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Updated: 2 weeks 5 days ago

The Self-Defense of American Democracy

Tue, 05/11/2024 - 06:00
How federalism can prevent tyranny at the top.

The Best NATO Is a Dormant NATO

Mon, 04/11/2024 - 06:00
Less reliance on America would yield a stronger alliance and a safer Europe.

How Autocracy Prevailed in Tunisia

Mon, 04/11/2024 - 06:00
Any future democratic renewal will depend on an entirely new movement.

The Perfect Has Become the Enemy of the Good in Ukraine

Mon, 04/11/2024 - 06:00
Washington must redefine its objectives.

The Price of Principle Is Dwarfed by the Cost of Capitulation in Ukraine

Fri, 01/11/2024 - 14:00
What’s at stake in Kyiv’s fight for freedom.

Israel Brings Its Gaza Strategy to Lebanon

Fri, 01/11/2024 - 05:00
Hezbollah is not Hamas—and diplomacy could still work.

Xi Jinping’s Axis of Losers

Fri, 01/11/2024 - 05:00
The right way to thwart the new autocratic convergence.

Why China Won’t Give Up on a Failing Economic Model

Thu, 31/10/2024 - 05:00
Beijing might see short-term gains—but ignores the risk of long-term pain.

A Woman in the White House

Thu, 31/10/2024 - 05:00
If Harris wins, her gender would have more than symbolic significance.

How America Can Succeed in a Multialigned World

Wed, 30/10/2024 - 05:00
The importance of building truly global partnerships.

The Least Bad Option for Lebanon

Wed, 30/10/2024 - 05:00
Modest American diplomacy is the best way forward—for now.

The Covert War for American Minds

Tue, 29/10/2024 - 05:00
How Russia, China, and Iran seek to spread disinformation and chaos in the United States.

Europe’s America Problem

Fri, 23/08/2024 - 06:00
Whether Trump wins or loses, the continent needs a new strategy toward the United States.

Industrial Policy Needs an Immigration Policy

Thu, 22/08/2024 - 06:00
Why bringing jobs back to the United States requires letting in more foreign workers.

Israel Is Winning

Wed, 21/08/2024 - 06:00
But lasting victory against Hamas will require installing new leadership in Gaza.

The Crumbling Foundations of American Strength

Tue, 20/08/2024 - 06:00
Knowledge is power—and the United States is losing it.

The New Bioweapons

Tue, 20/08/2024 - 06:00
How synthetic biology could destabilize the world.

The Perils of Isolationism

Tue, 20/08/2024 - 06:00
The world still needs America—and America still needs the world.

The Case for a Clean Energy Marshall Plan

Tue, 20/08/2024 - 06:00
The fight against climate change can renew American leadership.

The Return of Hamiltonian Statecraft

Tue, 20/08/2024 - 06:00
A grand strategy for a turbulent world.
