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Defence`s Feeds

Russia/Ukraine/United Kingdom : Ukraine's August raids in Crimea used British equipment and expertise

Intelligence Online - mar, 12/09/2023 - 06:00
The raids carried out by Ukraine in August against the Kerch Bridge and the Mayak SIGINT station illustrate the close
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Ukraine/United States : Legal battle for Odessa port assets about to become a matter of state

Intelligence Online - mar, 12/09/2023 - 06:00
Pressure is mounting on businessmen Sergiy Groza and Volodymyr Naumenko, who own Odessa-based grain handling holding GNT Group, to sell
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

France/Vietnam : Contractor hits the brakes on key Franco-Vietnamese Hanoi metro project

Intelligence Online - mar, 12/09/2023 - 06:00
French engineering group Systra is threatening to withdraw from the Hanoi metro Line 3 construction project, according to Intelligence Online
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Saudi Arabia : Qudra Industrial trains Saudi intelligence in electronic warfare

Intelligence Online - mar, 12/09/2023 - 06:00
Many eyes should be on Qudra Industrial Co's stand at the second edition of the Saudi World Defense Show in
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

United States : US Congress returns to heated debate over surveillance laws

Intelligence Online - mar, 12/09/2023 - 06:00
Even as the threat of a government shutdown looms on the horizon, the focus of Congress's return this week will
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

France/Turkey : Behind the scenes of Macron's unworkable visit to Ankara

Intelligence Online - mar, 12/09/2023 - 06:00
First scheduled for late September, then pushed back to early October, Emmanuel Macron's visit to Turkey seems less and less
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

China/Israel/Japan : Japan turns to Israel's 9500 Group to counter Chinese Fukushima disinformation

Intelligence Online - mar, 12/09/2023 - 06:00
Israel's 9500 Group is helping the Japanese government to counteract a Chinese influence campaign, Intelligence Online has heard, following the
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

China/Germany/United Kingdom : German domestic intelligence boss shared stage in London with alleged Chinese spy Cash

Intelligence Online - mar, 12/09/2023 - 06:00
In Berlin, questions are being asked by the intelligence community as to when their British counterparts intended to inform them about the case of Christopher Cash, the parliamentary aide now officially charged with stealing state secrets for China.
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Australia : Intelligence review set to entrench Canberra's role as US base for observing China

Intelligence Online - lun, 11/09/2023 - 06:00
Canberra's sweeping Independent Intelligence Review (IIR), now underway, is likely to please Washington, as it is expected to push for the Australian National Intelligence Community (NIC) to take a stronger proactive stance on China. Led by Labor prime minister Anthony
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Bulgaria/Israel/UAE : Abu Dhabi cyber taps into Israeli-Bulgarian expertise

Intelligence Online - lun, 11/09/2023 - 06:00
The Bulgarian open source intelligence (OSINT) startup Tesseract Intelligence was given a space on UAE firm Beacon Red's stand at
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Saudi Arabia : GCAP, F-35: France hesitates over Rafale sales pitch as ambitious Riyadh reassesses its fighter options

Intelligence Online - lun, 11/09/2023 - 06:00
French Armed Forces Minister Sébastien Lecornu visit to Riyadh on Friday 8 September, to meet with his counterpart Khaled bin
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

China/Japan : Tokyo tries to step up fight against Chinese disinformation

Intelligence Online - lun, 11/09/2023 - 06:00
In the wake of Chinese efforts to heighten regional fears over the release of Fukushima's waters, strategists in Tokyo are
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Russia : Wagner plane crash sparks unprecedented frenzy for spy satellites

Intelligence Online - lun, 11/09/2023 - 06:00
The 23 August crash of the Embraer Legacy 600 aircraft carrying Wagner chiefs Yevgeny Prigozhin and Dmitry Utkin in Russia's
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

China/France/Ukraine/United Kingdom : Ukraine's SSSCIP, Foreign Affairs Committee, China experts at Foreign Office, Wiretapping radicals

Intelligence Online - lun, 11/09/2023 - 06:00
Ukraine - Special communications service wants more soldiersUkraine's State Service of Special Communications and Information Protection, the SSSCIP (IO, 13/07/23)
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Ukraine/United Kingdom : New defence minister Umerov's network of consultants to rally Muslim support for Ukraine

Intelligence Online - lun, 11/09/2023 - 06:00
Ukraine's 4 September appointment of Rustem Umerov as defence minister, replacing Olexi Reznikov (IO, 17/03/22), strengthens Kyiv's networks of communications
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Press release - Spanish Presidency debriefs EP committees on priorities

Ministers are holding a series of meetings in parliamentary committees to present the priorities of the Spanish Presidency of the Council.
Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development
Committee on Culture and Education
Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs
Committee on Employment and Social Affairs
Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality
Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection
Committee on International Trade
Committee on Industry, Research and Energy
Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs
Committee on Fisheries
Committee on Regional Development
Committee on Transport and Tourism
Subcommittee on Security and Defence

Source : © European Union, 2023 - EP

Malaysia/Switzerland : Switzerland's EAS Solutions targets Asian markets

Intelligence Online - ven, 08/09/2023 - 06:00
Popular with Israeli cyber firms looking for a base from which to export their technology (IO, 07/06/23), Switzerland also boasts
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Cambodia : Cambodia explores non-Chinese alternatives to Huawei for data storage infrastructure

Intelligence Online - ven, 08/09/2023 - 06:00
Although they have not been officially excluded, Chinese companies will be up against stiff competition for contracts to build data
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Estonia : Kaupo Rosin heads Estonia's external intelligence cyber activities on Russian front

Intelligence Online - ven, 08/09/2023 - 06:00
Although the press in Moscow was quick to suggest that the recent drone attacks on Russia's Pskov Airport, close to
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds

Ukraine : Kyiv's Avalon, hive of Klitschko's networks

Intelligence Online - ven, 08/09/2023 - 06:00
When Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko's office gave €6.23 million to the GUR military intelligence service, headed by the president's loyal
Catégories: Defence`s Feeds
