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Updated: 2 weeks 15 hours ago

EU moves to bolster free movement of goods through extended mutual recognition

Wed, 28/11/2018 - 13:09
The Austrian presidency of the Council today reached a provisional agreement with the European Parliament on measures which will facilitate the circulation of goods across the EU. The new rules improve and expand the application of the mutual recognition principle.
Categories: European Union

Declaration by High Representative Federica Mogherini on behalf of the EU on the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Wed, 28/11/2018 - 13:09
With a view to the elections scheduled for 23 December 2018, the EU has issued a declaration reiterating its support for the elections, which should be held in an inclusive, transparent, credible and peaceful manner, with full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Categories: European Union

Draft Political Declaration setting out the Framework for the Future Relationship between the EU and the UK

Wed, 28/11/2018 - 13:09
European Council President Donald Tusk has today sent the EU27 Member States the draft Political Declaration setting out the Framework for the Future Relationship between the EU and the UK.
Categories: European Union

Less hate speech and more European content on video streaming services: Council adopts new EU rules

Tue, 06/11/2018 - 12:44
Council gives final approval to audiovisual media services directive.
Categories: European Union

More effective mutual recognition of freezing and confiscation orders

Tue, 06/11/2018 - 12:44
On 6 November, the Council formally adopted a Regulation on the mutual recognition of freezing and confiscation orders to improve fight against cross border crimes.
Categories: European Union

Venezuela: EU renews sanctions for one year

Tue, 06/11/2018 - 12:44
The Council extended the targeted restrictive measures in place on Venezuela until 14 November 2019.
Categories: European Union

Making Eurojust more efficient and effective

Tue, 06/11/2018 - 12:44
On 6 November, the Council formally adopted the amended Regulation on Eurojust.
Categories: European Union

Electronic publications: Council adopts reform allowing reduced VAT rates

Tue, 06/11/2018 - 12:44
The Council agreed a proposal allowing member states to apply reduced VAT rates to electronic publications, contributing to the digital single market plan.
Categories: European Union

Taxation: Namibia removed from EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions

Tue, 06/11/2018 - 12:44
The Council removed Namibia from the list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions, bringing the names on the list down to five.
Categories: European Union

Remarks by M. Centeno following the Eurogroup meeting of 5 November 2018

Tue, 06/11/2018 - 12:44
Remarks by President Centeno following the Eurogroup meeting of 5 November on Italy's draft budgetary plan, financial stability in the euro-area and EMU reform.
Categories: European Union

Terms of reference on the draft budgetary plan of Italy

Tue, 06/11/2018 - 12:44
On 5 November 2018, the Eurogroup discussed the Commission opinion on Italy’s draft budgetary plan (DBP) for 2019, issued on 23 October 2018.
Categories: European Union

Indicative programme - Economic and Financial Affairs Council meeting, 6 November 2018

Tue, 06/11/2018 - 12:44
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.
Categories: European Union

Macro-Economic Dialogue at political level on 5 November 2018

Tue, 06/11/2018 - 12:44
The EU institutions met with the social partners to discuss the macroeconomic outlook and the further development of economic and monetary union.
Categories: European Union

Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk

Tue, 06/11/2018 - 12:44
Weekly schedule of President Donald Tusk 5-11 November 2018
Categories: European Union

Joint letter of President Tusk and President Juncker to Jair Bolsonaro, President of Brazil

Tue, 06/11/2018 - 12:44
President of the European Council Donald Tusk and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker congratulated Jair Bolsonaro on his election as President of Federal Republic of Brazil.
Categories: European Union

EU action to restrict plastic pollution: Council agrees its position

Tue, 06/11/2018 - 12:44
The Council agreed on a negotiating mandate on rules to restrict single-use plastics.
Categories: European Union

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the occasion of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists - 2 November 2018

Tue, 06/11/2018 - 12:44
On 31 October 2018, The EU issued a declaration on the occasion of the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists - 2 November 2018
Categories: European Union

Non-performing loans: Council approves position on capital requirements for banks' bad loans

Tue, 06/11/2018 - 12:44
On 31 October, EU ambassadors approved the Council's position on capital requirements for bad loans and invited the presidency to start negotiations with the European Parliament as soon as possible.
Categories: European Union

Tariff rate quotas for EU27 : EU ambassadors agree on the Council's position

Tue, 06/11/2018 - 12:44
EU ambassadors today agreed on the draft schedule of tariff rate quotas (TRQs) that the EU will apply after Brexit. The schedule will now have to be agreed with the European Parliament before it becomes EU law.
Categories: European Union

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the situation in Venezuela

Tue, 06/11/2018 - 12:44
On 25 October 2018, The EU issued a declaration on the deepening political, economic and social crisis in Venezuela.
Categories: European Union
