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Updated: 2 months 5 days ago

Council calls for transparent, equitable, and open access to scholarly publications

Sun, 28/05/2023 - 07:16
Council adopts conclusions on scholarly publishing.
Categories: European Union

Press statement by President Charles Michel following the EU-Republic of Korea summit

Sun, 28/05/2023 - 07:16
Following the EU-ROK summit, European Council President Charles Michel highlighted that the two partners share common interests and goals and continue strengthening their strategic partnership.
Categories: European Union

Iran: five individuals and two entities targeted by EU’s eighth package of sanctions for human rights violations

Sun, 28/05/2023 - 07:16
The Council decided to impose further restrictive measures on 5 individuals and 2 entities responsible for human rights violations in Iran.
Categories: European Union

Moldova: EU launches civilian mission to strengthen the resilience of the security sector in the areas of crisis management and countering hybrid threats

Sun, 28/05/2023 - 07:16
The Council launched a civilian EU Partnership Mission in the Republic of Moldova under the CDSP.
Categories: European Union

Statement by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the alignment of certain third countries concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Myanmar/Burma

Sun, 28/05/2023 - 07:16
Statement by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the alignment of certain third countries with Council Decision (CFSP) 2023/887 of 28 April 2023 amending Decision 2013/184/CFSP concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Myanmar/Burma
Categories: European Union

EU and Republic of Korea launch a Green Partnership

Sun, 28/05/2023 - 07:16
The EU and Republic of Korea launched a Green Partnership to tackle challenges related to the green transition.
Categories: European Union

CHANGE OF TIME: Press briefing ahead of the G7 summit in Hiroshima (Japan) of 19, 20 and 21 May 2023

Fri, 19/05/2023 - 07:14
The press briefing ahead of the G7 summit in Hiroshima (Japan) will take place VIA VIDEO CONFERENCE ONLY on Thursday 18 May 2023 at 09.00 (Brussels time) / 16.00 (Japan time).
Categories: European Union

Discours du président Charles Michel lors du sommet du Conseil de l'Europe à Reykjavik

Fri, 19/05/2023 - 07:14
Discours du président Charles Michel lors du sommet du Conseil de l'Europe à Reykjavik
Categories: European Union

Media advisory - Foreign Affairs Council of 22 May and Foreign Affairs (Defence) Council of 23 May 2023

Fri, 19/05/2023 - 07:14
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.
Categories: European Union

Media advisory - Competitiveness Council of 22-23 May 2023

Fri, 19/05/2023 - 07:14
Main agenda items, approximate timing, public sessions and press opportunities.
Categories: European Union

New Heads of Mission appointed for EUCAP Sahel Niger and EUAM Ukraine

Fri, 19/05/2023 - 07:14
The Council appointed new Heads of Mission for EUCAP Sahel Niger and EUAM Ukraine.
Categories: European Union

International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia: Statement by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union

Fri, 19/05/2023 - 07:14
The EU issued a statement on the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia confirming the EU’s commitment to protect and promote the full enjoyment of human rights by LGBTI persons in all aspects of their lives, within the EU and around the world.
Categories: European Union

Cooperation between national taxation authorities: Council puts the spotlight on crypto-assets and the wealthiest individuals

Fri, 19/05/2023 - 07:14
The Council reached agreement on its position (general approach) on the ‘DAC8’ proposal which introduces updates to the directive on administrative cooperation in the area of taxation.
Categories: European Union

Council adopts new rules to cut deforestation worldwide

Fri, 19/05/2023 - 07:14
The Council gave the final go-ahead to a regulation that aims to minimise the risk of deforestation and forest degradation associated with products that are placed on or exported from the EU market.
Categories: European Union

Anti-money laundering: Council adopts rules which will make crypto-asset transfers traceable

Fri, 19/05/2023 - 07:14
The Council adopted a regulation which will make it more difficult for criminals to misuse crypto-assets for money laundering purposes.
Categories: European Union

Digital finance: Council adopts new rules on markets in crypto-assets (MiCA)

Fri, 19/05/2023 - 07:14
The EU brings crypto-assets and crypto-assets service providers under a regulatory framework for the first time. The Council today adopted a regulation on markets in crypto-assets (MiCA).
Categories: European Union

Remarks by Paschal Donohoe following the Eurogroup meeting of 15 May 2023

Fri, 19/05/2023 - 07:14
Remarks by Paschal Donohoe after the Eurogroup meeting of 15 May 2023, focusing on the spring economic forecast, the European banking system and the digital euro.
Categories: European Union

Remarks by President Charles Michel at the joint press conference with President Ursula von der Leyen

Fri, 19/05/2023 - 07:14
The presidents of the European Council and the European Commission spoke to the press ahead of the Council of Europe Reykjavik summit, the G7 summit in Hiroshima and the EU-Korea summit in Seoul.
Categories: European Union

EU appoints a new Special Representative for the Gulf region

Fri, 19/05/2023 - 07:14
The Council appointed Luigi Di Maio as EU Special Representative for the Gulf from 1 June 2023 until 28 February 2025.
Categories: European Union

Involving young people in a sustainable future for Europe

Fri, 19/05/2023 - 07:14
The Council has approved conclusions on the social dimension of a sustainable Europe for young people.
Categories: European Union
