techniques implemented and tested are designed to be integrated in a dedicated HW/SW architecture for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). ARTINDET analysed all the required steps for the deployment of this kind of system. 

Urban area & open sea 

Concretely, the study used two scenarios for object identification: one in an urban area and one focused on ship detection/recognition at open sea. For each of the two scenarios, two data sets were created, composed of both EO and radar images, and two AI algorithms were developed: one for the segmentation in urban scenario (mainly critical building identification) and one for the detection/segmentation of ships. New AI-based image fusion and resource management techniques were also developed.  

The study revealed that the usage of the new AI-based algorithms leads to a considerable improvement of the identification and detection performances, also due to the automatic and  ‘intelligent’ choice of the images supported by machine learning and neural networks.  

Additional work to be done 

The study also highlights the necessity of further work on topics such as: 

  • The creation of an EU military image data base for AI-based system training and testing;
  • Further algorithm developments; 
  • Standardisation, certification and validation of AI algorithms; 
  • Hardware architecture implementation; 
  • Extended measurement campaigns for AI processing performance analysis and validation.  
EDA project in the starting blocks 

That’s why the Agency has proposed to Member States to launch a dedicated EDA Cat B project, called AIDRIT (Artificial Intelligence for Automatic Detection Recognition, Identification and Tracking of Difficult Target) which, if accepted, could start in 2022. Along others, it would look into the afore-mentioned additional work highlighted in the ARTINDET study. Both the study and the potential AIDRIT project idea are perfectly aligned with EDA’s action plan on AI. There is also realistic possibility that this topic could be the subject of one of the next calls for proposal under the European Defence Fund (EDF). 


Small targets coming from different directions and new intelligent and sophisticated weapons operating in complex scenarios represent nowadays the new asymmetric threats in the battlefield. In this hostile and difficult context, the new high-performance electro-optical (EO) imaging system allows to efficiently detect and contrast these new threats. High resolution multidimensional (multiband/multispectral, hyperspectral, multiresolution) EO sensors are designed to have enough diversity for improving detection, recognition, identification and tracking (DRIT) of difficult targets. The main challenge stems from the huge quantity of data produced. On the one hand, this is good because it gives a certain level of completeness in the information; on the other hand, it represents a raising of computational costs and an increase of the image processing complexity. Low contrast distributed targets make their identification and visualization by the operators still really demanding and sometime impossible. Against this backdrop, automatic processing would be helpful with a drastic reduction of reaction time for decision, often crucial in military missions.  

New techniques based on AI making use of deep learning and/or machine learning, seem particularly useful for image processing of high-resolution camera, when operating with wide field of view (WFOV) for the detection of difficult targets (low contrast, low signature, small size and operating in degraded visual environment). Moreover, applications on camera mounted on unmanned air vehicle (UAV), where full images cannot be streamed to the ground station, or when multiresolution imagery is needed, are new challenges where AI can also help. AI can have applications and provide benefits on data fusion coming from homogenous or heterogenous sensors, particularly from imaging radar and cameras, for a better situational awareness picture, and on the implementation of aid decision making tools and missions’ planning. AI can also be efficiently exploited in modelling and simulation for data generation and user training. 

More information
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

FRANCE/IRAQ : Kazimi's position as Iraqi PM - and French CAC 40 interests - hang in balance

Intelligence Online - mar, 01/02/2022 - 08:00
While negotiations for the formation of a new Iraqi government are in full swing, France's economic ambitions - including those of ADP, Aéroports de Paris (IO, 10/02/21), to rebuild Mosul's war-devastated civilian airport - depend on the staying power of
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

ALBANIA/UNITED STATES : Albania plays to NATO's tune by opting for American-style cybersecurity

Intelligence Online - mar, 01/02/2022 - 08:00
On 11 January, the Albanian council of ministers signed a contract with Jones Group Europe to overhaul the country's cyber
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

CHINA/RUSSIA : Albert Avdolyan plays key role as Beijing thirsts for Siberian gas

Intelligence Online - mar, 01/02/2022 - 08:00
Eager to secure sustainable supplies of gas, the Chinese state-owned company Zhejiang Energy Group is gradually trying to get its
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

POLAND : Poland hit by massive military inventory leak

Intelligence Online - mar, 01/02/2022 - 08:00
The headline-grabbing cyberattack against Ukrainian government facilities on 13-14 January, while Russian troops were massed on the country's border (IO,
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES/YEMEN : Ali Al Shamsi sent to Washington to draw up anti-Houthi axis

Intelligence Online - mar, 01/02/2022 - 08:00
The Houthi attacks on Emirati soil of 17 and 24 January has prompted Abu Dhabi to get its defence response
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

UNITED KINGDOM : MPs slam UK lawyers and investigators who serve oligarchs

Intelligence Online - mar, 01/02/2022 - 08:00
In a House of Commons debate on 17 January about the increased use of the British legal system by oligarchs
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Press release - Ukraine: Press point by David McAllister and Nathalie Loiseau in Kyiv

The two co-Chairs of the high-level European Parliament delegation to Ukraine will hold a press point in Kyiv on Tuesday at 15.10 CET (16.10 local time).
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Subcommittee on Security and Defence

Source : © European Union, 2022 - EP

Russian Media Analysis, Issue 8, January 28, 2022

Russian Military Reform - lun, 31/01/2022 - 17:28

Here are the abstracts from the latest issue of our Russian Media Analysis newsletter. You can also download the full text PDF version.

1. Russian perceptions of the NATO threat

Several articles describe Russian perceptions of NATO and the threat that it poses to Russian security. They focus on the role of the alliance as a weapon of US domination in Europe, the threat posed to Russia by NATO’s previous expansion to the east, and the possibility that it could expand further to include Sweden, Finland, or Georgia. These Western actions can be countered either by NATO and the United States providing binding security guarantees to Russia or by Russia extending its security border to the Soviet Union’s previous western border in Belarus and Ukraine.

2. Karaganov argues that NATO is a metastasizing “cancer” that needs to be “limited territorially”

On January 19, the Russian newspaper Argumenty i Fakty interviewed Sergey Karaganov, dean of the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs at Moscow’s Higher School of Economics, on the state of Russia’s relations with the US and NATO. In the interview, Karaganov also discusses Russia’s intentions in Ukraine, contrasts Russia with the Soviet Union, and discusses potential steps that Russia could take in response to the ongoing crisis.

3. US-Russia diplomatic engagements

During this reporting period, recent diplomatic efforts are frequently mentioned. These include US-Russia talks in Geneva, NATO-Russia talks in Brussels, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) talks in Vienna, and a phone conversation between Foreign Minister Lavrov and Secretary Blinken. Several articles discuss Russia’s motivation behind the talks, which followed unrealistic demands for security guarantees and largely ended in stalemate. They also discuss what lies ahead.

4. Plans for US sanctions against Russia

Several articles highlight potential US plans to further strengthen sanctions against Russia. Draft US plans to impose personal sanctions against top Russian officials are dismissed as unlikely. However, the possibility of serious measures to limit interactions with Russian financial institutions and to prohibit the transfer of a wide range of technology to Russia (and the use of that technology by Russia) is taken more seriously. Russia could respond with highly disruptive countermeasures and may see the most severe measures as, in effect, a declaration of war.

5. The West prepares for conflict

Russian media published extensive discussions of statements being made by Western officials in response to Russia’s deployment of forces near Ukraine. These articles focus on the deployment of additional NATO forces to Eastern Europe, reports about the evacuation of Western and Russian embassy personnel from Kyiv, and US efforts to find alternative sources of natural gas for EU member states that would be engaged in a conflict with Russia.

6. NATO, Russia-Belarus military exercises

One article discusses NATO’s upcoming Cold Response exercise, which will take place in late March and early April and will include 35,000 military personnel from 28 states. The article notes that “such large-scale exercises as Cold Response-2022 have not been held in Norway since the 1980s.” Earlier in the year, on February 10–20, Russia and Belarus will hold joint military exercises, titled “Allied Resolve.” Two articles discuss the size, scope, and motivation of the maneuvers. A fourth article reports that the head of Poland’s National Security Bureau requested that NATO hold military exercises in the region in response to the joint Russian-Belarusian exercises.

7. Nuclear risk reduction and potential Western reactions to Belarusian nukes

Several articles cover nuclear issues. Krasnaya Zvezda focuses on Russia’s views on the importance of the P5 Joint Statement of the Leaders of the Five Nuclear-Weapon States on Preventing Nuclear War and Avoiding Arms Races, and the importance to Russia of the “inadmissibility of any war between nuclear states, whether nuclear or with the use of conventional weapons.” Aleksey Poplavskiy in Gazeta.ru offers Russian expert commentary on potential Western reactions to the unlikely placement of Russian nuclear weapons in Belarus. (The December 6–16, 2021, issue of Russian Media Analysisaddressed this latter issue.)

8. Options for new Russian missile bases as competition grows

As geopolitical competition increases, Russian authors are suggesting possibilities for new staging points that can counter perceived NATO encroachment. Two articles in Topwar.ru point out the potential for sites in Cuba and Serbia, respectively, as states that may be particularly open to hosting new forward-deployed arms. While Cuba is seen with a glow of Soviet-era nostalgia, the Balkan case represents a more novel vision in any future arms race.

9. Western information warfare against Russia

In Voenno-Promyshlennyi Kur’er (VPK), Sergey Korotkov argues that the US (and the West) are leaders in disinformation and have used this in the past to create a justification for wars in Iraq and Yugoslavia. The article posits that “the US views the internet as the main instrument of conducting hybrid warfare to achieve global domination in the global information space” and “aggressive propaganda in the form of disinformation campaigns is conducted at the state level and is a component of the ‘systematic deterrence of Russia.’” Separately, an article in Topwar.ru offers perspectives on a January 6 Atlantic Council event that featured retired general Wesley Clark, who argued that Putin is a war criminal and that Russia could use chemical weapons in Ukraine.

10. Military aid to Ukraine

Many articles have focused on the crisis between Russia and Ukraine, looking specifically at new plans for military aid being developed by NATO countries to assist Ukraine in light of a potential Russian military action. Several articles focus on aid from the UK, which is stated to be moving faster and with greater qualitative effectiveness than other aid plans at present. Other authors review US military aid being debated in Congress as well. In general, the articles frame UK and US military aid as a means of ratcheting up the local threat against Russia, further destabilizing the regional security environment, and further cementing Ukraine’s de facto position as a quasi-member of NATO and the broader Western security architecture.

11. Tumult and fragmentation in Ukrainian domestic politics

The domestic travails of Ukraine were recently noted by two Russian authors, each arguing that the internal politics of the country were riven by scandal, faction, and dissent. Both articles are provocative: one, in Topwar.ru, asks why Ukrainian statehood had ever even been considered; the other, in VPK, drives home the point that Western efforts to aid Ukraine are not always clearly appreciated by Kyiv.

12. How future wars will be fought

Two articles by noted military specialists address the question of how wars will be fought in the future. Aleksandr Khramchikhin suggests that UAVs are likely to become the most important weapon in future wars, because they would be virtually impossible to eliminate and could be used to eliminate enemy air defense infrastructure. Viktor Murakhovsky is, on the whole, more skeptical about the dominance of technology in future warfare. The ineffectiveness of high-tech warfare in Afghanistan and Yemen suggests that future warfare may not be as technology dependent as visionaries on both sides believe.

13. Concerns about Turkish geopolitical designs

Multiple articles in Topwar.ru look at the geopolitical place of Turkey as well as ethnic ties across the Turkic peoples of Eurasia. Focusing on the potential for military cooperation along a pan-Turkic basis, as well as the prospects for major military expansion by Turkey in the Black Sea and Mediterranean, the articles add to a growing sense of paranoia about the prospect of alternative regional power blocs based on ethnic relations.

14. US accused of stirring up extremist groups in the North Caucasus

According to an article by Evgeny Fedorov in Topwar.ru, the United States is seeking to undermine internal Russian stability by way of encouraging extremist movements in the North Caucasus. Fedorov argues that American support in organizing and propagating Islamic extremist movements over the internet has grown in recent years, with the goal of provoking protest and confrontation between the authorities and local radicals. Fedorov highlights a new memorial set up by a local extremist organization, 1ADAT, as a new means of American meddling in internal affairs.

15. Alarm about new Kazakhstan biosafety-level-4 lab

Several articles in the Russian media and on online sites discuss the planned construction of a BSL-4 laboratory in Kazakhstan. Articles in Topwar.ru and Izvestiya argue that reference labs and biosafety facilities in Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan are an enormous cause for concern for Russia because they are nontransparent and potentially unaccountable facilities conducting dangerous work close to the Russian border. While both of these articles include disinformation, they also exemplify the perspectives of Russian military analysts about CTR-supported installations in Eurasia.

Top 5 Microgaming Slots

Military-Today.com - lun, 31/01/2022 - 17:00

Top 5 Microgaming Slots
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Highlights - SEDE/INTA hearing: Risks & policy responses to foreign direct investment into the EU - Subcommittee on Security and Defence

The Subcommittee on Security and Defence and the International Trade Committee will hold a joint hearing on "Assessing the risks and policy responses to foreign direct investment, including Chinese investments in the security and defence sectors" on 7 February 2022.

Foreign direct investment (FDI) has come under increased scrutiny in the EU in recent years, including investments in strategic sectors such as the security and defence industry. In 2019, the European Parliament and the Council adopted a Regulation establishing a framework for the screening of foreign direct investments into the Union, which became fully operational in October 2020.

The first panel of the hearing will assess the implementation of the FDI Screening Regulation with key stakeholders from a national screening authority and the business community.

The second panel will look specifically at Chinese investments in the EU security and defence sectors and analyse their potential impact on European security.

Draft programme
Source : © European Union, 2022 - EP

Hearings - SEDE/INTA hearing: Risks & policy responses to foreign direct investment into the EU - 07-02-2022 - Subcommittee on Security and Defence - Committee on International Trade

The Subcommittee on Security and Defence and the International Trade Committee will hold a joint hearing on "Assessing the risks and policy responses to foreign direct investment, including Chinese investments in the security and defence sectors" on 7 February 2022.

Foreign direct investment (FDI) has come under increased scrutiny in the EU in recent years, including investments in strategic sectors such as the security and defence industry. In 2019, the European Parliament and the Council adopted a Regulation establishing a framework for the screening of foreign direct investments into the Union, which became fully operational in October 2020.

The first panel of the hearing will assess the implementation of the FDI Screening Regulation with key stakeholders from a national screening authority and the business community.

The second panel will look specifically at Chinese investments in the EU security and defence sectors and analyse their potential impact on European security.

Draft programme
Source : © European Union, 2022 - EP

Press release - Ukraine: Press point by David McAllister and Nathalie Loiseau in Mariupol

The two co-Chairs of the high-level European Parliament delegation visiting Ukraine will hold a press point in Mariupol today at 13.00 CET (14.00 local time).
Committee on Foreign Affairs
Subcommittee on Security and Defence

Source : © European Union, 2022 - EP

PALESTINE/RUSSIA/UNITED KINGDOM : CIS, UK counter state threats bill, Palestine-Algeria

Intelligence Online - lun, 31/01/2022 - 08:00
Palestine-Algeria - Master spy Noureddine Mekri takes a stab at Palestinian reconciliationAlgerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has reportedly mandated his head
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

CHINA/EUROPE : China's Qualland Institution fishing for intelligence in EU

Intelligence Online - lun, 31/01/2022 - 08:00
Intelligence Online can reveal that a mysterious Chinese entity called the Qualland Institution began a recruitment campaign earlier this month to engage freelance European researchers working in areas of immediate interest to Beijing. Not much information is available on the
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

EUROPE/ITALY : Dataflow Security moves into the big league

Intelligence Online - lun, 31/01/2022 - 08:00
Change is afoot for Dataflow Security (Dfsec), a small Italian-based company whose activities range from ethical hacking competitions to intelligence
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

FRANCE : Construction conglomerates fight for pole position to build intel services' new HQs

Intelligence Online - lun, 31/01/2022 - 08:00
These two budgets lines will shape the future of French intelligence for the next decade. Each with their own sizeable
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

PALESTINE/RUSSIA/UNITED KINGDOM : The Intelligence Gazette: CIS, UK counter state threats bill, Palestine-Algeria

Intelligence Online - lun, 31/01/2022 - 08:00
Palestine-Algeria - Master spy Noureddine Mekri takes a stab at Palestinian reconciliationAlgerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has reportedly mandated his head
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

AZERBAIJAN/FRANCE/RUSSIA : Baku exasperated by 'influence operations' in Nagorno-Karabakh

Intelligence Online - lun, 31/01/2022 - 08:00
President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan was very cordial to the French presidency's advisor on continental Europe and Turkey, Isabelle Dumont,
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds
