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Balkan News

Opinion Poll: Gap Narrows Between Macedonia's Parties

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 06/12/2016 - 11:26
Macedonia is seeing one of the tightest electoral races in its history as the gap between the ruling party and the opposition continues to narrow and the number of undecided voters remains high, the latest opinion poll suggests.
Catégories: Balkan News

Balkan Journalists Vulnerable to Attacks, Study Shows

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 06/12/2016 - 10:10
A new study conducted in five Balkan countries says journalists in the region enjoy very low levels of protection from physical attacks, death threats and other pressures - and blames governments for doing little or nothing to improve matters
Catégories: Balkan News

Wird Real Politiker: Dana Rohrabacher der neue US Aussenminister?

Balkanblog.org - mar, 06/12/2016 - 07:51
Dana Rohrabacher über die Dumm: Victory Nuland, Ehefrau des Welt NeoCon Gangsters Robert Kagan Dana Rohrbacher, gehört zu dem sogenannten „Tiefen Staat“ in den USA und deutlich wird, das Kriminelle wie Henry Kissinger Nichts mehr mit der Ernennung eines neuen Aussenministers zutun haben. Wie konnten nur die einfältige und kriminelleDumm Gestalten wie Clemens von Goetze, Martin Kobler, Joschka Fischer, Guido Westerwelle, das Ansehen der früheren Aussenpolitik komplett zerstören. Steimeier gehört verhaftertt, allein wegen seinen Auslands Bestechungs Geschäften und kriminellen Partnerschaften Weltweit. Inkompetenz im Kriegs Nonsens vereint: Die US Mord Faschistin Victoria Nuland und die AA Tussi des Unfugs: Helga Schmid Praktisch könnte ein neuer Aussenminister Dana Rohrbacher, die komplette Führungs […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Italian Law Threatens Call Centres in Albania

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 06/12/2016 - 06:36
Thousands of jobs in Albania appear at risk after Italy passed a new law restricting the rights of Italian companies to outsource customer services across the Adriatic Sea.
Catégories: Balkan News

US Senate to Vote on Montenegro’s NATO Bid

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 06/12/2016 - 06:36
Montenegro's NATO accession is going to ratification in the US Senate, although some Americans claim that accepting the tiny Balkan country will make no difference to the military alliance and could further damage ties to Russia.
Catégories: Balkan News

Drenas Setback Signals Trouble for Kosovo’s PDK

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 06/12/2016 - 06:35
The failure of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, PDK, to win mayoral elections outright in its traditional stronghold of Drenas could result in problems for the ruling party across the country.
Catégories: Balkan News

Maceconia Prosecution at Risk if Ruling Party Wins Polls

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 06/12/2016 - 06:35
The task of the Special Prosecution, SJO, to investigate high-level crime and corruption, must not remain unfinished, observers say, as Macedonia's ruling party pledges to wind it up if it wins the December elections.
Catégories: Balkan News

Architects of Modernist Skopje Decry Retrograde Remodel

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 06/12/2016 - 06:34
The ageing architects behind Skopje’s cutting-edge resurrection from a 1963 earthquake cry copyright foul as their acclaimed modernist creations are engulfed in antiquity.
Catégories: Balkan News

UN Prosecutors: Mladic was Key Figure in Bosnia Atrocities

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 05/12/2016 - 16:29
In the first day of closing arguments in Ratko Mladic’s trial, prosecutors said the former Bosnian Serb military commander played a crucial role in a brutal plan to ‘cleanse’ areas of Bosnia of non-Serbs.
Catégories: Balkan News

Radovan Karadzic Files Appeal Against Conviction

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 05/12/2016 - 15:05
Former Bosnian Serb President Radovan Karadzic has filed an appeal challenging the Hague Tribunal’s verdict sentencing him to 40 years in prison for genocide and crimes against humanity.
Catégories: Balkan News

New SDS Chief Threatens Fresh Bosnian Serb Referendum

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 05/12/2016 - 13:37
The radical statements of the new leader of the main opposition party in Republika Srpksa suggest that he is trying to copy the hard-line Serbian nationalism of the entity's supremo, Milorad Dodik, with potentially worrying consequences for the country.
Catégories: Balkan News

Fascist Slogan Near Croatia Concentration Camp Sparks Anger

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 05/12/2016 - 12:46
Serb politicians have condemned a memorial plaque with a fascist slogan which was installed by Croatian war veterans and right-wing politicians near the Jasenovac WWII concentration camp.
Catégories: Balkan News

Macedonia Albanians Stick to Ethnic Issues in Election

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 05/12/2016 - 12:01
Albanian parties in Macedonia are focusing on standard ethnic issues in the December 11 election - while more pressing everyday problems that need solving are being left out, experts fear.
Catégories: Balkan News

Albanian Court Urged not to Impede Judicial Reform

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 05/12/2016 - 11:37
With two key laws in Albania's judicial reform process before the Constitutional Court, experts are urging the court not to stall the EU-mandated process unnecessarily.
Catégories: Balkan News

Anti-Communist Law Opens Old Wounds in Bulgaria

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 05/12/2016 - 11:13
Legal amendments banning the public display of communist symbols have angered communists across Europe and reawakened old disputes at home. 
Catégories: Balkan News

The Balkans Today: 5th - 9th December 2016

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 05/12/2016 - 09:11
Our team brings you live updates of the most important events and developments in the Balkans as they happen.
Catégories: Balkan News

EU and Balkan Modell: plagiarism in politic

Balkanblog.org - lun, 05/12/2016 - 07:59
05 Dec 16 Croatia Urged to Tackle Rampant Culture of Plagiarism The resignation of the head of Croatia’s main ethics committee – who complained of his frustration – has highlighted the country’s apparent inability to penalise plagiarism by top officials and academics. Sven Milekic BIRN Zagreb Minister Pavo Barisic is under a spotlight for alleged plagiarism. Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Sliverhand333 Plagiarism in Croatia’s academic community is not being dealt with and punished because fellow academics “turn a blind eye” to their colleague’s misdeeds and damage the image of the community as a whole, Tomislav Pletenac, a professor of ethnology and cultural anthropology at Zagreb’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences told […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Montenegro Serbs Tell Serbia's PM Their Woes

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 05/12/2016 - 06:38
Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic has agreed to hear the grievances of leaders of the pro-Serbian opposition in Montenegro - who wish to inform him of their plight in the country.
Catégories: Balkan News

Serbia PM Mulling Fresh Elections, Experts Say

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 05/12/2016 - 06:38
Serbia's ruling party may call another snap parliamentary election to boost the chances of its candidate in the presidential election in spring 2017, a number of experts say.
Catégories: Balkan News

Croatia Urged to Tackle Rampant Culture of Plagiarism

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 05/12/2016 - 06:37
The resignation of the head of Croatia's main ethics committee - who complained of his frustration - has highlighted the country's apparent inability to penalise plagiarism by top officials and academics.
Catégories: Balkan News
