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Greater global solidarity needed to achieve peace and security for Africa

UN News Centre - Thu, 28/10/2021 - 19:18
The deputy UN chief on Thursday emphasized the “vital importance” of peace and security in Africa, thanking ambassadors in the Security Council for helping the UN shine a spotlight on the issue, and how all Member States can work with the African Union and other regional and sub-regional groups, to make lives more secure across the continent.

World Heritage forests releasing more carbon than they absorb: UNESCO 

UN News Centre - Thu, 28/10/2021 - 18:00
Forests in at least 10 World Heritage sites have become net sources of carbon, due to pressure from human activity and climate change, according to a new report released on Thursday, by the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). 

German Academic Freedom Is Now Decided in Beijing

Foreign Policy - Thu, 28/10/2021 - 17:45
German universities are bowing to China on censorship. That could finally change under the new government.

On Enes Kanter and Politics in Sport

Foreign Policy Blogs - Thu, 28/10/2021 - 17:43

The “Free Tibet” shoes worn by Enes Kanter


Enes Kanter has reemerged on the political stage.

The eleven year NBA veteran made waves after wearing a pair of speakers expressing support for Tibetan independence. The game between Kanter’s Boston Celtics and the New York Knicks was being broadcast around the world, until the feed was abruptly cut off for Chinese consumers by Tencent, the Chinese media conglomerate that is licensed to show NBA games in the Chinese market. On that same day, Kanter posted a three minute video to his twitter feed in which he condemns China’s repression of Tibet, and wore a shirt featuring the Dalai Lama- something that is considered a crime in China.

Despite backlash from Chinese state media, two days after this first public demonstration, Kanter made another post to his twitter in which he highlighted the horrific treatment of the Uyghurs population in China and damned Xi Jinping as a brutal dictator. In the following days, he has continued to make posts directly challenging Xi and condemning the slave labor that he believes takes place in Chinese reeducation camps. 

I highly encourage each of you to listen to Kanter’s statements yourself.

This is far from Kanter’s first serious venture into politics. He has long been a vocal critic of the Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who Kanter considers a dictator, and wears his arrest warrant as a badge of honor. As a consequence of his political activities, Kanter has suffered a tragic personal cost- his father was sent to prison in 2018

Additionally, Kanter has been outspoken regarding his views on American politics. Alongside athletes like Colin Kaepernick and LeBron James, Kanter has participated in protests against racist policing in the United States. Earlier this year, Kanter expressed his support for the Covid-19 vaccine, saying that players have a responsibility to be role models and work to promote public health. 

In order to understand what makes Kanter’s public statements on China so interesting, it is important that we understand the tremendous popularity of the NBA in China. Over 500 million Chinese watched an NBA game last year, and the sport has seen tremendous growth following the popularity of stars like Kobe Bryant, Steph Curry, and Yao Ming in China’s domestic market.

Despite the nationalistic rubmilings that appeared on social media in the wake of Kanter’s comments on Xi’s regime, there is reason to believe that the Chinese people continue to love the NBA and its biggest stars. Some 40 million Chinese fans play the NBA 2k basketball video game, and video recordings from NBA games held in Chinese arenas suggest major fan support.

Given the huge support (through both fans and finances) for the NBA in China, and given the wide-reaching censorship employed by the Chinese government, Kanter’s public position could present a problem for both the CCP and the National Basketball Association. China’s dedicated NBA fans will surely notice that all Boston Celtics games have been removed from their servers, and even in the face of Chinese misinformation many fans will become aware of the censorship. More than that, the NBA stands to lose some $1.5 billion in broadcast rights alone over the next five years if China were to completely ban the showing of NBA games. Kanter’s tweets and sneakers have certainly put a lot of very important people on their toes- this is the benefit of speaking truth to power.

Given Kanter’s consistent support for other types of social justice issues, the NBA, Nike, and other groups that do business with China will have a difficult time ignoring his criticism of their behavior. Dismissing Kanter as a consequence of this particular set of political activities -condemning China- would highlight the inconsistency that groups may have regarding their commitment to human rights- like support for Black Lives Matter.

All of this takes place in the foreground to the 2022 Winter Olympics which will be held in China. There are real questions about how the repressive elements of the CCP will respond to athletes who have become increasingly outspoken about social justice and human dignity. Should China respond in traditional “Wolf Warrior” diplomacy fashion to Kanter’s comments, other athletes will surely take notice, and hopefully work to resist the attempt at censorship. 

Politics and sports have long been interconnected. Jackie Robbinson, Jesse Owens, Tommie Smith and John Carlos, Muhammad Ali, Colin Kaepernick and now Enes Kanter, there is tremendous power when public figures use their platforms to fight against injustice and repression. Kanter’s ongoing activism protesting the cruelty of Xi’s government in China is the next leg in this proud legacy.



Please join the Foreign Policy Association today, October 28th, in welcoming Mr. Carl Gershman, who was President of the National Endowment for Democracy from its foundation in 1984 until 2021. Mr. Gershman will be delivering the annual John B. Hurford Memorial Lecturetitled, “Reflections on NED’s Past and Democracy’s Future”.  If you are interested, please register for the event here



Peter Scaturro is the Director of Studies at the Foreign Policy Association


12 Million Angry Men

Foreign Policy - Thu, 28/10/2021 - 17:11
The Taliban promised justice. They are hard-pressed to provide it.

Green industrial policies key for climate adaptation in developing world

UN News Centre - Thu, 28/10/2021 - 17:07
Green industrial policies will be critical for developing countries to adapt to climate change, UN trade and development body UNCTAD said in a report published on Thursday. 

UN commits to long-term support for Afghan mothers and newborns: Najaba’s story

UN News Centre - Thu, 28/10/2021 - 16:45
The delivery of reproductive health services, including safe childbirth, has been seriously impacted in Afghanistan, due to the turmoil surrounding the Taliban takeover of the country.  Najaba, 36, has experienced firsthand how the dangers of pregnancy, collided with rising insecurity, according to the UN reproductive and maternal health agency, UNFPA, which continues to provide lifesaving services on the ground.

Will Biden Push Back After Israel Labeled Rights Groups Terrorists?

Foreign Policy - Thu, 28/10/2021 - 15:46
Israeli officials come to Washington to justify a decision that has been roundly condemned by the international community.

‘You Live With a Degree of Paranoia’

Foreign Policy - Thu, 28/10/2021 - 13:08
Inside North Korea’s campaign to penetrate the U.N. sanctions experts’ wall of secrecy.

The UN News COP26 climate quiz

UN News Centre - Thu, 28/10/2021 - 06:05
How well do you know the UN climate conference and the big issues under discussion? Here’s your chance to test your knowledge, with our UN News climate action quiz (answers at the bottom of the page).

Victims of human trafficking being ‘punished and stigmatized’ 

UN News Centre - Wed, 27/10/2021 - 23:09
Victims of trafficking by terrorist groups are too often being punished instead of protected, a human rights expert warned the General Assembly this Wednesday. 

Syria: Progress still possible, following ‘disappointment’ over constitutional talks

UN News Centre - Wed, 27/10/2021 - 22:59
Although the outcome of the latest meeting of the Syrian Constitutional Committee was “a disappointment”, members must continue their vital work, the UN Special Envoy for the country said in a briefing to the Security Council on Wednesday. 

Latin America and Caribbean sees COVID-19 progress, but must remain vigilant

UN News Centre - Wed, 27/10/2021 - 20:03
More than half the population of Latin America and the Caribbean has not been vaccinated against COVID-19, a senior official with the regional arm of UN health agency WHO said on Wednesday. 

Peacekeeping chief encouraged by ‘warming’ relations between Sudan and South Sudan over Abyei 

UN News Centre - Wed, 27/10/2021 - 19:52
The Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations told the Security Council on Wednesday that he was encouraged by a thaw in relations between South Sudan and Sudan, now that both have established national committees on the question of Abyei, the disputed oil-rich border territory claimed by both countries.  

Les générations manga

Le Monde Diplomatique - Wed, 27/10/2021 - 17:10
C'est un triomphe. Depuis que le manga a commencé à se faire connaître en France, il y a une trentaine d'années, il n'en finit pas de prospérer et se diversifier. Si le pays d'Astérix est le deuxième « consommateur » du genre — après le Japon —, il s'y développe peu à peu une création spécifique. / (...) / , , , , , , , - 2021/11

Pandemic impact on jobs, worse than expected: ILO 

UN News Centre - Wed, 27/10/2021 - 16:28
The jobs recovery is stalled worldwide and disparities between advanced and developing economies threaten the whole global economy, warned the International Labour Organization (ILO) on Wednesday.  

Act swiftly and with determination on Afghanistan, UN chief urges

UN News Centre - Wed, 27/10/2021 - 16:19
Countries must unite and act urgently to secure stability in Afghanistan, and a better future for its people, UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in a video message on Wednesday to a regional conference of the country’s neighbours, organized by Iran.  

In breach of diplomatic protocol; ‘don’t choose extinction’ dinosaur urges world leaders 

UN News Centre - Wed, 27/10/2021 - 06:35
In a UN first, a ferocious and talkative dinosaur bursts into the iconic General Assembly Hall at UN Headquarters in New York, with a special warning for any diplomats who still think climate action is for the birds.  

World Leadership Forum

Foreign Policy Blogs - Tue, 26/10/2021 - 22:57


Please join the Foreign Policy Association in welcoming Mr. Carl Gershman, who was President of the National Endowment for Democracy from its foundation in 1984 until 2021. Mr. Gershman will be delivering the annual John B. Hurford Memorial Lecture titled, “Reflections on NED’s Past and Democracy’s Future”.  If you are interested, please register for the event here

In August, U.S. President Joe Biden announced his administration’s plan to host the “Summit for Democracy” with the first one set to take place from December 9th through 10th of this year, and the second to take place the same time in 2022. The summit will focus on challenges and opportunities facing democracies and will provide a platform for leaders to make both individual and collective commitments to defend democracy and human rights at home and abroad. With democracy around the world under threat, we are pleased to welcome Carl Gershman, who has championed democracy as the first president of the National Endowment for Democracy. Mr. Gershman will share his story on the founding of the NED and his work for nearly three decades as its president, as well as the important role the NED serves in protecting and fostering democracy around the world. 

Guterres calls again for detained leaders’ release after Sudan coup

UN News Centre - Tue, 26/10/2021 - 22:36
UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Tuesday renewed his call for the immediate release of all those detained in the military coup in Sudan, as the Security Council meets behind closed doors in New York to discuss the crisis. 
