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Diplomacy & Crisis News

UN rights expert calls for ceasefire, commitment from all stakeholders to ensure free elections in Central African Republic

UN News Centre - Thu, 27/08/2020 - 22:26
The UN’s expert on human rights in the Central African Republic (CAR) issued a series of recommendations on Wednesday to ensure that citizens – after years of civil unrest – can freely decide the future of their country during presidential elections on 27 December.

Biden Is Getting Ready to Bury Neoliberalism

Foreign Policy - Thu, 27/08/2020 - 22:24
The potential next Democratic administration is preparing to upend decades of dogma on globalization.

The World Is Becoming More Equal

Foreign Affairs - Thu, 27/08/2020 - 21:53
Global inequality continues to shrink as Asian incomes rise and the Western middle class struggles.

Pompeo’s Commission on Unalienable Rights Will Endanger Everyone’s Human Rights

Foreign Policy - Thu, 27/08/2020 - 21:25
The U.S. secretary of state’s commission cherry picks the issues that suit its agenda while undermining international law and threatening LGBT and women’s rights.

Committee to review global treaty on response to health emergencies

UN News Centre - Thu, 27/08/2020 - 21:20
An independent expert committee will be established to examine various aspects of the international treaty that governs preparedness and response to health emergencies, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Thursday. 

Big Tech Embraces New Cold War Nationalism

Foreign Policy - Thu, 27/08/2020 - 20:57
China’s rise has pushed Silicon Valley away from the values it once claimed to hold.

U.S. Halts Some Foreign Assistance Funding to Ethiopia Over Dam Dispute with Egypt, Sudan

Foreign Policy - Thu, 27/08/2020 - 20:41
Some U.S. officials fear the move will harm Washington’s relationship with Addis Ababa.

Deliberate silencing of peaceful voices in Iraq ‘unacceptable’, says UN human rights chief

UN News Centre - Thu, 27/08/2020 - 20:31
A new UN report launched on Thursday highlights human rights violations and abuses that were committed during recent demonstrations in Iraq and calls for immediate action for justice.

Human rights are the ‘means by which governments can successfully beat pandemics’, says UNAIDS chief

UN News Centre - Thu, 27/08/2020 - 18:46
Some of the world’s most marginalized and defenseless communities have fallen victim to violence and other rights abuses during the COVID-19 pandemic, prompting the UN agency dedicated to tackling the AIDS virus to urge Governments to protect the most vulnerable, particularly key populations at higher risk of HIV. 

Russia Runs U.S. Troops Off the Road in Syria

Foreign Policy - Thu, 27/08/2020 - 18:38
Lawmakers and former U.S. military officials criticized the Trump administration for failing to forcefully condemn the Kremlin after several U.S. troops were injured in Syria.

What the Republican National Convention Tells Us About Trump’s Foreign Policy

Foreign Policy - Thu, 27/08/2020 - 17:11
Exaggeration, distortion, spin—that much was expected. More frightening were the things they didn’t say.

Renaissance des pionnières

Le Monde Diplomatique - Thu, 27/08/2020 - 17:06
Oubliées des historiens, les femmes réalisatrices ou scénaristes se comptaient par dizaines au début du XXe siècle, participant à l'âge d'or du cinéma muet. Parmi elles, Lois Weber, qui traitait de la vie quotidienne des Américaines et de sujets sociaux, dont l'essentiel de l'œuvre a brûlé. / Culture, (...) / , , , , , , , - 2020/09

Mémoire d'un septembre noir

Le Monde Diplomatique - Thu, 27/08/2020 - 15:05
Après sa défaite face à Israël, en 1967, le monde arabe connaît d'importants bouleversements politiques. Les différentes factions palestiniennes profitent de ces changements pour accroître la lutte armée contre l'État hébreu. La Jordanie devient leur base arrière et les combattants entrevoient même de (...) / , , , , , , , , , - 2020/09

Togo overcomes ‘sleeping sickness’ as a public health problem

UN News Centre - Thu, 27/08/2020 - 14:55
The West African nation of Togo has eliminated human African trypanosomiasis or “sleeping sickness” as a public health problem, becoming the first in the continent to achieve the milestone, the UN World Health Organization (WHO) has said. 

EU Leaders Meet as Eastern Mediterranean Crisis Deepens

Foreign Policy - Thu, 27/08/2020 - 12:03
Foreign ministers hope to avert a military confrontation, but the dispute will likely fester.

The African Union’s Hypocrisy Undermines Its Credibility

Foreign Policy - Thu, 27/08/2020 - 11:15
The AU’s double standard on lifelong leaders who reject term limits undercuts its moral standing to reject military coups.

Inside Syria’s Secret Coronavirus Crisis

Foreign Policy - Thu, 27/08/2020 - 09:52
The Assad regime is suffering a massive outbreak—and burying the bodies in silence.

Globally, 1 in 3 children missed out on remote learning when COVID-19 shuttered schools

UN News Centre - Thu, 27/08/2020 - 06:31
For at least 463 million children whose schools closed due to COVID-19, “there was no such a thing as remote learning,” the head of the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said on Thursday, as the agency launched a new report outlining the limitations of remote learning and exposing the deep inequalities in access.  

Facing pandemic, economic and political challenges, Iraq Government ‘operating in the eyes of multiple storms at once’

UN News Centre - Wed, 26/08/2020 - 22:39
The COVID-19 pandemic is aggravating deep-rooted economic, social and political challenges in Iraq, but elections in 2021 – if credible - could open a new chapter for the Middle East nation after years of conflict and strife, the UN’s top official in the country said Wednesday. 

UN again calls for full ratification of nuclear test-ban treaty

UN News Centre - Wed, 26/08/2020 - 20:18
Achieving a nuclear-free world is the best way to honour lives devastated by these weapons, the UN disarmament chief told a virtual meeting held on Wednesday to commemorate the International Day against Nuclear Tests, observed annually on 29 August. 
