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Balkan News

Romania Arrests Target Child-Trafficking Crime Gang

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 20/06/2017 - 12:51
Romanian organised crime prosecutors say that more than 70 Roma children from the east of the country were trained to pick pockets and then sent to Paris to steal and beg.
Catégories: Balkan News

Russian President Putin to Visit Bulgaria in 2018

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 20/06/2017 - 11:43
Vladimir Putin has accepted an invitation from President Rumen Radev to visit Bulgaria in 2018 to mark the 140th anniversary of the end of the Russo-Turkish war.
Catégories: Balkan News

Albanian Police Go Airborne for Anti-Cannabis Offensive

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 20/06/2017 - 10:42
After efforts in 2016 to curb widespread cannabis cultivation in Albania were unsuccessful, police have deployed helicopters as part of a new national effort to end the growing of illegal crops.
Catégories: Balkan News

Swiss Politician Convicted of Srebrenica Genocide Denial

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 20/06/2017 - 10:10
A Swiss court found Donatello Poggi, a local politician in the canton of Ticino, guilty of racial discrimination because he wrote that the 1995 genocide of Bosniaks from Srebrenica was a lie, media reported.
Catégories: Balkan News

Romania’s Political Turbulence Threatens Economic Growth

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 20/06/2017 - 07:06
By the end of this year, Romania is set to become the largest economy in the Balkans - but experts warn that if political instability continues, it will struggle to maintain the current momentum.
Catégories: Balkan News

Bulgarian Socialists Closer to Reclaiming Ruined ‘UFO’

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 20/06/2017 - 07:06
The Bulgarian Socialist Party, successor to the former ruling Communist Party, is seeking to regain control of the huge, bizarre-looking monument to Socialism at Mount Buzludzha, which has been abandoned to decay for over three decades.
Catégories: Balkan News

Macedonia PM Aims to Heal Breach With Bulgaria

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 20/06/2017 - 07:05
Macedonia's Prime Minister, Zoran Zaev, on Tuesday heads to Bulgaria on a mission to warm up strained relations - and seek Bulgaria's aid in Macedonia's Euro-Atlantic intregration bids.
Catégories: Balkan News

Hashim Thaci, Guerrilla Chief Who Became President

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 20/06/2017 - 07:04
Kosovo's president has established himself as a shrewd tactician able to outmanoeuvre his opponents – but who still remains haunted by his past.
Catégories: Balkan News

Iohannis Assures Merkel of Romania's Stability

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 19/06/2017 - 15:02
President Klaus Iohannis said Romanian foreign policy would remain stable despite the current government crisis, after meeting German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin.
Catégories: Balkan News

Vucic Gears Up for Belgrade City Elections

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 19/06/2017 - 14:32
Just weeks after winning nationwide presidential polls, new President Aleksandar Vucic already appears to be preparing his campaign for the all-important municipal elections in the Serbian capital.
Catégories: Balkan News

Die Hirnlosen korrupten Experten im Auswärtigen Amte und Partner in Kiew: man macht nun Jagd auf „Schwule“

Balkanblog.org - dim, 18/06/2017 - 18:49
Einen kriminellen Umsturz mit Erpressung und mit Nazi Todesschwadronen organisiert und vollkommene Idioten wurden in der Deutschen Botschaft in Kiew und im Auswärtigen Amte in Berlin empfangen, was zum System geworden ist. Wieder ein Land ruiniert, die Einwohner fliehen in den Westen und 10.000 Tode gab es deswegen. Im Auswärtigen Amte: Helge Schmid empfing den von den Deutschen promoteten Super Idioten, den Ober Nazi in Berlin, obwohl allgemein auch bei wikipediea bekannt: „Aufgrund der Euromaidan-Proteste entließ Janukowytsch am 28. Januar 2014 den Ministerpräsidenten Mykola Asarow per Dekret. Lukasch und alle anderen Minister waren von da an nur noch als Übergangsminister im Amt.[5] Bei einer Fraktionssitzung einige Tage später kritisierte Lukasch […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Steuer finanzierte Null Besucher Demo: Muslimische Anti-Terror-Demo floppt

Balkanblog.org - sam, 17/06/2017 - 22:52
Bei 2-300 Teilnehmern sind das nur Freunde, Bekannte, und ein paar Neugierige Besucher, was wieder mit Lügen und mit Betrug mit Steuerngeldern finanziert wird, denn von Steuergeldern leben die Intiatoren: Lamya Kaddor und Tarek Mohamad, identisch wie die SPD AntiFa Schläger, welche ebenso in Berlin versuchten eine friedliche Demonstration in eine Schlägerei umzuwandeln. Sieben Attacken in zwei Wochen: Antifa terrorisiert AfD in Schwerin Der Mega Betrug der „Political Correktiv“ und Toleranz Leute der korrupten Hirnlosigkeit, welche damit viel Geld verdienen, wie SPD Betrüger, mit eigenen Flüchtlingsheimen, ein alten Mafia Konzept. Muslimische Anti-Terror-Demo floppt: Nur wenige Teilnehmer Deutschland 17. Juni 2017 Heute wollten Muslime mit einem Friedensmarsch ein Zeichen gegen Gewalt […]
Catégories: Balkan News

New thermal power plants in the Balkans do not meet EU standards

Balkanblog.org - sam, 17/06/2017 - 20:05
 Balkan energy projects with Chinese involvement – state of play June 2017 Briefing   |   June 1, 2017   |   Download PDF Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Romania all plan new lignite power plants during the next few years. In contrast, most EU countries are giving up building new coal plants and seven EU states are already coal-free. Since the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank have virtually halted lending for new coal power plants, most of them are due to be financed by Chinese state banks – ExIm Bank and the China Development Bank. New thermal power plants in the Balkans do not meet EU standards […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Nur 1/3 glaubt noch der OSCE, den EU kontrollierten Wahlen in Bosnien

Balkanblog.org - sam, 17/06/2017 - 19:56
Desaströser Kindergarden and expensive EUFOR educates the young BiH popu Only one third of citizens believe in free elections in BiH By Mladen Dragojlovic / Published on: 15-06-2017, 19:15 According to the recent poll “The media and citizens in elections”, only one third of BiH citizens believe that elections in the country are free and fair, the other two third don’t believe in fairness of elections but 86 percent of participants in the poll said they were never involved in or witnessed electoral irregularities.These findings are included in the results of a public opinion poll presented at Thursday in Sarajevo on the theme of “Media and citizens in elections”, conducted […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Die Volksmodschahedin – eine iranische Terrororganisation, in Europa, nachdem man etliche prominente US Politiker kaufte

Balkanblog.org - sam, 17/06/2017 - 13:11
Die übelste Verbrecher Organisation, die MEK Gruppe, konnte nicht nur ungestört nach Deutschland einreisen, sondern in Paris ebenso wie in Tirana eine grosse Veranstaltung organisieren. Man kauft sich Politik, was bei Milliarden Profiten aus den Drogen Geschäften einfach ist. In Tirana im April 2017, links 2 CIA Kaspars, mit Laptops US Senator John McCain met the head of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), Maryam Rajavi, in the Albanian capital of Tirana on April 14, 2017. Republican US Senator John McCain has praised the head of the terrorist Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO), Maryam Rajavi, in a meeting in the Albanian capital, Tirana. Thierry Meyssan:„Die syrischen Terroristen wurden von der UCK […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Russian Band Turns Serbia's Kosovo 'Tragedy' Into Song

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 14/06/2017 - 11:14
Russian heavy metal band Kipelov, well known for its ardent Russian nationalism, has come up with a song about Serbia's 'tragedy' in Kosovo.
Catégories: Balkan News

Bosnian Capital Braces for New Veterans' Protests

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 14/06/2017 - 10:21
More protesters are due to rally in Sarajevo on Wednesday, joining hundreds of angry war veterans who are demanding higher pensions, and stoking fears of deepening social unrest.
Catégories: Balkan News

Bosnia’s Roma Try to Break Out of Isolation

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 14/06/2017 - 08:47
Roma people in Bosnia and Herzegovina suffer from poverty, discrimination and social exclusion from childhood onwards, and campaigners say that ensuring them a good education is the best way to change their fortunes.
Catégories: Balkan News

HDZ Embraces Opponents to Remain In Croatia Govt

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 14/06/2017 - 08:43
After a month of twists and turns, the Croatian Democratic Union, HDZ, entered a coalition government with former opponents – a novelty in Croatian politics.
Catégories: Balkan News

Serbia’s Vucic Plans Lavish Inauguration Ceremony

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 14/06/2017 - 08:42
New Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic will be inaugurated at a ceremony in Belgrade which will feature performances, multimedia displays, soldiers and thousands of guests, media reported.
Catégories: Balkan News
