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Balkan News

Wenn ein Kriegsverbrecher, Krimineller Praesident wird: Frank-Walter Steinmeier vollkommen korrupt und kriminell

Balkanblog.org - mar, 14/02/2017 - 13:14
Schlimmer wie Hitler, weil er Kopfabschneider von Kindern, Ethnische Saeuberungen, Massenmorde und die Todesschwadronen der Super Nayis finanzierte und Obama nannte ihn 2009 schon einen Scheckbuch Diplomate, sprich vollkommen kriminell und korrupt in der Auslands Bestechung, wo er schon lange hinter Gitter gehoert. Kurt Beck, Martin Schulz identisch Profi Kriminelle und korrupte Betrugs Gestalten. 13.02.2017 – Präsidiable Politik BERLIN (Eigener Bericht) – BERLIN (Eigener Bericht) – Frank-Walter Steinmeier, designierter Präsident der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, verkörpert wie kaum ein zweiter die Berliner Expansionspolitik der vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnte vom Kosovokrieg bis zur Einmischung in den Syrienkrieg. Den Überfall auf Jugoslawien vom Frühjahr 1999, mit dem Deutschland unter Bruch des Völkerrechts in seinen ersten […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Corruption EU Mafia in Tirana: Fraud, Drugs, money laundering: the case of alleged corruption with EU funds

Balkanblog.org - mar, 14/02/2017 - 12:40
Nr. ! for money laudering: Romana Vlahutin, payed by Georg Soros Mafia, Drug Barons and Fraud criminals Monday, February 13, 2017 The powerful allies of Edi Rama From left to right EU Ambassador to Albania Romana Vlahutin, PM of Albania Edi Rama and US Ambassador to Albania Donald Lu AUTHOR Kassandra By Kassandra Legendary EU insider, uncovering the deepest and darkest realities of EU governance and administration PUBLISHED 07:52 FEBRUARY 13, 2017UPDATED 07:52 FEBRUARY 13, 2017 The powerful allies of Edi Rama By Kassandra Legendary EU insider, uncovering the deepest and darkest realities of EU governance and administration Following our reporting last week on the case of alleged corruption with […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Another Snap Poll Won't Solve Macedonia's Crisis: Survey

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 14/02/2017 - 12:08
If fresh elections were held immediately, Macedonia's ruling and opposition parties would again end up with almost-tied results, leaving the political crisis unresolved, an opinion survey suggested.
Catégories: Balkan News

Bosnian Prosecution Seeks More Funds for Exhumations

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 14/02/2017 - 11:35
The prosecution has asked the Bosnian state presidency for more money to exhume war graves after only receiving 95,000 euros from the Council of Ministers for 2017.
Catégories: Balkan News

Montenegro Seeks Arrests of ‘Coup Plot’ Opposition Leaders

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 14/02/2017 - 10:03
Lawmakers are expected to vote on Wednesday on a motion to strip two Montenegrin opposition leaders of their immunity from prosecution over their alleged involvement in a coup attempt.
Catégories: Balkan News

Doctors’ Refusal to Perform Abortions Divides Croatia

Balkaninsight.com - mar, 14/02/2017 - 09:03
Controversy has been growing in Croatia as increasing numbers of doctors have been declining to carry out abortions, citing a law that allows them to refuse on moral or religious grounds.
Catégories: Balkan News

Zamir Bajrami, Kosovo Volksheld, wegen Erpressung um in Haft sitzende Verbrecher frei zukaufen

Balkanblog.org - ven, 10/02/2017 - 22:13
 Eine reine Verbrecher Familie wo der Sohn , Bajram Pajaziti in Durres, bewaffnet schon verhaftet wurde. Aber Tausende von Kriminellen, inklusive Ramuz Haradinaj haben sich in Durres illegale Hotels, Villen, Lokale gebaut, wobei die berüchtigsten Lokale schon vor fast 20 Jahren: „Kosovo“ und Drenica“ hiessen. Heute Hotels mit Restaurant. Senior Kosovo official arrested for fraud By Elton Tota  /   10/02/2017  /   No Comments Police of Kosovo have arrested in Pristina two people, one of which is believed to be a senior official of the government of Kosovo and the other one is his son. The news was confirmed by the chief prosecutor of Pristina, Imer Beka. Beka declared […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Korrupte Berufs Deppen an die Front: Brüssel sieht EU von Feinden umzingelt

Balkanblog.org - ven, 10/02/2017 - 18:24
Der korrupte Deppen Club der EU, oft von Georg Soros gekauft, von niemanden gewählt, weiß mit seinen Betrügereien, Kriegen, Massenmorde und kriminellen Partner nicht mehr weiter. Große Gefahr für Europa Transatlantiker in der EU zunehmend unter Druck Für das EU-Establishment kommen dieser Tage die Hiobsbotschaften Schlag auf Schlag, dabei ist der Schock über den Sieg Donald Trumps bei den US-Präsidentschaftswahlen noch längst nicht verdaut. Dessen versöhnliche Worte gegenüber Russland – „Ich glaube, Putin und ich kämen gut miteinander aus“ – treiben den Transatlantikern innerhalb der Brüsseler Machtetagen den Angstschweiß auf die Stirn. Sie fürchten eine Aufweichung der Front gegen Russland. Eine Annäherung Moskaus an die USA „wäre eine große Gefahr […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Srebrenica Convict Ljubisa Beara Dies in Germany

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 10/02/2017 - 18:21
Former chief of security at the main headquarters of the Bosnian Serb army, VRS, has died in a German prison where he was serving a life term for the 1995 Srebrenica genocide.
Catégories: Balkan News

Albania: PPP Schools, Corruption, and Clientelism

Balkanblog.org - ven, 10/02/2017 - 16:02
public-private partnership Sterilization Concession Turns Out To Be Very Profitable Environment & Society, Exit Brief, Main The government’s largest concession concerns the sterilization of medical equipment, costing around €71 million for the next ten years. According to the concession contract published by Syri, Albanian citizens will pay concession holder SaniService shpk up to €275 per operation, including natural childbirth, that occurs in one of the public hospitals in Albania until 2025. […] Tirana Transformation Zones, Privatization of the City Environment & Society, Exit Explains, Main Even though the new masterplan for Tirana was only approved by the end of December 2016, the government has assumed its implementation for a long time, […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Serbian Presidential Election Awaits Vucic's Decision

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 10/02/2017 - 14:19
The presidential race in Serbia is heating up amid speculation that Prime Minister and Progressive Party leader Aleksandar Vucic is about to reveal his hand.
Catégories: Balkan News

Albanian Minister Blames Robbery on Lax Security

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 10/02/2017 - 13:03
Thieves armed with heavy weapons attacked a private armoured car on Thursday and reportedly got away with 2 million euros - only the latest in a series of spectacular bank robberies in Albania.
Catégories: Balkan News

Probe Into Donors Angers Macedonia's Ruling Party

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 10/02/2017 - 11:37
VMRO DPMNE has accused the Special Prosecution of 'political discrimination' after it began summoning party donors as part of an inquiry - reportedly into the party's finances.
Catégories: Balkan News

Amnesty Seeks Justice for Killed Kosovo Protesters

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 10/02/2017 - 11:04
Amnesty International has called on the United Nations to deliver justice to the families of two Kosovo Albanians shot dead by UN police in a demonstration a decade ago in Pristina.
Catégories: Balkan News

Tolerance and Tensions in Serbia’s Industrial Melting Pot

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 10/02/2017 - 07:57
Despite sporadic incidents of ethnic violence in the 1990s, the industrial city of Pancevo is home to 27 different ethnic groups and has accommodated several waves of refugees from the war years.
Catégories: Balkan News

Chaos Balkan: Rumäniens Justizminister erklärt Rücktritt nach Massendemonstrationen

Balkanblog.org - ven, 10/02/2017 - 07:39
    Rumäniens Justizminister erklärt Rücktritt nach Massendemonstrationen Epoch Times9. February 2017 Aktualisiert: 9. Februar 2017 14:21 Nach tagelangen Massenprotesten in Rumänien: Justizminister Florin Iordache erklärte am Donnerstag in Bukarest den Verzicht auf sein Amt. „Ich habe mich entschieden, meinen Rücktritt anzubieten“, sagte er. In Rumänien haben den dritten Tag in Folge Zehntausende Menschen gegen die sozialliberale Regierung demonstriert.Foto: DANIEL MIHAILESCU/AFP/Getty Images Die Massenproteste gegen die Regierung in Rumänien haben einen weiteren Minister zum Rücktritt bewegt: Justizminister Florin Iordache erklärte am Donnerstag in Bukarest den Verzicht auf sein Amt. „Ich habe mich entschieden, meinen Rücktritt anzubieten“, sagte er. Iordache hatte das Dekret zur Lockerung der Anti-Korruptionsgesetze, das in Rumänien die größten […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Albanians Fear Durres Landmark Will Damage Ancient Remains

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 10/02/2017 - 07:05
A 6-million-euro concrete project in the ancient city of Durres is now in question after nearby digs revealed important archeological remains.
Catégories: Balkan News

Anti-NATO Groups Demand Referendum in Montenegro

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 10/02/2017 - 07:03
Montenegro’s pro-Russian opposition and some NGOs say NATO membership of the country must be decided in a referendum, as society remains deeply divided over the issue.
Catégories: Balkan News

Croatia Minister's Fate Uncertain Ahead of MPs' Vote

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 10/02/2017 - 07:01
The fate of Croatia's Science and Education Minister hangs in the balance ahead of an non-confidence vote initiated by the opposition citing his alleged plagiarism of a scientific paper.
Catégories: Balkan News

Hungary’s Harsh Laws Make Migrant Journeys an Ordeal

Balkaninsight.com - ven, 10/02/2017 - 07:00
Hungary's tightened border measures have turned migrants’ once relatively easy passage to the EU into a nightmare.
Catégories: Balkan News
