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Balkan News

Macedonia Plans Low-Key Anniversary of Ohrid Deal

Balkaninsight.com - sam, 13/08/2016 - 10:46
Macedonia on Saturday is holding a modest event marking the 15th anniversary of the signing of the Ohrid Peace Accord, which ended a six-month ethnic Albanian insurgency.
Catégories: Balkan News

ein kriminelles Enterprise: die Goldman & Sachs Mafia mit Mario Draghi

Balkanblog.org - ven, 12/08/2016 - 20:05
mit Rot-Grün, übernahmen auch Gangster die Vorstands Posten der Banken, denn plötzlich waren keine Banker im Vorstand, sondern Profi Gangster, von Nonnenmacher, Josef Ackermann, Draghi, Vorstands Vorsitzende auch der Landesbanken, wovon sich die BayernLB bis heute nicht erholt hat. Die Deutsche Bank ist Bankrott, die Österreichische Raiffeisenbank ebenso, das ehemalige hohe Anlage Vermögen verschwand im Sumpf der Gangster. Der korrupte Barosso, landete ebenso bei Goldman & Sachs. Comment Barroso and Goldman Sachs – a dangerous liaison July 19th 2016Revolving doors, The financial lobby José Manuel Barroso’s move to Goldman Sachs has catapulted the EU’s revolving door problem onto the political agenda. It is symbolic of the excessive corporate influence at […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Sky Report On Arms Trafficking Outrages Romania

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 12/08/2016 - 16:06
A British TV report about alleged arms traffickers in Romania is being investigated for allegedly putting the country’s security at risk.
Catégories: Balkan News

Serbian Caricaturists May Sue Ruling Party

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 12/08/2016 - 16:01
At least two Serbian caricaturists whose work was used at a controversial exhibition organized by the ruling Serbian Progressive Party, are considering filing a lawsuit.
Catégories: Balkan News

Albanians in Himara Say Urban Plan Threatens Homes

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 12/08/2016 - 15:11
Locals in one the most scenic parts of southern Albania fear that they could lose their homes as a result of a new urban plan for the area. 
Catégories: Balkan News

Krasniqi Lawyer Urges Appeal Court to Free Him

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 12/08/2016 - 14:57
Defence lawyer Haxhi Millaku said Monday's conviction of former KLA fighter Xhemshit Krasniqi was unjust and he expected the Court of Appeal to free him.
Catégories: Balkan News

Serbian Gay Minister to Visit Homophobic MP

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 12/08/2016 - 12:03
Ana Brnabic, the first openly LGBT person to sit in a Serbian government, has agreed to visit Dragan Markovic 'Palma', one of the loudest opponents of gay and lesbian rights, in his hometown of Jagodina.
Catégories: Balkan News

Macedonia Leaders Turn Flood Relief Into Photo Op

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 12/08/2016 - 11:21
Ruling and opposition parties in Macedonia have been accused of turning the relief effort for victims of the recent floods into into a PR contest.
Catégories: Balkan News

Vucic’s Long Wish List Fails to Impress

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 12/08/2016 - 10:24
Serbia’s Prime Minister has finally formed the new government with eight new faces, but few are impressed with his choices, or with his almost 48,000-word address that took six hours to deliver.
Catégories: Balkan News

Serbian Leftists Organise ‘Censored Truth’ Show

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 12/08/2016 - 09:18
The Serbian Left party has organized a street exhibition in Belgrade called 'Censored truth' as a response to the ruling party’s own exhibition, called 'Uncensored lies'.
Catégories: Balkan News

Romanian Directors Compete at New York Film Fest

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 12/08/2016 - 08:41
Two Romanian films have been selected for the 2016 New York Film Festival’s Main Slate, set to begin for the 54th time next month.
Catégories: Balkan News

Bulgaria Claims Gold Artefact is World's Oldest

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 12/08/2016 - 08:40
A tiny golden bead, unearthed at a pre-historic settlement in southern Bulgaria, is the world's oldest golden artefact, archaeologists claim.
Catégories: Balkan News

Political Satirists Eye Belgrade Local Elections

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 12/08/2016 - 08:38
A spoof political group that came second in Mladenovac’s local election by pledging to ‘lie transparently’ say they might field candidates at the next Belgrade City Assembly vote.
Catégories: Balkan News

Sarajevo’s Firefighters Recall a City in Flames

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 12/08/2016 - 08:34
During the siege of Sarajevo, the city’s firefighters battled thousands of blazes while trying to dodge sniper bullets and shells, risking their own lives to save others.
Catégories: Balkan News

Kosovo's Fearful Gays Stay Firmly in the Closet

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 12/08/2016 - 08:31
Their rights may look good on paper - but in reality the LGBT community in Kosovo remains heavily discriminated against, in a society that still sees same-sex attraction as a disease.
Catégories: Balkan News

Montenegro Defends Saudi Arabia Arms Sales

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 12/08/2016 - 08:28
The government in Podgorica is on the defensive regarding its controversial decision to approve export permits for a 2.7-million-euro arms deal with Saudi Arabia.
Catégories: Balkan News

Soros ‘Advised Clinton on Handling Albania Unrest’

Balkaninsight.com - jeu, 11/08/2016 - 18:22
WikiLeaks email suggests Open Society founder’s advice to Hillary Clinton on how to handle the unrest in Tirana in 2011 was acted on.
Catégories: Balkan News

Bosnian Serb Court Rejects Bosniaks’ Referendum Challenge

Balkaninsight.com - jeu, 11/08/2016 - 15:02
The Constitutional Court in Bosnia’s Serb-dominated entity Republika Srpska rejected an attempt by Bosniaks to block a controversial referendum about the annual Day of Republika Srpska holiday.
Catégories: Balkan News

German Bunker Found on Serbian Construction Site

Balkaninsight.com - jeu, 11/08/2016 - 13:56
Workers constructing a supermarket for Lidl in Belgrade have uncovered a well-preserved bunker, seemingly dating back to World War II, when the Nazis occupied Yugoslavia.
Catégories: Balkan News

Freak Storm Kills 20 in Macedonian Capital

Balkaninsight.com - dim, 07/08/2016 - 12:42
Torrential rain and heavy winds that hit the Macedonian capital Skopje on Saturday night left at least 20 dead, six missing and 22 people hospitalized, police confirmed.
Catégories: Balkan News
