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Updated: 2 months 1 week ago

Speech by President Donald Tusk on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the International Recognition of the Republic of Croatia

Mon, 16/01/2017 - 11:49

I spent the summer of last year in Opatija. Together with my whole family, we visited the areas surrounding Rijeka, we went to Rovinj, to Rab and Krk islands, and it is with joy that I realised that the fascination with Croatia, with its landscapes, culture and history, is handed down in my family from generation to generation. We even call my youngest grandson, not by his Polish name Michał, but divna beba!

Wandering around Opatija, I discovered with satisfaction many Polish traces. Among those who used to visit were the Polish Nobel laureate Henryk Sienkiewicz, and the father of Polish independence - Józef Piłsudski. It is genuinely touching how much devotion you put into preserving those traces. No-one can understand the history of Croatia better than a Pole, no-one can understand Poland better than a Croat. It is no coincidence that your patriotic song written by Ljuderit Gaj begins with the same words of the Polish anthem:

Još Hrvatska ni propala dok mi živimo,
visoko se bude stala kad ju zbudimo....

I know how highly you value your independence. You have paid for it a high price. Twenty-five years ago, Europe and the United Nations recognised your independence in the belief that Croatia would become a part of the political community, for whom freedom, peace, respect for others, observance of international rules and order, are genuine priorities.

And you have not let us down. You have used those twenty-five years well. While carrying the baggage of difficult experiences and healing wounds after a cruel war, you were able to protect your nation against hatred, and you started the great work of building a modern European state. Europe highly values your political maturity, patience and consistency. Thanks to your efforts, the whole region is enjoying an increasingly good reputation, while the reconciliation of feuding nations, although very difficult, is becoming a reality. You are a sign of hope for the change of dreadful fate, which has so harshly, for whole centuries, tested this part of Europe.

I know how difficult this process is, how much sacrifice, and what strategic imagination, it requires. I deeply believe that you will succeed in this work, united internally as well as with the whole of Europe. Independence and democracy do not always have a sweet taste, I know something about this. Conflicts and differences are inherent in the logic of history and in our everyday life. That is why it is so important to continuously search for what connects us, over and over again, tirelessly. You also often argue among each other, also in this building, about your future; that is normal. It is essential, however, that you continue in this great effort for the sake of peace and stability in the region and in the whole of Europe. You have every right to be proud of these twenty-five years, and this pride connects all Croats. Europe is also proud of you and your achievements.

This is why, with full conviction, as your friend, as a Pole, a European and President of the European Council, I would like to recall here, before you, the words of your national anthem:

Lijepa nasa domovino,
Oj junacka zemljo mila,
Stare slave djedovino,
da bi vazda sretna bila!

This is an English translation of the speech, President Donald Tusk delivered the speech in Croatian

Categories: European Union

Europa: Press arrangements

Fri, 13/01/2017 - 17:19

From now on, the new Europa building will host most of the meetings of the Council of the European Union and the European Council. The building is operational and accessible. You will find below some practical information on press arrangements in the Europa building.

For more information on the building itself, please see the Europa press pack

Press access

Media representativesholding a valid interinstitutional press card or a summit "6-month badge" can access the Europa building directly from its main entrance (165 Rue de la Loi). 

Other media representatives must use the Justus Lipsius entrance (175 Rue de la Loi) and get a day press pass at the security desk in press area - level 00. They must present a valid press card and/or assignment letter and ID. 

Accreditation modalities may be different for certain high level events. 

Journalists are able to move between buildings using the Justus Lipsius level 10 footbridge leading to the Europa floor 2. A set of lifts, located beside the VIP entrance on floor 0, runs to floors 1 and 2. Floors 1 and 2 are also connected by a staircase.

Opening hours

Weekdays from 7.30 am to 7.00 pm.

Press areas in the Europa building

The main Council press centre (press room, national briefing rooms, workspace for media, audiovisual installations, press officers, etc.) remains in the Justus Lipsius building. 

In the Europa building, the press areas include:

  • the access to the VIP entrance for doorsteps - floor 0 - next to the press lifts (the VIP entrance is only accessible to media during official events)
  • a press room - floor 1
  • a so-called "mixed zone" for informal meetings between delegations and press - floor 1 near the press room
  • a filing centre - floor 2
  • one press info desk - on floor 1 - open during events. 

The Forum (main hall) of the Europa building as well as the cafeteria (floor 00) and restaurant (floor -1) are also accessible to accredited media. 

Press events
  • Press briefings for upcoming Council meetings will take place in the Justus Lipsius press room.
  • Press conferences following Council meetings can take place either in the Europa building press room or in the Justus Lipsius press room. The location will be specified on the monitors in the press areas, in the weekly 'main media events of the week' and in information published on each meeting.
  • Arrivals-Departures: the VIP entrance (floor 0) used by ministers in the Europa building is accessible to media for doorsteps on arrival or departure.
IT services

The Wi-Fi Internet service "Consilium" is also available in the Europa building.

Catering services

Media have access to the cafeteria on floor 0 and the free flow restaurant on floor 1.

Vending machines for hot beverages, cold beverages and snacks are located in the cafeteria on floor 0.


The Europa building is not equipped with smoking booths in the areas accessible to the press.

Categories: European Union

Lebanon: Council adopts conclusions

Fri, 13/01/2017 - 11:20

The Council adopted conclusions reaffirming the EU support to the democratic process in Lebanon and welcoming the recent election of President Michel Aoun and the formation of a new  government led by Prime Minister Saad Hariri. It calls on the country to hold timely legislative elections in 2017 and ensure a smooth and transparent process.

The Council also reiterated the importance of Lebanon's ongoing commitment to a policy of  dissociation  from all regional  conflicts, as well as to commend the country's extraordinary efforts in hosting more than 1.1 million Syrian refugees.

Categories: European Union

Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk

Thu, 12/01/2017 - 17:42

Monday 16 January 2017
10.10 Bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Andrej Plenković
11.00 Speech at the ceremonial session on the occasion of 25th Anniversary of the International Recognition of the Republic of Croatia (photo opportunity)
11.45 Bilateral meeting with President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović
12.00 Bilateral meeting with the Speaker of the Croatian Parliament Božo Petrov 

Tuesday 17 January 2017
09.30 Meeting with Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat (photo opportunity) 

Wednesday 18 January 2017

15.00 Report to the European Parliament on the European Council of 15 December 

Friday 20 January 2017
10:00 Meeting with Minister of State of the Principality of Monaco Serge Telle (photo opportunity)

Categories: European Union

Remarks by President Donald Tusk at the opening ceremony of the Maltese presidency, Valletta, 11 January 2017

Wed, 11/01/2017 - 17:44

Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends,

It is good fortune that the Maltese Presidency comes at this extraordinary time, a time full of new challenges and dramatic upheavals. In these six months, in Rome we will celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of the Treaty, and the Brexit procedure will formally be launched. The spring will also be a demanding test for the whole of the EU with regard to migration, especially on the Central Mediterranean Route. Such a sequence of events requires leadership which is competent, experienced and sensitive. 

We were indeed lucky that this difficult role fell upon Malta. Few have a better understanding of Italians, who will host the Rome celebrations, and few have a better understanding of the British, who we will begin to divorce. And, as we know, divorces - without mutual understanding of the partners involved - can turn their lives into a nightmare. Finally, few have a better understanding of the essence of the migration tragedy in the Mediterranean. 

But Malta is not only a guarantee of a competent and understanding leadership. For Europe, Malta is also a symbol of our cultural identity. If you want to see a history of European culture through a lens - take a close look at this remarkable island. 

According to some, it is here in Malta, that Calypso, the nymph from Homer's Odyssey, hosted Odysseus. Although, given the seven years he was held captive by her, the word 'hosted' is perhaps a slight understatement. For art lovers, Malta is the island of Caravaggio, while for the lovers of archaeology, it is the site of the oldest free-standing structures on Earth. It is no coincidence that la Valetta will be a European capital of culture in 2018. 

It is precisely culture that anchors us, Europeans, in time and space, giving us a sense of identity. Culture is that territory we want to and should defend. We all have our roots in the Mediterranean, in Greece and in Rome, in Christianity, which was born at this crossroads of cultures. If today we are looking for anchors that will stabilise our continent, Malta is that kind of symbolic anchor. Zygmunt Bauman, the brilliant Polish philosopher and social thinker who died only two days ago, wrote that Europe has a particularly important role to play in revitalising our understanding of culture, precisely because Europe, with its great diversity of peoples, languages and histories, is the space where the Other is always one's neighbour and where every one of us is constantly called upon to learn from everyone else.   

Apart from competence, patience and empathy will no doubt be the main strengths of the Maltese Presidency. My confidence in this comes from the knowledge of certain events dating back to the beginning of our era. 

According to the Bible, the apostle Paul was en route to Rome where he was to be tried as a political rebel. However, the ship carrying him and hundreds of others was caught in a fierce storm. Two weeks later the ship crashed on the Maltese coast, and all the people on board swam safely to land. The welcome given to the survivors is described in the Acts of the Apostles, Chapter Twenty Eight, by Saint Luke: 'And later we learned that the island was called Malta. And the people who lived there showed us great kindness, and they made a fire and called us all to warm ourselves.' 

Two thousand years have passed, and you continue to welcome guests and survivors, calling them to warm themselves by a common fire, of which today's ceremony is another beautiful example. 

Thank you.


Categories: European Union

Indicative programme - Foreign Affairs Council of 16 January 2017

Wed, 11/01/2017 - 14:45

Place:        Europa building, Brussels
Chair(s):    Federica Mogherini, High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

All times are approximate and subject to change

+/- 08.00
Arrivals (live streaming)
VIP entrance, Europa building

+/- 08.30 (ttbc)
Doorstep by High Representative Federica Mogherini
VIP entrance, Europa building

+/- 09.30
Beginning of the meeting
Adoption of the agenda
Approval of legislative A items (public session)
Approval of non-legislative A items

Outlook for the first part of 2017


+/- 13.30
Working lunch: Middle East Peace Process

+/- 15.30
Press conference
by Federica Mogherini (live streaming)
Main press room, Justus Lipsius building

Categories: European Union

EUCAP Sahel Mali: mission extended for two years, €29.7 million budget adopted

Wed, 11/01/2017 - 09:11

On 11 January 2017, the Council extended the mandate of the EU mission EUCAP Sahel Mali for two years, until 14 January 2019. The Council also allocated a budget of €29.7 million to the mission for the period from 15 January 2017 to 14 January 2018.

The EUCAP Sahel Mali civilian mission assists and advises Mali's internal security forces as they implement the reform in the security sector laid down by the government.

It provides training and strategic advice to the Malian police, gendarmerie and national guard, and to relevant ministries, in order to support the security sector reform.

The mission is part of the EU's comprehensive approach to security and development in the Sahel, which aims to support the Malian state in ensuring constitutional and democratic order, establishing the conditions for lasting peace and maintaining authority throughout the entire territory. There are two other CSDP missions underway in the region: EUTM Mali, which contributes to the restructuring and reorganisation of the Malian Armed Forces through training and advice, and EUCAP Sahel Niger, which supports the fight against organised crime and terrorism in Niger.

EUCAP Sahel Mali was launched on 15 April 2014. The Head of Mission is Mr Albrecht Conze, from Germany. On 14 December 2016, his mandate was extended until 14 July 2017. The headquarters of the mission are located in Bamako, Mali.

The decision was adopted by written procedure.

Categories: European Union

Letter of congratulations from Presidents Tusk and Juncker to Doris Leuthard on her election as President of the Swiss Confederation

Tue, 10/01/2017 - 16:40

Your Excellency, Federal Councillor,

We would like to congratulate you on your election as President of the Swiss Confederation.

The European Union and Switzerland have a long-standing relationship. You may rest assured that it is our goal to continue to build upon this relationship, on a strong and stable foundation. The existing framework has allowed us to collaborate extremely closely in a way which has proven economically beneficial on both sides, for our businesses and citizens alike. In this context we believe it is important to endeavour, on the basis of contractual agreements providing legal certainty, to go beyond what we have already achieved and to open up new horizons.

We look forward to working towards this goal with you and the members of the Federal Council.

Yours sincerely,

Categories: European Union

Remarks by President Donald Tusk after his meeting with Bill English, Prime Minister of New Zealand

Tue, 10/01/2017 - 15:01

Good afternoon and Happy New Year! I warmly welcome Prime Minister Bill English to Brussels today on his very first trip abroad in his new position. And I can tell you that this is also the very first press point in our new Europa building.

New Zealand and the European Union remain close friends and partners. Today we reviewed our excellent bilateral relations and agreed to strengthen them even further.

This should also include a free trade agreement. From the European side, we hope to be able to launch negotiations this year, once all the preparatory work is completed. Such an agreement would not only boost sustainable economic growth, investment and job creation on both sides. It would also send a strong political signal of economic openness and trade at a time where protectionist pressures are on the rise. Not only on our continent but also around the world.

Turning to foreign policy and security, the EU appreciates the constructive role New Zealand has played in the UN Security Council over the last two years.

As I stressed before the United Nations General Assembly last September, the migration and refugee crisis is a global responsibility. The European Union will continue to work together with its partners, including New Zealand, in support of neighbouring countries. And we encourage our partners to increase humanitarian and development aid, as well as refugee resettlement, as New Zealand is doing. I know your personal sensitivity to this issue and thank you for your personal role in this dramatically difficult time for so many people around the world.

We talked about the conflict in Syria, and recalled the need for a political solution. The primary responsibility rests on the parties to the conflict to stop the suffering of the Syrian people; we will continue to use our influence to that end.

We discussed the crisis in Ukraine and the importance of full implementation of the Minsk agreements. The European Union's sanctions against Russia were extended for six months just before Christmas due to the lack of progress in implementing the Minsk Agreements. We reiterate our call on all sides to respect Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity.

New Zealand is an important partner of the EU in the security field, and we warmly welcome your country's participation in our Common Security and Defence Policy missions and operations. I briefed the Prime Minister on our decisions at the December European Council to increase cooperation and to allocate more resources to security and defence.

Let me conclude by saying that our productive meeting today, confirmed the close ties that unite us. I thank the Prime Minister for the important contribution New Zealand is making globally and in fostering bilateral relations with the EU. I look forward to continuing our close partnership together.

Thank you.

Categories: European Union

Central African Republic: new mission commander appointed for EUTM RCA

Mon, 09/01/2017 - 15:29

On 10 January 2017, the Council appointed Brigadier General Herman Ruys, a Belgian national, as Commander for the EU military training mission in the Central African Republic (EUTM RCA). He will take up his duties on 16 January 2017, taking over from Eric Hautecloque-Raysz. 

The Council launched EUTM RCA on 16 July 2016. The mission contributes to the EU's comprehensive approach and security sector reform in the country. Following up an EU military advisory mission (EUMAM RCA), EUTM RCA works towards modernised, effective, inclusive and democratically accountable Central African Armed Forces (FACA). It provides strategic advice to the Central African Republic's Ministry of Defence and the general staff, as well as education to officers and non-commissioned officers, and training to the FACA. The mission is based in Bangui.

The nomination decision was taken by the Political and Security Committee.

Categories: European Union

Letter of condolences from President Donald Tusk to António Costa, Prime Minister of Portugal on the passing of Mário Soares

Sun, 08/01/2017 - 11:41

Dear Prime Minister,
I was deeply saddened of learning of Mário Soares's passing. 

I would like to convey to Mr Soares's family, to President Rebelo de Sousa and to you my condolences, as we mourn his loss and reflect upon his achievements and political life.

I remember the major role that Mário Soares played in consolidating the Portuguese democracy - as the first constitutionally elected Prime Minister and as President of Republic - and in championing the Portuguese accession to the European Communities.

Categories: European Union

Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk

Fri, 06/01/2017 - 15:39

Tuesday 10 January 2017
10.30 Meeting with President of Chad Idriss Déby (photo opportunity)
13:30 Meeting with Prime Minister of New Zealand Bill English (photo opportunity - press statements ±14.15)

Wednesday 11 January 2017
17:30 Meeting with Prime Minister of Malta Joseph Muscat
19.00 Opening ceremony of the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU

Categories: European Union

Letter of congratulations from President Donald Tusk to Sorin Grindeanu on his appointment as Prime Minister of Romania

Thu, 05/01/2017 - 13:27

On behalf of the European Council, I would like to congratulate you on your appointment as Prime Minister of Romania.

You are taking up the lead of your government as Romania is celebrating 10 years of accession to the European Union on 1 January 2017 and is preparing for the rotating Presidency of the Council of the EU in 2019.

At a time when we are faced with many challenges, the continued responsible and constructive contribution of Romania to finding common European solutions and keeping European unity will remain essential for the prosperity and security of our citizens.

I look forward to working with you and I wish you and your government every success for the future.

Categories: European Union

Glückwunschschreiben der Präsidenten Tusk und Juncker an Doris Leuthard zu Ihrer Wahl zur Bundespräsidentin der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft

Fri, 23/12/2016 - 09:49

Exzellenz, sehr geehrte Frau Bundesrätin, 

wir möchten Ihnen herzlich zu Ihrer Wahl zur Bundespräsidentin der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft gratulieren. 

Die Europäische Union und die Schweiz verbinden langjährige Beziehungen. Sie können versichert sein, dass es unsere Ambition ist, sie auf einer soliden Basis weiter zu entwickeln. Der bisherige Rahmen ermöglichte eine außergewöhnlich enge und für beide Seiten positive wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit, von der unsere Unternehmen und unsere Bürger profitieren. Vor diesem Hintergrund erscheint es uns wichtig, auf Grundlage vertraglicher und Rechtssicherheit schaffender Rahmenbedingungen, über das bisher Erreichte hinausgehen zu können und neue Horizonte zu eröffnen.  

Wir freuen uns, mit Ihnen und den Mitgliedern des Bundesrates in diesem Sinne zusammen zu arbeiten.  

Mit ausgezeichneter Hochachtung, 

Categories: European Union

Money laundering and terrorist financing: Council agrees its negotiating stance

Tue, 20/12/2016 - 12:16

The Council has agreed its negotiating stance on strengthened EU rules to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing.

On 20 December 2016, the Permanent Representatives Committee, on behalf of the Council, asked the incoming presidency to start talks with the European Parliament.

The draft directive pursues two main objectives:

  • preventing the financial system being used for the funding of criminal activities;
  • strengthening transparency rules to prevent the large-scale concealment of funds.

It is aimed at closing down the financial means of criminals without creating unnecessary obstacles to the functioning of payment systems and financial markets. The text amends directive 2015/849, adopted in May 2015.

Following a spate of terrorist attacks in Europe, it seeks to balance the need for increased security with the need to protect fundamental rights and economic freedoms.

The proposal is part of a Commission action plan against terrorist financing, on which the Council adopted conclusions on 12 February 2016. It also responds to the April 2016 Panama Papers revelations.


The main changes to directive 2015/849 involve:

  • addressing risks linked to prepaid cards and virtual currencies. The threshold for identifying the holders of prepaid cards is lowered from €250 to €150 and customer verification requirements are extended. Virtual currency exchange platforms and custodian wallet providers will have to apply customer due diligence controls, ending the anonymity associated with such exchanges;
  • improving cooperation between the member states' financial intelligence units. FIUs will have access to information in centralised bank and payment account registers, enabling them to identify account holders;
  • improved checks on risky third countries. The Commission has established and regularly updates (by delegated acts) a harmonised list of non-EU countries with deficiencies in their anti-money laundering prevention regimes. Additional due diligence measures will be required for financial flows from these countries. The list mirrors that established at international level by the Financial Action Task Force;
  • enhanced access to beneficial ownership registers, so as to improve transparency about the ownership of companies and trusts. The registers will also be interconnected to facilitate cooperation between member states. Public access is foreseen on the basis of a legitimate interest for all types of companies and trusts, which is an improvement on the current rules as concerns trusts that do not have a business purpose.

The directive requires a qualified majority for adoption by the Council, in agreement with the European Parliament. (Legal basis: articles 50 and 114 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.)

The member states will have 12 months to transpose the directive into their national laws and regulations. They will however have longer periods (24 or 36 months) in which to implement the various provisions on the beneficial ownership registers.

Categories: European Union

Capital markets union: Council confirms deal on prospectus rules

Tue, 20/12/2016 - 12:14

On 20 December 2016, the Permanent Representatives Committee approved, on behalf of the Council, an agreement with the European Parliament on prospectuses for the issuing and offering of securities

"This regulation will help companies gain access to European capital markets by reducing some of the administrative formalities", said Peter Kažimír, Slovak minister for finance and president of the Council. "Our aim is to reinforce the role of market-based finance, alongside bank finance, in the European economy." 

The draft regulation is aimed at lowering one of the main regulatory hurdles that companies face when issuing equity and debt securities. Replacing directive 2003/71/EC, it is intended to simplify administrative obligations related to the publication of prospectuses in a manner that still ensures that investors are well informed. 

The proposal is a key element of the EU's plan to develop a fully functioning capital markets union by the end of 2019. It will also help improve thebusiness environment in line with the EU's  'investment plan for Europe'.

Prospectuses present information about a company that enables investors to decide whether to purchase securities issued or offered by that company. Their publication is required by law when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading. However SMEs can be deterred from issuing or offering securities because of the paperwork and costs involved in issuing a prospectus. 

Issues resolved 

Under the agreement reached with the European Parliament: 

  • no prospectus will be required for capital raisings and crowdfunding projects up to €1 million;
  • the threshold beyond which a prospectus is mandatory is increased from €5 million to €8 million in capital raised. Below that threshold, issuers can raise capital in accordance with rules set for local growth markets;
  • the EU growth prospectus, a new type of prospectus, will be available for SMEs, non-SMEs (small mid-caps) admitted to an SME growth market or small issuances by unlisted companies with up to 499 employees;
  • a new corporate bond prospectus, previously only for debt issued in denominations of at least €100 000, will be available for admission to wholesale debt markets;
  • a frequent issuer regime will be available for frequent participants in capital markets, reducing approval times from 10 days to five;
  • for secondary issuances, issuers already admitted to stock markets and SME growth markets will benefit from a lighter prospectus for follow-up issuances;
  • prospectus summaries will be shorter and the language used clearer;
  • paper prospectuses will no longer be required, unless a potential investor requests one;
  • a European online prospectus database will be operated free of charge by the European Securities and Markets Authority. 
Next steps

Provisional agreement with the Parliament was reached on 7 December 2016. The Parliament is now expected to approve the regulation at first reading. The text will then be submitted to the Council for adoption.

Categories: European Union

European Union Agency for Asylum: Council ready to start negotiations with Parliament

Tue, 20/12/2016 - 10:01

On 20 December 2016, the Permanent Representatives Committee (Coreper) endorsed, on behalf of the Council a mandate for negotiations on the regulation on the European Union Agency for Asylum. On the basis of this mandate, the presidency will start negotiations with the European Parliament. 

"To tackle irregular migration and to improve the management of the asylum systems requires action on various fronts. This includes the transformation of the EASO into a proper EU Agency for Asylum. Today, the Council is taking an important step in that direction, as we have an agreement on the main building blocks of the agency. Our objective is to ensure that it can support the member states in implementing the Common European Asylum System and provide technical and operational assistance." 

Robert Kaliňák, Minister for the Interior of Slovakia and President of the Council

EU Ambassadors endorsed the text of the mandate ('partial general approach') on the understanding that the parts relating to other files of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) reform will be revisited once there is agreement on them. 

The proposal for a European Union Agency for Asylum aims to improve the implementation and functioning of the CEAS by building on the work of the current European Asylum Support Office (EASO).

  The new regulation will further develop EASO into a fully-fledged Agency responsible for facilitating the functioning of the CEAS, for ensuring convergence in the assessment of applications for international protection across the Union, and for providing operational and technical assistance to Member States.


Following its Communication of 6 April 2016 on the reform of the common European Asylum System, the Commission presented in May and in July seven legislative proposals, including the above-mentioned proposal for a regulation on the European Union Agency for Asylum, with a view to: 

  • improving the functioning of CEAS by eliminating differing treatment of asylum seekers and varying recognition rates among member states;
  • reducing secondary movements and contributing to a fairer distribution among the Member States of the responsibility to offer protection to those in need.
Categories: European Union

EU-Ukraine Association Council - Joint press release

Mon, 19/12/2016 - 11:22
Joint press release following the 3rd Association Council meeting between the European Union and Ukraine

The European Union and Ukraine held the third meeting of the Association Council on 19 December 2016 in Brussels, one month after a successful 18th EU-Ukraine Summit. The Association Council reaffirmed the close and comprehensive partnership between the EU and Ukraine, based on common values of democracy, rule of law and human rights. It reaffirmed the continuing commitment to political association and economic integration between the EU and Ukraine. The importance of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, including its Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area, was underlined in this regard. The Association Council took note of the decision by EU Heads of State and Government on the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement, which opens the way towards its full entry into force. 

The Association Council welcomed the substantial progress achieved by Ukraine in the reform process since its last meeting, including approximation with EU norms and standards across the board. The EU welcomed the commitment and determined work of the Government of Ukraine on implementation of political and economic reforms during its first nine months, reaffirming resolute support for these efforts and encouraging their continuation in a swift and sustainable manner. The Association Council welcomed the work of the European Commission's Support Group for Ukraine in coordinating this support. The Association Council took stock of progress and discussed the way forward in the reform process as committed to jointly by the EU and Ukraine in the Association Agenda, notably regarding human rights, constitutional and electoral reforms, rule of law and judiciary, decentralisation and local self-governance, public administration, public procurement, energy sector, deregulation, trade related reforms and health sector reform. The recent launch of electronic-asset declarations, the ProZorro public procurement system and the establishment of new anti-corruption bodies are notable successes in this regard. The Association Council underlined that progress should be consolidated and continued notably in the field of anti-corruption by strengthening the capacities and independence of the anti-corruption institutions. 

The EU reaffirmed its support for Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, along with efforts aimed at a sustainable and peaceful settlement in eastern Ukraine. The EU and Ukraine agreed that the complete implementation of the Minsk arrangements by all sides was crucial, underlining Russia's responsibility in this regard. The EU outlined its support for further efforts in the "Normandy" format and in the context of the OSCE, including for the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission. The EU signalled its readiness to step up its support for the implementation of the Minsk agreements, including through a possible OSCE election security mission subject to discussion in the OSCE, as well as an important role in early recovery and future reconstruction efforts. The EU recalled that the duration of economic sanctions imposed against the Russian Federation was linked to the complete implementation of the Minsk agreements. The EU recalled its policy of non-recognition of the illegal temporary occupation of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol by the Russian Federation and condemned the severe deterioration of the human rights situation on the peninsula and its militarisation by Russia. The EU reiterated its solidarity as regards the humanitarian situation in eastern Ukraine, calling on all sides to facilitate the freedom of movement of civilians, and for the effective provision of social benefits to all Ukrainian citizens. 

The Association Council acknowledged and welcomed the economic benefits of provisional application of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area since January 2016, which has already increased the trade volume between the EU and Ukraine by 7.5% in the period October 2015-September 2016 compared to the previous year. The Association Council acknowledged the need for improvement of the business and investment climate in Ukraine in order to restore the confidence of foreign investors. The EU also noted the prospects of possible additional trade opportunities for Ukrainian exports to the EU (beyond trade concessions included in the DCFTA) arising in the context of the European Commission legislative proposal for additional Autonomous Trade Measures. The Council also welcomed the preparations for the first session of the EU-Ukraine High-Level Industrial Dialogue to be held in Brussels in the first quarter of 2017. 

The Association Council welcomed Ukraine's ambitious agenda and progress to date in the area of the digital economy and society. Both sides noted considerable potential for EU-Ukraine cooperation in this area both at the bilateral level and in the framework of the Digital Community, opening good prospects for Ukraine's integration in the EU Digital Single Market. 

The EU commended the successful launch of the e-asset declaration system by Ukraine. The Association Council underlined the importance of processing and verifying the submitted data in an objective and transparent way. The Association Council also acknowledged and welcomed progress on visa liberalisation, on the basis of the legislative proposal by the Commission to the Council and to the European Parliament, taking into account ongoing process of approval of the suspension mechanism. The Association Council recalled the importance of a timely finalisation of the processes required for visa liberalisation, as underlined by the EU in the Council conclusions on Eastern Partnership in November 2016. 

The EU outlined the way forward in the implementation of its Macro-Financial Assistance programme, urging Ukraine to fulfil the outstanding conditions that could allow the EU to disburse the second tranche of EUR 600 million. 

The Association Council welcomed ongoing and future cooperation in the field of energy based on the principles of solidarity and trust. The EU reaffirmed Ukraine's role as a strategic transit country for gas. Both sides welcomed the recent signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on strategic energy partnership between the EU and Ukraine. The Association Council underlined the importance of uninterrupted gas delivery to Europe this winter and also took stock of trilateral talks on gas. 

The Ukrainian side expressed its concern over the revised European Commission's exemption decision on OPAL pipeline. Both sides agreed to further discussions on this matter. The Association Council confirmed the readiness of both sides to continue cooperation on the joint modernisation and operation of the Ukrainian gas transportation system and storage as well as on gas supplies from Europe to Ukraine. 

The Association Council reaffirmed the importance of closer bilateral and multilateral cooperation in justice and home affairs and welcomed in this context the recent signing of the Agreement between Ukraine and Europol on the Strategic and Operational Cooperation. 

The Association Council recalled that transport cooperation plays an essential role for safe and secure movement of people, development of business contacts, the tourism industry and reliable transportation of goods between Ukraine and the EU, fulfilling the needs and requirements of the Association Agreement. In this context the sides discussed the situation of the Common Aviation Area Agreement between Ukraine and the EU and underlined the importance of its signature at the earliest possible date. 

The Association Council stressed the importance of a continuous dialogue on the inclusion of inland waterways of Ukraine in the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T), based on progress to be made by Ukraine as regards compliance with international environmental conventions. 

The Council reaffirmed the readiness of both sides to continue the cooperation in order to preserve, protect, and improve the quality of the environment, the sustainable use of natural resources and promote measures at international level to address regional and global issues of the environment, particularly in the context of the Eastern Partnership. The sides agreed on the need for rapid adoption of pending legislation in Ukraine relating to good environmental governance. 

The EU recalled that its neighbourhood was a strategic priority and a fundamental interest as reaffirmed in the recent EU Global Strategy. The Association Council discussed a number of regional and foreign policy issues, taking stock of the developments in the European Neighbourhood Policy and the Eastern Partnership, including preparations of the next Eastern Partnership Summit in 2017. Both sides stressed the importance of effective and strategic communication with citizens in the framework of EU-Ukraine relations and Eastern Partnership participation, agreeing to continue cooperation in this regard. 

The EU reaffirmed its strong commitment to support a comprehensive and sustainable reform of the civilian security sector in Ukraine, notably by continuing the implementation of the enhanced mandate of the European Union Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform (EUAM Ukraine), including hands-on support and based on good governance and human rights. The EU welcomed Ukraine's interest to continue its engagement with the EU on various Common Security and Defence Policy activities, including participation in EU-led missions and operations. 

The Association Council welcomed: 

  • signing of the financing agreement for Public Administration Reform (PAR) programme, a 104 million euro contribution to support policy development, civil service and human resource management;
  • announcement of the PRAVO programme of 52.5 million euro to support rule of law in Ukraine, namely judiciary and law enforcement;
  • signing of financing agreements for four Cross Border Cooperation (CBC) programmes in which Ukraine participates;
  • signing of five agreements between Ukraine and the European Investment Bank, underlining the importance of further successful cooperation in line with the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Ukraine and the European Investment Bank.

The Council was chaired by the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Ms Federica Mogherini. The First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, Mr Stepan Kubiv, led the Ukrainian delegation, accompanied by other members of the Government of Ukraine.

Categories: European Union

EU−Ukraine: 3rd meeting of the Association Council on 19 December

Mon, 19/12/2016 - 10:58

The third meeting of the EU−Ukraine Association Council took place on 19 December 2016 in Brussels. 

Following the meeting, the EU and Ukraine adopted a joint press release: 

Joint press release following the meeting of the Association Council

The Association Council discussed relations between the EU and Ukraine, specifically on: 

  • Political dialogue and reform, political association;
  • Justice, freedom and security;
  • Economic and sectoral cooperation, as well as trade and trade-related matters,

Federica Mogherini, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Stepan Kubiv, First Vice Prime Minister who headed the Ukrainian delegation, also discussed developments related to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, including efforts towards the full implementation of the Minsk agreements.

At the beginning of the plenary meeting, the EU and Ukraine signed the following agreements:

  • a financing agreement governing the European Commission support to Ukraine's public administration reform worth €104 million (as part of a larger package totalling € 300 million)
  • four agreements confirming Ukraine's participation in EU-funded cross-border cooperation, in the shape of new programmes involving Romania-Ukraine, Poland-Belarus-Ukraine, Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine, and the Black Sea region.

More information on the agreements

The EU also continues to assist the reform process through the support group for Ukraine, as well as through the EU Advisory Mission in Ukraine (EUAM Ukraine), which supports security sector reform. The EU increased its budget for the mission for the period from 1 December 2016 to 30 November 2017 by 17.7%, reaching €20.8 million. 

Categories: European Union

Official controls along the agri-food chain: one step closer to adoption

Mon, 19/12/2016 - 08:46

On 19 December 2016 the Council adopted its position at first reading on revised rules to perform official controls along the agri-food chain. The Council's position is based on the compromise agreed with the European Parliament (EP) in June 2016, and paves the way for the final adoption of the regulation by the EP at a next plenary session. 

The new rules aim to improve the controlscarried out by member states to ensure the application of the Union legislation on food and feed safety, animal health and welfare, plant health, and plant protection products. It will also apply to genetically modified organisms (GMOs) for feed and food production, organic farming, protected designations of origin, protected geographical indications and traditional specialities guaranteed. Additionally, marketing standards for agricultural products will be covered with respect to possible fraudulent practices. 

"The new rules will help combat food fraud and scandals, thus enhancing consumer confidence. They have strong requirements on transparency and stringency of controls that will bite effectively.  We want our citizens to trust our control regimes and to be reassured by the quality of what they eat", said Gabriela Matečná, minister for agriculture and rural development of Slovakia and president of the Council.

An improved and more comprehensive single system of controls

The new system of official controls simplifies and streamlines the existing legal framework. It establishes a unique set of control rules applicable to most sectors of the agri-food chain, including for the first time plant health. The extended scope guarantees uniform enforcement across sectors, but still allows for adjustments taking into account the specific needs of individual sectors (e.g. meat inspections, animal welfare controls), or newly identified risks.

Less fraud and scandals 

The member states' authorities in charge of checking compliance with EU legislation through official controls, will have strengthened instruments at their disposal to prevent food fraud and scandals. For instance they will be able to perform regular unannounced official controls and impose deterrent financial penalties on operators committing intentional violations. To ensure consistency and resource-efficiency, the work of national competent authorities will be carried out on the basis of multi-annual national control plans and be risk-based. This means that a higher level of control will be applied to businesses and products in line with the level of risk, thereby avoiding unnecessary controls and administrative burdens.

Protection of whistle blowers 

For the first time the revised rules require member states to ensure that effective mechanisms are in place to allow for reporting of potential or actual breaches of the regulation, including in particular, appropriate protection for people who report such breaches against retaliation, discrimination or other types of unfair treatment. 

Increased transparency 

The agreed text require competent authorities to ensure a high level of transparency on the controls they carry out (type, number and outcome), and on the fees they collect to finance them.

Competent authorities will also have the possibility to publish the rating of individual operators based on the outcome of the controls they have carried out. 

Next steps 

The European Parliament is expected to vote in second reading at a next plenary session, thus approving the Council's position at first reading without amendments and completing the legislative process. 

Afterwards, the legal texts will be published in the Official Journal of the EU.

Categories: European Union
