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Balkan News

UK: El Chapo’s Cartel Joins Forces With Romanian Gangsters to Smuggle Cocaine

Balkanblog.org - mer, 26/07/2017 - 22:17
UK: El Chapo’s Cartel Joins Forces With Romanian Gangsters to Smuggle Cocaine Published: Tuesday, 25 July 2017 18:05 i The European branch of the infamous drug kingpin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman’s cartel is now collaborating with Romanian gangsters to smuggle cocaine into the UK, the International Business Times reported on Monday. Joaquin ‚El Chapo‘ Guzman (Photo: Ted Psahos)The National Crime Agency (NCA) did not name the Romanian gang but according to media, it said in a statement that the gang has “the capability to import large amounts of cocaine into the UK on a weekly basis.“ „Intelligence indicates that the Romanian OCG [organised crime group] are still being supplied by a […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Bosnia Mulls Election Ban on War Crimes Convicts

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 26/07/2017 - 17:13
A proposed amendment to Bosnia and Herzegovina’s electoral legislation would ban people who have served sentences for war crimes or other violations of humanitarian law from standing for office at elections.
Catégories: Balkan News

Croatia's Agrokor Starts Repaying Indebted Suppliers

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 26/07/2017 - 16:58
The state-appointed management of Croatia’s biggest company, Agrokor, said the company will now start repaying its small suppliers with a first tranche of 18 million euros.
Catégories: Balkan News

Gallery: Photos Recall Quake That Flattened Macedonia's Capital

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 26/07/2017 - 15:51
The Macedonian capital on Wednesday commemorates the 54th anniversary of the devastating earthquake that transformed the face of the city forever.
Catégories: Balkan News

Tom Hardy Set to Star in Bosnia War Film

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 26/07/2017 - 15:50
The British actor Tom Hardy will produce and act in a movie about UK journalist Anthony Lloyd's experiences during the Bosnian war and his battle with drug abuse.
Catégories: Balkan News

Albanians NAZI Terrorist: Mayor: Nis, Medvedja, Bujanovac and Presevo must be part of Albania

Balkanblog.org - mer, 26/07/2017 - 15:38
Die übelsten Albanischen Terroristen und Kopf Abschneidern auch von Kindern, kommen aus der Region und waren praktisich immer angestellt in der US „Bond Steel“ Anlage, als Drogen Küchen Ausbildungs Zentrum. Frank Walter Steinmeier war aktiv dabei, wie auch mit dem Betrüger Frank Wisner überall. Die Schleuser Zentrale der Albaner Mafia im „Preveso“ betreut 600 Migranten im Momentten in der Verbrecher Preveso Region Terror Anschläge als System der US finanzierten und organisierten Albanischen Terroristen in Tradition. Waffen und Munition beschlagnahme in der Verbrecher Hochburg Preveso und Bujanovac Mayor: Nis, Medvedja, Bujanovac and Presevo must be part of Albania By minareport – April 23, 2017 0 The EU, the US and Britain […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Bosnian Politicians Snub Trust-Building Get-Together

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 26/07/2017 - 15:16
A meeting of Bosnian political leaders intended to address the in-fighting that has stalled the country's European progress was cancelled because most of them refused to come.
Catégories: Balkan News

Croatia Broke EU Refugees Rules, ECJ Rules

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 26/07/2017 - 14:08
The European Court of Justice on Wednesday ruled that Croatia broke the EU's Dublin regulations by allowing migrants to cross over to Slovenia and Austria without first examining their asylum claims.
Catégories: Balkan News

Serbian Court Rejects Restart of Srebrenica Trial

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 26/07/2017 - 10:26
A Belgrade court rejected the war crimes prosecutor’s motion to continue a landmark trial of eight former Serb policemen for the Srebrenica massacres, saying the request was based on charges already dismissed.
Catégories: Balkan News

Macedonian Police Crack Down on Street Racers

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 26/07/2017 - 08:57
Macedonia’s police have boosted patrols in the capital Skopje in hope of stopping noisy and potentially dangerous night-time motorcycle and car races that upset city residents.
Catégories: Balkan News

Die “ Vjosa „: Das letzte blaue Wunder Europas, was durch die EU und Finanz Mafia zerstört wird

Balkanblog.org - mar, 25/07/2017 - 22:09
 Die Europäische Bank für Wiederaufbau und Entwicklung (EBRD), die Europäische Investitionsbank (EIB) und die Internationale Finanz-Corporation der Weltbank (IFC) haben Kredite über insgesamt EUR 818 Mio für nicht weniger als 75 Wasserkraftprojekte vergeben – 30 davon mit Auswirkungen auf Schutzgebiete wie Nationalparks, Natura 2000 Gebiete, und Ramsar Gebiete. Finanzierung von Wasserkraftprojekten in Schutzgebieten in Südosteuropa – englische Gesamtstudie Finanzierung von Wasserkraftprojekten in Schutzgebieten in Südosteuropa – Datenbank Betrugs EBRD Kredite, seit über 15 Jahren, um die Umwelt des Balkan’s zu zerstören. Genau bei identischen Projekt, war die Betrugs Bank: Deutsche Bank (45 % Beteiligung), mit der Nghradeta auch schon mal aktiv, wo mit Bauarbeiten begonnen wurde. 60 % der Medien Gruppe […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Zoran Zaev, und die Kumanova Terroristen in 2015

Balkanblog.org - mer, 19/07/2017 - 22:34
Court Testimony confirms involvment of Zoran Zaev Government in Kumanovo Terrorist attack Wednesday, 19 July 2017   Confirming what WikiLeaks already revealed, this morning a scandalous testimony of a terrorist involved in attack on police and civilians in Kumanovo directly involves the current Zoran Zaev led Government in both the attack on Goshince and later in Kumanovo back in 2015. Both SDS and DUI structures assisted by the US Embassy provided logistical and operational support for the terrorists, while the Americans requested to „remove ISIS recruits from the group in order to get rid of any references to religious elements“. Sulejman Osmani, who was questioned by the prosecution separately today, […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Romanian​ ​Politician Named in Scandal: Liviu Dragnea, president of the ruling Social Democrat Party (PSD)

Balkanblog.org - mer, 19/07/2017 - 22:01
Romanian​ ​Politician Named in Scandal Hits Back at Journalists: “Peace is Over” Published: Monday, 17 July 2017 17:14 Written by Paul Radu inShare5 The Bucharest office of RISE Project, an Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) partner, underwent an unannounced inspection by the anti-fraud bureau of Romania’s National Fiscal Agency (ANAF) even as important Romanian politicians threatened the outlet in both public and private. Officers from the Romanian Anti-Fraud Authority at the offices of RISE Project, OCCRP’s Romanian partner, during a surprise inspection. (Photo: RISE Project) The July 6 inspection followed the outlet’s revelation that Liviu Dragnea President of the Chamber of Deputies Liviu Dragnea, president of the ruling […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Kommt die NATO, funktioniert Nichts mehr: Kroatien und die Wild Feuer

Balkanblog.org - mer, 19/07/2017 - 21:25
Jugoslawien hatte alle Wild Feuer gut unter Kontrolle, weil man grosse Feuer Schneisen überall anlegte, diese Schneisen im Frühjahr auch säuberte und rodete. Lokal wurde jedes Feuer sofort bekämpft und niemand kann sich an grosse Feuer erinnern. Heute brennen überall die Wälder, und Nichts passiert, weswegen der Verteidigungs Minister seinen Rücktritt anbot. Kroatien und Montenegro Schwere Waldbrände wüten an der Adria Von red/dpa 18. Juli 2017 – 10:51 Uhr   An der Adriaküste wüten zurzeit schlimme Waldbrände. Die Einsatzkräfte konnten das Übergreifen der Brände auf die kroatische Stadt Split bislang verhindern. Split – In einem Großeinsatz von Feuerwehr und Soldaten ist das Übergreifen der Waldbrände auf die kroatische Adriastadt Split verhindert […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Montenegro's 'Trial of the Century' Put on Hold

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 19/07/2017 - 11:36
The Montenegrin coup trial faces a delay after defence lawyers filed a motion demanding the replacement of the special prosecution - following its release of phone conversations between two of the accused and one of their lawyers.
Catégories: Balkan News

'Russian Coup Plot' Trial to Open in Montenegro

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 19/07/2017 - 08:42
The trial of two Montenegrin opposition leaders and 12 others over an alleged coup attempt starts on Wednesday, but two Russian military intelligence officers who are also accused are still at large.
Catégories: Balkan News

New Migrants Face Old Terrors on Balkan Route

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 19/07/2017 - 08:41
A new wave of migrants crossing the Balkans in search of safety in the EU is bringing fresh testimonies of the violence and abuse that especially await women and children along the way.
Catégories: Balkan News

Bosnia’s Next Elections Could be a Game Changer

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 19/07/2017 - 08:40
As internal acrimony consumes the nationalist camps, the 2018 elections could see a breakthrough by a reunited Bosnian left – transforming the country’s reform prospects.
Catégories: Balkan News

Macedonians Offer Fans Free Lodging for UEFA Cup

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 19/07/2017 - 08:40
Macedonians seeking to preserve their hospitable reputation are inviting football fans visiting for the 2017 UEFA Super Cup match to avoid exorbitant hotel prices by staying at their homes free of charge.
Catégories: Balkan News

Drogen Geld Eintreiber der „Nghradeta“: Dario Myftiu alias Aurel Hoxha, aus Durres wurde verhaftet

Balkanblog.org - mar, 18/07/2017 - 21:01
Aus der Geldwäsche Metropole Durres mit Vangjush Dako und Edi Rama. Wahrscheinlichster Name, Aurel Hoxha, galt als „meistgesuchter“ Krimineller in Italien. In Bergamo verhaftet, der Durres Drogen Geld Eintreiber der „Nghradeta“: Dario Myftiu alias Aurel Hoxha, ein System der Albanischen Regierungs Mafia, das man neue Identitäten kaufen kann. Eigene Heroin Drogen Küche, direkt von den Amerikanern gelernt, dem eliminierten US Botschafter Josef Limprecht (Mitte Mai 2002).Unter Edi Rama, dem damaligen Innenminister Samir Tahiri wieder ein NATO Standard wohl, das Kriminelle auf Fahndungslisten nach Albanien gebracht werden, dort man sich bei der Grenz Polizei ab Ende 2014 meldet, etwas bezahlt, dann eine neue Identität erhält. Bildung der Drogen Barone aus Albanien […]
Catégories: Balkan News
