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European Union

Shell sets out its stall in climate case appeal - Wed, 03/04/2024 - 20:19
Shell is battling to persuade judges in The Hague to reverse a court ruling ordering significant reductions in climate-warming greenhouse gas emissions.
Categories: European Union

NATO allies aim to finalise Ukraine military support plan by July summit - Wed, 03/04/2024 - 20:18
NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on Wednesday (3 April) confirmed that the military alliance's members will look into the organisation taking a greater coordination role in military aid deliveries to Ukraine, but stayed wary of giving way to a new fund.
Categories: European Union

French Senators blame Macron government for long delay in adopting SREN digital bill - Wed, 03/04/2024 - 18:23
French Senators blamed the government for the eight-months freeze by the European Commission of the legislative process on a digital bill, considering that the government failed to prepare the bill efficiently.
Categories: European Union

[Podcast] Turkish elections, anti-Zionist bank freeze, Schengen neophytes - Wed, 03/04/2024 - 18:19
Talking through Sparkasse's freeze of an anti-Zionist peace organisation, Turkey's election, German weed and Schengen neophytes.
Categories: European Union

EU and US look to attract developing countries into critical raw materials partnership - Wed, 03/04/2024 - 17:12
The EU and US are enticing developing countries into a partnership that looks to align measures on the supply of critical raw materials, a Commission official said on Wednesday (3 April). 
Categories: European Union

20 years of Czechia in the EU

Ideas on Europe Blog - Wed, 03/04/2024 - 16:56

©European Union

Every Monday, a member of the international academic association ‘UACES’ will address a current topic linked to their research on euradio.


Listen to the podcast on eu!radio.



Petr Kaniok, you are professor of political science at the Masaryk University of Brno, beautiful city in the South-East of the Czech Republic. And you recall the moment when your country became a member of the European Union, twenty years ago, on the 1st of May 2004.

May 2004 – that is a long time ago! Twenty years is a small step for mankind, but it is a remarkable period for one person. Anyway, I still remember what I did and what the atmosphere was in the society. Why? Because this time was very special, vibrant and unique.


What were you doing at that time?

I was about to complete my first year of doctoral studies in the political science programme at Masaryk University. The exact location is important – the faculty was new, established in the late 1990s – there were no real “social sciences” in Czechia before the 1989 Velvet Revolution. Everything had to be built up from scratch – political science and subsequently European studies. So, I remember that even that being admitted to the political science branch, already during the first year I moved – surprise, surprise! – to the newly founded Department of International Relations and European Studies. And started my first research and PhD project there.


Had you always been interested in the European Union?

Yes, my move was not an accident. Even though I graduated from political science, I was interested in the EU politics already there. My master thesis had been about the EU Council presidency – a detail no one cared about at that time – apart from me!

To be honest – there was no great knowledge on the EU prior to accession. Both the people and the politicians perceived membership as a goal, a potential gate to heaven. Once I read the biblical metaphor of the “EU as the land of milk and honey” – and this is, I think, a very accurate description of the atmosphere in Czech society at the time. The EU was first and foremost perceived as a way to modernize the country. Particularly in economic terms – the EU was seen as a river of quick and easy money that would change everything and would make people richer. There was a dream of having the same salaries as people in Germany, the same living standards. But no one talked about or even mentioned the duties, possible problems or challenges that such a membership inevitably is associated with. Because no one knew, or no one believed this was important.


So how was the awakening?

The years after the accession was a kind of adapting to normality. Seeking for membership in a club is a different thing than being a member. This transformation happened both to Czech society and me personally.

People, as well as the politicians, had to absorb the first shocks. In particular, responsibility and activity – for example, the famous 2009 Czech EU Council Presidency, which the Czech government framed as “giving lectures and lessons to the EU”, but ended with the domestic collapse of the government and the change of prime minister in the middle of the presidency.

Or the famous EU funds which, as they were used in Czechia, quite quickly transformed into “toxic money” associated with corruption, scandals, and frauds. Both the people and the politicians started to realize – very slowly, sometimes without success – that the EU will not etake care of us”. We have to take care of the EU, as we are, more or less, the EU.

For me personally, the process was less dramatic but sometimes painful as well. Being a student and subsequently a young researcher operating mostly in a domestic context is something different than facing the EU context, EU-wide cooperation and EU-wide competition.


What conclusion do you draw at the end of these twenty years?

In a nutshell: “no pain, no gain!” I think that despite the bumpy road during the 20 years of the Czech EU membership, we are on today on a good track and the country – and I personally – benefit from the membership. It is not just about the new highways or hospitals built across the country. What I see is more cooperation, more communication, more openness and more willingness to take our own responsibilities.


Thank you very much, Petr Kaniok, for sharing both your personal testimony and your analysis as professor of political science at Masaryk University, in the beautiful city of Brno.

The post 20 years of Czechia in the EU appeared first on Ideas on Europe.

Categories: European Union

Pro-transparency groups demand probe into German MEP - Wed, 03/04/2024 - 16:37
Pro-transparency groups are demanding scrutiny into conflict of interests allegations of Markus Ferber, a centre-right MEP from Germany.
Categories: European Union

Eurozone inflation fall defies projections, buoying hopes of ECB interest rate cuts - Wed, 03/04/2024 - 16:11
Eurozone inflation dropped from 2.6% in February to 2.4% in March: just 0.4 percentage points above the European Central Bank's target rate.
Categories: European Union

Softening stance? French far-left party hints at supporting NATO in case of attack - Wed, 03/04/2024 - 15:55
The French far-left La France Insoumise (LFI) would be in favour of France providing help to a NATO country attacked by Russia, its lead candidate, Manon Aubry, told national public radio on Wednesday (3 April), hinting at a softening of the party's long-lasting anti-NATO stance.
Categories: European Union

MEPs give teeth to Parliament's anti-harassment training - Wed, 03/04/2024 - 15:55
With 15 votes in favour, nine against and no abstentions, MEPs agreed to introduce concrete sanctions for any elected office-holder who fails to complete mandatory anti-harassment training within the first six months of their mandate.
Categories: European Union

Bulgaria using Turkish Stream pipeline as a geopolitical weapon, reveals Borissov - Wed, 03/04/2024 - 15:39
Bulgaria has introduced the special gas tax on the transmission of Russian gas through Turkish Stream to punish Austria for its Schengen opposition, the leader of Bulgaria's largest party GERB Boyko Borissov announced on Wednesday (3 April).
Categories: European Union

EU launches subsidy probe into Chinese solar PV firms - Wed, 03/04/2024 - 14:09
The European Union has launched a probe into whether subsidies allowed Chinese firms to submit unfair bids for the construction of a Romanian solar panel park, in the second application of a new trade protection law in one week. 
Categories: European Union

Media Partnership – Shaping the future of healthcare in Europe: looking ahead to the new EU political cycle - Wed, 03/04/2024 - 13:30
As we approach the beginning of a new EU institutional cycle, marked by the election of a new European Parliament and the start of a new Commission mandate and European Council Strategic agenda for 2024-2029, the future of healthcare in Europe is at a crossroads.
Categories: European Union

The EU’s proposed cloud sovereignty bears risks for Europe and the world - Wed, 03/04/2024 - 12:28
It is critical that the European Union Cybersecurity Certification Scheme for Cloud Services (EUCS) remains technology-neutral, risk-based, and focused on concrete cybersecurity outcomes, writes Pascal Kerneis.
Categories: European Union

New French agricultural law puts food sovereignty on an equal footing with environmental protections - Wed, 03/04/2024 - 12:12
The draft law on agricultural sovereignty and the renewal of generations in agriculture, presented to the government on Wednesday (3 April), makes sovereignty a "structuring" element of public policy, on a par with the environment.
Categories: European Union

Press release - Conflict and harassment in the workplace: towards mandatory training for MEPs

European Parliament (News) - Wed, 03/04/2024 - 11:35
The Committee on Constitutional Affairs endorsed changes to internal rules to tackle workplace conflicts and promote good office management.
Committee on Constitutional Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
Categories: European Union

Press release - Conflict and harassment in the workplace: towards mandatory training for MEPs

European Parliament - Wed, 03/04/2024 - 11:35
The Committee on Constitutional Affairs endorsed changes to internal rules to tackle workplace conflicts and promote good office management.
Committee on Constitutional Affairs

Source : © European Union, 2024 - EP
Categories: European Union

EU countries provide billions of euros in aid to agri-food sector amid farmer protests - Wed, 03/04/2024 - 11:13
European Union member states have spent billions of euros supporting agricultural and food industries over the past two years, following a temporary relaxation of the bloc's state aid rules to help businesses cope with the impact of Russia's war in Ukraine.
Categories: European Union

EU says bird flu ‘spillover’ is unlikely but stricter surveillance recommended - Wed, 03/04/2024 - 11:00
After a case of transmission from cattle to a dairy worker in the US, the risk of infection for humans remains low but vigilance must stay high, the European Commission and EU agencies on health and food safety told Euractiv.
Categories: European Union
