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Balkan News

Croatia's Living Wall 'Profiting From Populist Surge'

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 31/01/2017 - 06:43
The growing popularity of the anti-establishment Living Wall suggests that Croatia is following a global trend in terms of the rise in populist politics, an expert has explained.
Catégories: Balkan News

Bosnian Croat-Serb Alliance Makes Bosniaks Nervous

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 31/01/2017 - 06:42
Growing cooperation between Bosnia’s Croat and Serb leaders is making many Bosniaks anxious – but whether this improbable alliance can survive in the long term is questionable.
Catégories: Balkan News

Macedonia Opposition Fears President May Withhold Mandate

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 31/01/2017 - 06:40
After the ruling VMRO DPMNE party missed Sunday's deadline to form new government, the opposition Social Democrats are upping pressure on President Gjorge Ivanov to entrust them with the same task.
Catégories: Balkan News

Albanian Minister Says Attacking Corruption Got Him Fired

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 30/01/2017 - 16:08
Justice Minister Ylli Manjani has accused Prime Minster Edi Rama and the government of firing him for speaking out about corruption and the scale of cannabis cultivation.
Catégories: Balkan News

Bosnia Charges Serb Woman with Vlasenica Massacre

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 30/01/2017 - 15:36
Visnja Acimovic was charged with involvement in the shooting of 37 Bosniak prisoners in the Vlasenica municipality in 1992.
Catégories: Balkan News

Arzt, Minister Zlatibor Loncar, Mitglied im „Zemun“ Clan und aktives Mitglied der Arzt Todesschwadron unter Milosevic

Balkanblog.org - lun, 30/01/2017 - 14:03
Die Vergangenheit holt viele hoch kriminelle Verbrecher ein, die sich in die Politik überall eingekauft haben, oder komplette Staaten übernahmen wie Montenegro, Kosovo, Albanien und durchaus auch Brüssel und Washington Zlatibor Loncar, Mitglied der Serbischen Todesschwadronen, welche im Krankenhaus, nach einem fingierten Unfall, den Verletzten die Todes Spritze gaben, ein System des Zemun Clans, rund um Milocevic Minister says he could resign over photo taken with mobster Health Minister Zlatibor Loncar says a photo of him and Dusan Spasojevic, made public recently, was made after he performed surgery on Spasojevic’s father. Source: Beta, N1 Friday, January 27, 2017 | 10:56 Zlatibor Loncar (Tanjug, file) Loncar said that his resignation is […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Bosniaks Slap Down Calls for Bosnian Croat Entity

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 30/01/2017 - 13:18
The mainly Bosniak Party for Democratic Action, SDA, has condemned the latest call for the creation of third entity in Bosnia, mostly comprising the country's Croats.
Catégories: Balkan News

Bosnia’s War Childhood Museum Opens in Sarajevo

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 30/01/2017 - 11:05
A moving exhibition of mementoes of children who lived through the war has finally opened after the War Childhood Museum secured enough funding to acquire a permanent home.
Catégories: Balkan News

Macedonia's Gruevski Fails to Form New Govt

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 30/01/2017 - 09:47
Former Prime Minister and VMRO DPMNE party leader Nikola Gruevski missed his deadline to form a new government after failing to secure support from his former partner, the Democratic Union for Integration.
Catégories: Balkan News

Kriegs Verbrecher „SAS“ Offizier des Mi5: Jon Harrison, der Waffen in den Kosovo lieferte und Ausbildung organisierte

Balkanblog.org - lun, 30/01/2017 - 08:19
Die Verbrechen der Deutschen Ratten, der damaligen Regierung, wo heute ein Schröder sagt, das Alles ein Fehler gewesen sei. Joschka Fischer, musste diesem Krieg im September 1998 zustimmen, der von den Amerikaner mit Morden und Todesschwadronen geplant und genehmigt wurde, durch den Schwer Verbrecher Bill Clinton. Nur Scheibchen Weise, kommen heute die Verbrechen der UCK – KLA zu Tage, welche 1998, als Internationalen Terroristen Organisation registriert war, es auch der US Gesandte Robert Gelbard, in seinem Bericht festhielt. Aber Verbrecher suchten eine neue Aufgabe für die NATO und mit Islamischen Terroristen, wurden Terroristen Camps errichtet, auch mit Hilfe von Klaus Kinkel dem THW unterstützt in Nord Albanien. UN, NATO Embargo […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Green Protesters Seek Bulgarian President's Support

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 30/01/2017 - 06:36
Bulgarian environmental groups are staging a protest in front of the Presidency on Monday, calling on President Radev to veto recent legal changes that they say will harm the country's national parks.
Catégories: Balkan News

Croatia Media Await Funding Ruling With Concern

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 30/01/2017 - 06:35
Non-profit media await a final decision on their appeals for funds from Croatia's new culture minister - but some fear she will continue the controversial policies of her predecessor.
Catégories: Balkan News

Photos of Minister With Gangster Puzzle Serbia

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 30/01/2017 - 06:34
Newly released photographs of Serbia's Health Minister as a young man in the company of notorious gangster have prompted fresh calls for a probe into his relations with the Zemun Clan.
Catégories: Balkan News

Romania Debates Controversial Anti-Graft Decrees

Balkaninsight.com - lun, 30/01/2017 - 06:34
Romania's Justice Ministry started a limited public debate on Monday on controversial decrees that would pardon convicted politicians and decriminalize abuse of office.
Catégories: Balkan News

Kosovo Victim’s Son Accuses KLA Guerrillas of Abduction

Balkaninsight.com - sam, 28/01/2017 - 07:18
The son of an ethnic Albanian man killed during wartime told BIRN that Kosovo Liberation Army guerrillas led by war crimes suspect Remzi Shala took his father away in June 1998.
Catégories: Balkan News

TOP 1 Mafia US Clan: Gambino, Janes Traficant jun. Hillary and Bill Clinton’s ties to the US Mafia

Balkanblog.org - ven, 27/01/2017 - 22:15
Partner mit vollen Wissen der Deutschen Aussenminister und etlicher angeschlossener Mörder und Verbrecher Weltweit. Robert Parry: Warum Russland die NED-Front dicht gemacht hat Exklusiv: Das Flaggschiff der Neokons, die Washington Post, hat auf Präsident Putin eine Propagandabreitseite abgefeuert. Er hat es gewagt, die Tätigkeiten der NED (National Endowment for Democracy) in Russland zu beenden. Aber dass die NED eine von der Regierung gepäppelte Stiftung, ein verlängerter Arm der CIA ist und für Moskau Umsturzpläne hat – dazu erfährt man nichts. Rekord verdächtig, dieses Mafia Geschäft: Die Kurdischen MEK Terroristen der Hillary Clinton werden ein Problem für die Albaner Regierung 2003 warnte das FBI vor den US Verbrecher Banden, welche als […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Serb Fighters Charged with Visegrad Bosniaks’ Disappearances

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 27/01/2017 - 16:23
Two former Bosnian Serb soldiers and an ex-policeman were charged with crimes against humanity over the torture and subsequent forced disappearance of six Bosniaks from Visegrad in 1992.
Catégories: Balkan News

LSI Minister Desaster sei langem in Albanien: 200 Schweine Köpfe an einem Fluss, das nächste Desaster

Balkanblog.org - ven, 27/01/2017 - 15:48
Die gut bekannten Mafia Minister wollen die Sache aufklären was die übliche Show ist. Die Mafia Minister der LSI Partei schlugen wieder zu: Umwelt Minister Lefter Koka, und Edmond Panariti, haben das korrupte System der Deutschen rund um Geldwäsche, Betrug direkt 1 : ! übernommen, was Hillary Clinton mit ihren Partner der Verbrecher Familie Gambino, Meyer Lanski eingeführt hat in die Deutsche Aussenpolitik: immer mit Verbrechern und Terroristen. EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton’s ties to the MOB: How former Secretary of State met with Mafia heir at his pizzeria where he asked for father’s release from prison (in return for an offer she couldn’t refuse) White House hopeful met Giovanni Gambino at […]
Catégories: Balkan News

US Must not Hesitate Over Montenegro’s NATO Bid

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 27/01/2017 - 15:25
The US Senate must end the anxiety in Montenegro over the NATO Accession Protocol, which is only serving the interests of the Kremlin’s political allies in the country.
Catégories: Balkan News

Albania Honours Families That Sheltered Jews From Holocaust

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 27/01/2017 - 14:33
Albanian families who hosted persecuted Jews in World War II were awarded medals on Holocaust Day on Friday, while other activities were held in Tirana to remember the solidarity people demonstrated under the Nazis.
Catégories: Balkan News
