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Updated: 3 weeks 5 days ago

The Immigration Crisis Is Tearing Europe Apart

Sat, 23/07/2016 - 00:18
Fear of terrorism, Muslims, and refugees is driving the parties of the right and left further apart than ever before.

Longform’s Picks of the Week

Sat, 23/07/2016 - 00:17
The best stories from around the world.

In Support of World Bank Capital Replenishment

Fri, 22/07/2016 - 22:40
Global leadership does not come for free.

Turkish Embassy Deplores ‘Prejudiced’ U.S. Media, Rolls Out Official Coup Documentary

Fri, 22/07/2016 - 22:13
Decrying a spate of negative press coverage, the Turkish Embassy in Washington made its case to reporters Friday that Ankara has not abused its authority in the wake of a failed coup, screening a slick, government-produced documentary that shows tanks running over protesters and fighter jets strafing a city.

Munich Police: Lone Gunman Killed 9, Then Shot Himself

Fri, 22/07/2016 - 19:52
Multiple deaths and injuries have been reported after an unknown gunman opened fire at a shopping mall in Germany.

What Is the Future of the South China Sea?

Wed, 13/07/2016 - 00:46
The July 12 ruling clarified the law of the sea, but may further alienate China.

Thoughts on the Hague Tribunal’s South China Sea Ruling

Wed, 13/07/2016 - 00:17
The hard work starts now.

After South China Sea Ruling, China Censors Online Calls for War

Tue, 12/07/2016 - 23:12
Beijing has fanned the flames of nationalism. Now it’s struggling to contain it.

Captive British Journalist Looks Frail in New ISIS Propaganda Video

Tue, 12/07/2016 - 23:04
The captive British photojournalist John Cantlie has appeared in a new Islamic State propaganda video purportedly filmed inside the extremist group’s stronghold in Mosul, and his thin, somewhat frail, appearance is already raising fears about his mental and physical health.

German Jihadist Gets Two Years In Jail For Posing with Severed Heads

Tue, 12/07/2016 - 22:42
This is Germany’s first trial involving Islamic State war crimes.

Turkey’s ‘Deep State’ Has a Secret Backchannel to Assad

Tue, 12/07/2016 - 22:35
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has recently patched up ties with Russia and Israel. Are a couple of nationalist politicians laying the groundwork for a deal with Syria’s strongman?

Ebola Lives on in Survivors’ Eyeballs and Testicles

Tue, 12/07/2016 - 21:52
West Africa's Ebola epidemic is over, but shocking new science suggests that tens of thousands of survivors could still be carriers.

Austrian Supreme Court: If You’re Wearing a Face Veil, You Can’t Communicate

Tue, 12/07/2016 - 20:35
Austria's supreme court ruled that a company boss's refusal to let a woman wear the full face veil at work was constitutional.

House Dems Rebel Against GOP’s Iran Sanctions Push

Tue, 12/07/2016 - 20:18
A group of senior House Democrats, including longtime Iran hawks, are refusing to support a last-minute Republican push to pass multiple Iran sanctions bills before the summer recess and dismissing the effort as naked partisan point-scoring.

Can Sanders’s Endorsement Heal the Democratic Party’s Civil War Over Foreign Policy?

Tue, 12/07/2016 - 19:11
The Vermont senator used a drawn-out primary to attack Clinton’s judgement on national security and international trade, so party unity may prove elusive.

The Man Who Nailed Jello to the Wall

Thu, 30/06/2016 - 00:08
Westerners said the web could never be controlled. Lu Wei, China's departing internet czar, proved them all wrong.

‘Carnal Intercourse Against the Order of Nature’ Is Still Illegal in India

Wed, 29/06/2016 - 23:01
The country's top court declined to revisit a law that targets gay sex — the latest setback for the subcontinent’s LGBT community and its struggle for equality.

The Islamic State Just Got Their Hands on More U.S. Weapons

Wed, 29/06/2016 - 22:11
The Islamic State seized a trove of weapons from U.S.-backed rebels, including U.S. ammunition, mortars, and a pickup truck.

Syria’s Refugee Children Have Lost All Hope

Wed, 29/06/2016 - 21:39
Young Syrians living in Lebanon are attempting suicide in ever greater numbers.

Inside the Democratic Party’s Showdown Over Israel-Palestine

Wed, 29/06/2016 - 20:28
How Democrats changed their decades-old approach to the Israel-Palestine conflict — and why the fight isn’t over yet.
