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Balkan News

Bosnians Mourn War Crimes Victims in Ahmici, Trusina

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 16/04/2018 - 14:06
Bosnians gathered in the villages of Ahmici and Trusina to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the war crimes committed there against Bosniaks and Bosnian Croats.
Catégories: Balkan News

Macedonia's Accession Hopes Rise as EU Officials Visit

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 16/04/2018 - 07:06
EU Enlargement Commissioner Johannes Hahn and foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini are to visit Macedonia this week after the country adopted reforms which it hopes will increase chances of a recommendation for accession talks.
Catégories: Balkan News

Workplace Barriers Stop Moldova Women from Reaching Their Potential

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 16/04/2018 - 06:58
Widening gender wage gap, a segregated job market and discrimination are hindering women’s progress in the labour market in Moldova, experts say.
Catégories: Balkan News

Djukanovic Wins Montenegro’s Presidential Election

Balkaninsight.com - dim, 15/04/2018 - 22:50
The veteran leader Milo Djukanovic has declared victory in the Montenegrin presidential polls amid reports of voting irregularities.
Catégories: Balkan News

Djukanovic Runs for Eighth Term in Montenegro

Balkaninsight.com - dim, 15/04/2018 - 09:24
After being prime minister six times and president once, Montenegro’s veteran leader Milo Djukanovic is battling six other candidates for a new term as head of state in Sunday’s presidential polls.
Catégories: Balkan News

Syria Strikes Win Support but Raise Concern in Balkans

Balkaninsight.com - sam, 14/04/2018 - 13:48
Some Balkan leaders voiced support for the US-led strikes on Syria's suspected chemical weapons capabilities, but in Serbia the air attacks brought back bad memories of the 1999 NATO bombing.
Catégories: Balkan News

Strafanzeige gegen Merkel und die Peinlichkeit des Heiko Maas: wegen Volksverhetzung, Lügen rund um Syrien

Balkanblog.org - sam, 14/04/2018 - 10:21
Was Dumm: Merkel dazu sagte, das Raketen nach Syrien schon wieder einmal flogen, obwohl Alles erneut nur inzeniert wurde. Seit Hitler gab es eine derartige Luegen Progaganda nicht mehr. Kaum zu glauben, wie korrupt und kriminell Deutsche Politiker inzwischen sind: Nicht Grimms sondern ARD Märchen.https://www.rubikon.news/artikel/die-ard-setzt-giftgas-ein Uraltes System, wo die Kriminellen in Berlin, seit Ende 1998 immer mitmachen. Lange geplant und Volker Perthes, von den kriminellen Banden im Auswaertigem Amte, machte an vordester Stelle mit! Gut geuebt mit dem Kosovo Krieg und PR Medien Agenturen. Uralte Partner der Terroristen und von Bin Laden persoenlich, Gangster als Partner wie Frank Wisner Jun.: Frank Walter Steinmeier, Mentor der Welt Verbrecher Clans. Sogar hohe […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Croatian PM Scores Vital Victories on Political D-Day

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 13/04/2018 - 16:56
The Croatian parliament strengthened Andrej Plenkovic’s position by rejecting a no-confidence bid to unseat the deputy premier and ratifying a European convention on violence against women despite conservative protests.
Catégories: Balkan News

BIRN Editor Wins Case Against Serbian Pro-Govt Tabloid

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 13/04/2018 - 16:13
A Belgrade court has fined the pro-government tabloid newspaper Informer for publishing untruths about BIRN in Serbia and its editor, Slobodan Georgiev.
Catégories: Balkan News

Seselj Refuses to Quit Serbian Parliament Over Conviction

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 13/04/2018 - 13:54
Serbian Radical Party leader Vojislav Seselj said that he will not resign as an MP despite his war crimes conviction, which legally disqualifies him from sitting in parliament.
Catégories: Balkan News

Moldova and Ukraine Sign Deals to Boost Economic Ties

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 13/04/2018 - 13:11
With their common interest in joining the EU, Kiev and Chisinau showed their determination to increase economic cooperation by signing new agreements on liberalising transport and customs regulations.
Catégories: Balkan News

Bosnian Croat Officers Accused of Violent Interrogations

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 13/04/2018 - 12:14
A former prison camp inmate told a Croatian court that he believed Bosnian Croat officials Marinko Maric and Zeljko Rodin, accused of war crimes against Bosniak prisoners in 1993, violently interrogated detainees.
Catégories: Balkan News

Korruptions Land Deutschland hat den teuersten Haushaltestrom in Europa

Balkanblog.org - ven, 13/04/2018 - 11:50
Schweden ist wie Bulgarien besonders guenstig im Strompreis, wobei Deutschland mit Abstand den teuersten Haushaltestrom in Europa, weil man praktisch alle SPD Politiker vor allem schmiert, ein System, was in NRW gekocht wurde, fuer die korrupten SPD Banden, welche alle von RWE geschmiert sind, wie von der Betrugsfirma: VW, oder bei Rheinmetall sind alle dabei. Um 450 % ist der Strom teurer als in Bulgarien in Deutschland, was nur durch die enormen Bestechungsgelder erklaerbar ist, denn die Politikratten sitzen ueberall in den Aufsichtraeten, schlimmer wie „Camorra“ organisiert. Und dann wird es peinlich, wenn die korrupten Berliner Ratten, Balkan Politiker wegen Korruptions kritisieren. Bulgaria (9.9 Eurocent/kWh), while households had to pay […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Debakel in Tradition: Kosovo Faces Judicial Dilemmas as EU Law Mission Ends

Balkanblog.org - ven, 13/04/2018 - 11:38
Im Solde der Albaner Mafia mit Frank Wisner: Frank Walter Steinmeier immer dabei   Wird die Milliarden teure EU Justiz Mission beendet im Juni, ist die aktuelle Frage? In 2014 und die Ratten der Justizbringer Mafia, machte ruhig weiter, zu feige etwas zutun, aber hohe Millionen Summen fuer Nichts abkassieren, was man als „Camorra“ System kennt. EULEX: Europäischer Rechnungshof Vernichtendes Urteil über EU-Mission im Kosovo Analysis Kosovo Faces Judicial Dilemmas as EU Law Mission Ends „Im Griff der Kriminalität“ Spiegel Ausgabe 45 in 2012 Schöne Pleite Veranstaltung der NATO im Kosovo! Robertson Underlines NATO Commitment to Kosovo 27/06/2003 ……….. Roberston stressed that the people of Kosovo must oppose organised crime […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Croatian Conservatives Protest Against Anti-Violence Treaty

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 13/04/2018 - 10:41
Protesters in Split rallied against the so-called Istanbul Convention – intended to prevent violence against women – expressing anger at Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, the EU and the Croatian political establishment.
Catégories: Balkan News

US Seeks Bulgarians' Extradition for Syria Sanctions-Busting

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 13/04/2018 - 08:58
Supporters of Zhelyaz Andreev, a Bulgarian accused by the US of taking part in a conspiracy to sell prohibited aircraft parts to the Syrian regime, have rallied to protest his innocence and oppose his extradition.
Catégories: Balkan News

Kosovo Faces Judicial Dilemmas as EU Law Mission Ends

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 13/04/2018 - 08:56
When the EU’s rule-of-law mission EULEX ends its mandate in mid-June, Kosovo judges and prosecutors will have to deal with hundreds of war crimes and corruption cases without international supervision for the first time.
Catégories: Balkan News

Deadlocked Kosovo Inches Towards Another Snap Election

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 13/04/2018 - 08:53
The break-up of Kosovo's ruling coalition has created a political deadlock that has left the opposition calling for another snap election, which means that yet another government may fall before its mandate ends.
Catégories: Balkan News

Thousands Rally Against Croatia Ratifying Women’s Rights Convention

Balkaninsight.com - jeu, 12/04/2018 - 20:45
Thousands protested in the city of Split against Croatia’s impending ratification of the Council of Europe’s ‘Istanbul Convention’ on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, claiming it would undermine family values and the country’s traditions.
Catégories: Balkan News

Strasbourg Court to Probe Bulgarian Ex-King's Property Claim

Balkaninsight.com - jeu, 12/04/2018 - 17:52
The European Court of Human Rights will examine Bulgarian former king and prime minister Simeon Sakskoburggotski’s request for the restitution of two properties that once belonged to the crown.
Catégories: Balkan News
