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Workshop: Doing Business with European Security and Defence Bodies

EDA News - Sun, 16/06/2013 - 10:11
On 12 June 2012, the European Defence Agency together with the Austrian Ministry of Defence and Sports and the Austrian Defence and Security Industry Association was hosting a workshop on Doing Business with European Security and Defence Bodies in Vienna.
The workshop targeting governmental and industrial representatives from Austria and the Visegrad countries brought together European customers and suppliers in the field of security and defence and provided specific guidance to industries on how to successfully engage with defence and security related entities in Europe. Speakers included the Austrian Armaments Director, LtGen Freyo Apfalter, the EDA’s Armaments Director, Giampaolo Lillo and NSPA’s Director of Procurement, Patrick Fesquet, as well as high-level representatives of the European Commission, Frontex, Athena and OCCAr.
The workshop tackled different fields of the European Security and Defence Market, including Security Research, Defence R&T, European Development Programmes and Off-the-Shelf Purchases of both goods and services, which are increasingly conducted through common or centralised procurement by or through EU bodies.
Co-organiser Karl-Heinz Dernoschegg from the Austrian Defence and Security Industry Association stated at the end of the event that this was a perfect way to bridge the gap between supply and demand in the area of defence and security. He continued by saying that his association would be happy to host events of this kind on a more regular basis and considers this a very good model for other countries and associations to follow.


Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Work on Cyber Ranges Initiated

EDA News - Fri, 07/06/2013 - 14:53
On 30 May, Austria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Finland, and the Netherlands signed a letter of intent to work towards the Pooling & Sharing of available and future resources for cyber defence training, exercise and testing. The project, called cyber ranges, aims at maintaining and improving cyber resilience as well as the levels of awareness, insight and expertise of personnel Member States. 
By signing the letter of intent, the Member States confirmed to participate and cooperate in the development of a Common Staff Target which will for example determine the functional requirements for cyber ranges. These requirements will have to be agreed by the EDA Steering Board at a later stage. The initiative on cyber ranges has also been recommended by the recently presented EDA cyber defence landscaping study as a viable opportunity with respect to the practical implementation of Pooling and Sharing.
Cyber ranges are multipurpose environments supporting three primary process: knowledge development, assurance and dissemination. Under the Pooling & Sharing initiative, cyber ranges may consist of three complementary functionality packages: Cyber Research Range, Cyber Simulation & Test Range as well as Cyber Training & Exercise Range. 


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Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Hughes OH-6 Cayuse - Mon, 06/05/2013 - 03:40

American Hughes OH-6 Cayuse Light Observation Helicopter
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Otokar Tulpar - Sat, 04/05/2013 - 09:40

Turkish Tulpar Infantry Fighting Vehicle
Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Workshop on Biological Threat Detection Standards

EDA News - Fri, 03/05/2013 - 09:19

On 15 April the European Defence Agency organised a workshop on test and evaluation (T&E) standards for chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear defence (CBRN) detection under the auspices of the Irish Presidency.

Participants from national ministries of defence, industry and research organisations/universities attended the event which focused on T&E equipment standards for biological threat detection as dealt with in the EDA project T&E BIODIM.

Conclusions of the workshop are:

  • The need for standards / harmonisation and common agreed protocols/standards for Test and Evaluation of (B) detection equipment was confirmed;
  • The EDA project T&E BIODIM will form the backbone for further developments in this area;
  • Civ-Mil synergies are recognised and will be elaborated between the Agency and the European Commission under the European Framework Cooperation;
  • Recent EC workshop on Standards Mandate in JRC ISPRA confirmed high priority for test and evaluation/detection standards;
  • Common agreed EU protocols/ standards  will create a win-win situation for end-users and industry:
    • For end-users in terms of interoperability (mil-mil, civ-civ and civ-mil) and  sensor network capabilities;
    • For industry in terms of cost reduction and level playing field and clarity on parameters they are tested against.
  • “Live (= real)” agent testing for identification equipment/ procedures is needed.


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Categories: Defence`s Feeds

Mack Granite - Sat, 27/04/2013 - 01:00

American Mack Granite Heavy Utility Truck
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Lockheed AH-56 Cheyenne - Sat, 27/04/2013 - 00:45

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Sukhoi Su-37 Flanker-E - Fri, 19/04/2013 - 05:55

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Categories: Defence`s Feeds
