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Balkan News

Taliban: Vangjush Dako in Durres: Veliera, the Destruction of Cultural and Historical Heritage

Balkanblog.org - lun, 13/03/2017 - 05:57
    Die EBRD Betrugs Ausschreibungen für das Ausbaggern des Hafen Durres und der Zufahrt lösen sich nun nach über 10 Jahre in Luft auf. Der Kriminelle Vangjush Dako, kapiert wirklich NIchts, er schüttet mit den erneuten illegalen und verbotenen Entsorgungen vor allem von Lehm die sowieso kritische Hafen Zufahrt zu und zerstört die Küste.   Taliban Stadt Durres, wo 270 Antike Stätten durch Kriminelle zubetoniert wurden September 11, 2014 Das Durres Rathaus, wo schon die Amerikaner ebenso mit echten Spezialisten in 2006 und 2007 versuchten endlich ein System in die Stadt Planung zubringen, die teuren Urbanistik Pläne der Weltbank ebenso sofort Makulatur wurden, wie alle Infrastruktur Projekte nur dazu […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Albania: With Tahiri, Three More Ministers Gone

Balkanblog.org - lun, 13/03/2017 - 05:51
    With Tahiri, Three More Ministers Gone Exit Brief, Main, Politics & Policy After yesterday’s news that Prime Minister Edi Rama had fired Minister of Interior Affairs Saimir Tahiri, today he made the final decision to dismiss a total of four ministers: Minister Tahiri, Minister of Health Ilir Beqaj, Minister of Social Welfare and Youth Blendi Klosi, and Minister of State for Local Government Bledi Çuçi. Several media have reported […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Serbia Marks 14th Anniversary of PM Djindjic’s Murder

Balkaninsight.com - dim, 12/03/2017 - 10:04
Serbia is marking the 14th anniversary of the assassination of Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic in 2003, with relatives, supporters and political colleagues paying tribute to the slain reformist leader.
Catégories: Balkan News

Die inkompetende EU Commission, kann nicht die SAA Abkommen mit Bosnien umsetzen

Balkanblog.org - mer, 08/03/2017 - 18:57
European Commission takes the blame for the delay in the implementation of the SAA Agreement By Mladen Dragojlovic  /   07/03/2017  /   No Comments   The European Commission informed the BiH Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations that there has been a delay in the implementation of the adapted Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) of the EU with BiH, because of their ill-timed adoption of amendments to the relevant Commission Regulation, and that they need two months to correct this mistake. BiH Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations, Mirko Sarovic, said earlier that he sent a letter to EC demanding the correction of quota for export of […]
Catégories: Balkan News

über 10 Millionen Touristen weniger und Tausende von Hotels stehen zum Verkauf in der Türkei

Balkanblog.org - mer, 08/03/2017 - 18:48
Der Taliban Partner und Terroristen Financier, muss dann noch dumme Sprüche in Deutschland und gegen Europa machen, was ebenso nicht Tourismus Förderung sein kann. Zwischendurch schoss man noch eine Russische Militär Maschine mit Vorsatz ab, ermordete einen der Piloten The decline of Turkish tourism major blow for economy By Manolis Kostidis  2 months ago 10.7 million less tourists in the first 11 months of 2016 Predictions are worse for 2017 According to official figures from the Turkish Ministry of Tourism, during the January -November 2016 period the drop in tourist arrivals reached 35%. Tour operators speak of a fall of over 45%, while after the December hits the drop […] […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Serbs Doubt Prospect of EU Membership, Survey Shows

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 08/03/2017 - 16:52
Most people in Serbia want to join the EU - but do not expect membership - while cherishing a respectful attitude to Russia, a survey by the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy shows.
Catégories: Balkan News

NATO Chief Rebukes Thaci Over Kosovo Army Plan

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 08/03/2017 - 16:35
Kosovo President's move to transform the current Security Force into a regular army received a blow on Wednesday after NATO and the US embassy - as well as Serbia - criticised it.
Catégories: Balkan News

Serbian Singer Slams PM Over Concert ‘Censorship’

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 08/03/2017 - 16:04
Popular singer Vlado Georgiev, who claimed his recent concert was cancelled because he supports an opposition politician, said that Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic was wrong to say the event wasn’t censored.
Catégories: Balkan News

Macedonia Opposition Parties May Assemble Parliament Alone

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 08/03/2017 - 15:43
Parties forming the new majority in Macedonia's parliament have agreed that they may summon parliament to elect a new government - without permission from the President.
Catégories: Balkan News

Top MEP Tells EU to Counter Russia in Balkans

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 08/03/2017 - 15:30
German MEP and head of European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee David McAllister says there are too many ‘players’ in the Balkans, noting Russia as the biggest concern.
Catégories: Balkan News

'Double Standards' in Food Products Alarms Bulgaria, Romania

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 08/03/2017 - 14:33
Bulgaria and Romania have joined an outcry against multinational food companies, accused of selling lower quality products in Eastern Europe compared to those offered in the Western supermarkets.
Catégories: Balkan News

Montenegro Coup Row Fails to Deter Russian Holidaymakers

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 08/03/2017 - 14:21
Russian tour operators have noted a rise in interest in holidays in Montenegro compared to last year - despite a furious row over whether the Kremlin tried to organise a coup in the Balkan country.
Catégories: Balkan News

Silent Croatian 'Healer' Continues Pulling Crowds

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 08/03/2017 - 14:07
Josip Grbavac 'Braco', whose admirers include supermodel Naomi Campbell, has amassed an international following with his claims to heal people by simply gazing at them.
Catégories: Balkan News

Eurofighter: Ex-Manager von Airbus sollen von Schmiergeldern profitiert haben

Balkanblog.org - mer, 08/03/2017 - 13:53
Steinmeier, Westerwelle, die Auslands Bestechungs Künstler und Lehrmeister ohne Ende, mit Lobby Gruppen Warum will Westerwelle in Athen den „Eurofighter“ Schrott verkaufen Bauschrott, Bestechungs Geschaefte in Tradition: EADS: Eurofighter-Kauf Österreich zeigt Airbus wegen Betrugs an Eurofighter: Ex-Manager von Airbus sollen von Schmiergeldern profitiert haben Renate Graber2. März 2017, 14:19 187 Postings Auf 133 Seiten schildert die Republik, wie Airbus versucht haben soll, die Typenwahl zu beeinflussen Wien – Die Betrugsanzeige von Verteidigungsminister Hans Peter Doskozil (SPÖ) gegen Airbus beziehungsweise Exmanager des Rüstungskonzerns, von dem die Republik im Jahr 2003 die Eurofighter gekauft hat, schildert auf 133 Seiten die Vorgänge rund um die Beschaffung der Flieger, die schon ab 2001 „Gegenstand […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Moldova Pays High Price for Power Games

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 08/03/2017 - 12:13
The former Soviet country’s energy security remains at risk as Moldova is unable to reform its power sector and to cut links to controversial intermediary companies.
Catégories: Balkan News

Albania Debates Recruiting Volunteers to Aid Police

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 08/03/2017 - 11:29
A draft law which would allow people to become unpaid volunteers to assist police officers has been submitted to parliament in an attempt to bolster the fight against crime.
Catégories: Balkan News

Serbian Anti-War Film Director Commemorated

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 08/03/2017 - 09:53
Lazar Stojanovic, who died at the weekend, was commemorated as a politically-committed film-maker, journalist and author who was jailed under communism and opposed the wars of the 1990s.
Catégories: Balkan News

Bosnian Army’s Role in Croatian General Movie Criticised

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 08/03/2017 - 09:00
Serb war veterans condemned the Bosnian Army’s decision to allow a production company to use its tanks and military equipment to shoot a film about the life of controversial Croatian general Ante Gotovina.
Catégories: Balkan News

Albanian Edi Rama – Lefter Koka Mafia mit der Italienischen Müll Mafia: Chemical wastes in Albania

Balkanblog.org - mer, 08/03/2017 - 07:07
1.300 Chemie, Atom Müll sind auf dem angeblichen Transit nach Mazedonien spurlos in Albanien verschwunden, der Zoll verweigert auch wegen Inkompetenz, jede Ermittlung. Edi Rama, hat persönlich, am 21.9.2016 per Regierungs Erklärung (Councel der Regierung) die Erlaubnis gegeben, das Parlament, das Finanzministerium ausgehebelt und wie immer illegal. FAKSIMILE/ E frikshme! Zbulohet vendimi i fshehtë i qeverisë për importin e tranzitin e lëndëve kimike Audio und Video zum Thema Albanien: Ein Land wird zur Müllkippe Edi Rama Genehmigungen aus 2004 Linda Rama, Ehefrau von Edi Rama, sitzt im Aufsichtsrat der US Geldwäsche Bank: ABI, womit das Edi und Olso Rama Geldwäsche System ein Fundament hat, wo 2014 schon ein interner OSCE […]
Catégories: Balkan News

Romanian MPs to Debate Pardons for Graft Convictions

Balkaninsight.com - mer, 08/03/2017 - 06:33
Romanian MPs are to discuss by April 25 controversial amendments to a bill that would allow pardons for some corruption convictions - a proposal that sparked major protests across the country. 
Catégories: Balkan News
